Performance Goals and Expectations

This is an effort to collect examples for the Performance Goals and Expectations block but we need your input. Examples received will be listed below.

19D Section Sergeant

The major performance and objective goals include maintaining accountability of all personnel and equipment, reintegrating the Brigade back from forward operations, training junior soldiers in basic fundamental taskings, mentoring junior NCOs for future progression, and increasing overall fitness standards as a platoon.

46V Visual Information Specialist

As a Visual Information Specialist, I am expected to exceed the standard of my MOS capabilities and multi-media products, exceed the standards on the ACFT, aid the commander's intent, lead by example, be accountable for up to $50,000 worth of camera equipment, ensure MEDPROS and annual trainings of my Solider(s) and myself are up to date, and stay current on my jumps.

As a Visual Information Specialist, it is my goal to aid my junior Soldier(s) to the best of my ability, achieve a 600 on the ACFT, exceed the standard on my multi-media products, coordinate training such as photography and graphic design classes, conduct a brief on what my capabilities are and how I can be utilized, develop or improve unit cohesion and morale, go to a technical and tactical school (IMC/Air Assault), and continue taking college courses.

H2F Clinic NCOIC

As the H2F clinic NCOIC, I will:

-demonstrate exemplary leadership by consistently embodying the Army Values in all actions and decisions
-create a cohesive and disciplined work environment of mutual respect and camaraderie within the H2F team
-collaborate with superiors, peers, and subordinates to ensure productivity and efficiency in the workplace
-establish partnerships with other units to optimize soldier readiness with joint efforts of all H2F domains
-assume accountability for both the achievements and setbacks of the team
-maintain composure under pressure; display adaptability and swift decision-making in challenging situations
-seek professional guidance and constructive input from all team members to ensure continuous improvement
-communicate mission objectives, expectations, and feedback to the junior enlisted soldiers through counseling
-entrust responsibilities to junior soldiers to challenge them and develop future noncommissioned officers
-lead by example in meeting physical fitness standards and achieving both career progression and personal goals

Battalion CSM

As the Senior NCO, I am expected to be fully integrated with all units, leaders, and Soldiers so as to appropriately inform the Commander on all matters. Maintain continuous communication with the Units. Develop senior and junior NCOs to not only lead, but to also care for their Soldiers and families. Build resiliency in leaders by holding them accountable, push when there is opportunity and relax before they break. Always enforce standards and discipline. Always promote dignity and respect. Development of NCOs and Officers through open door, on-the-spot corrections, and informal discussions. Advocate for Soldiers to the Commander and advocate the Commander's intent to the Soldiers. Create programs and opportunities that drive inclusion and a cohesive unit culture.

Religious Affairs NCO

As the sole enlisted member of the UMT and Religious Affairs NCO of my section, I am expected to operate interchangeably with the Chaplain in staff functions and all non-clergical Religious Support operations, as well as deliver expert advice to the Commander and Command Sergeant Major as it pertains to my field. As the NCOIC of the UMT I have the unique responsibility of tracking and maintaining tactical capabilities for the UMT, to include equipment and personnel.

Team Leader

As a team leader he is expected to teach values and expectations of his fire team. He takes responsibility for accomplishments and failures of his fire team. He instills the unit's history, performance and readiness into lower enlisted. Delegates responsibly to challenge junior Soldiers and develop future leaders. Establishes partnerships and works as a team with other squads to accomplish the mission.

15T MEDEVAC Crewchief

As an NCO and 15T MEDEVAC Crewchief, I am expected to set the example by demonstrating discipline, maintaining a professional working environment, as well as observing and enforcing Army standards. Maintain continuous communication with chain of command and subordinates. Stay flexible to accomplish the multiple MEDEVAC missions and lead by example.

Section Chief

As Section Chief, you are expected to:
- accept responsibility for the mission
- enforce fitness and behavior standards
- maintain a professional working environment
- keep Section members up to date on training
- manage scheduling and meet section responsibilities
- supervise Soldiers in the performance of their duties
- enforce Army policies on sexual harassment in the work place
- accomplish organizational goals and maintain readiness to deploy
- follow up with supported units to identify areas needing improvement
- delegate responsibly to challenge junior Soldiers and develop future leaders
- maintain continuous communication with chain of command and subordinates
- demonstrate leader competencies and attributes appropriate for a Section Chief
- establish partnerships and work with other Sections to accomplish the mission
- support the Commander's policies and the unit by participating in unit activities
- counsel Soldiers on advancement and ensure the safety and welfare of all members

68C Practical Nursing Specialist

As an NCO and 68C Practical Nurse, I am expected to set the example by demonstrating discipline, maintaining a professional hospital environment, maintaining physical condition, and upholding and enforcing all Army standards. I maintain continuous communication with the chain of command, subordinates, and hospital staff to ensure smooth operations and effective patient care. I stay adaptable and informed to meet the demands of various hospital procedures and lead by example in all professional activities. I complete required Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for my MOS and maintain my BLS/ ACLS/ HIPAA/ NRP/ STABLE certification to keep my professional credentials current for working Labor and Delivery Unit, maintain my LVN licensure, and ensure compliance with Army regulations.

68W Medic

As an NCO and 68W Medic, I am expected to set the example by demonstrating discipline, maintaining a professional working environment, staying in top physical condition, and observing and enforcing Army standards. Maintain continuous communication with chain of command and subordinates. Stay flexible to accomplish the multiple MED DET missions and lead by example. I am expected to complete my annual CEUs for my MOS and maintain my CPR/BLS/AED certification in order to renew my NREMT on time.

68E Dental Specialist

As an NCO and 68E Dental Specialist, I am expected to set the example by demonstrating discipline, maintaining a professional dental environment, staying in excellent physical condition, and upholding and enforcing Army standards. I maintain continuous communication with the chain of command and subordinates to ensure smooth operations and effective patient care. I stay adaptable to meet the demands of various dental procedures and lead by example in all professional activities. Additionally, I complete required Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for my MOS and maintain my CPR/BLS/AED certification to keep my professional credentials current and ensure compliance with Army regulations.

Platoon Sergeant

Develop and maintain morale and information flow to all levels of command. Hold senior command entities to a high standard of soldier care. Develop junior NCOs to not only lead maintenance but to also care for their soldiers and families' well being, both mentally and physically. Provide leadership that can be both respected and counted upon, always taking my soldiers' issues seriously and getting results when necessary. Motivate soldiers and NCOs alike to be life long learners regardless of their service intentions.

Culinary NCOIC

I strive to be the best Culinary NCOIC I can be in the 10th ESC HHC, by setting and achieving goals of self-improvement and professional development with exceeding standards. Within the unit I support, advise the commander, 1SG, and other unit leadership on Food Service Operations as the unit's Culinary NCOIC. I support the Commander's policies and the unit, by participating in all activities and mission event requirements; I maintain continuous communication with chain of command and subordinates to increase unit morale. I continuously make on the spot corrections to eliminate deficiencies in the DFAC, from equipment to personnel, to promote a safe working environment. I provide guidance and support to all my culinary specialist team members on providing high quality meals and providing the resources required to set my team up for success.

Administrative NCO

As an Administrative NCO, I am expected to exceed the standards for:
Accomplishing organization goals by maintaining readiness to deploy and provide working, on-time communications to the Platoons. Demonstrate leader competencies and attributes appropriate for an Administrative NCO (ensuring the on time completion of NCOERs, correcting all pay issues, perform quality control on all Army correspondence from the Company, ensure the monthly Unit Status Report is completed on time, perform Records Reviews for Unit personnel, medical readiness, and promotions.

Accept responsibility for shortcomings and follow up with Soldiers to identify areas needing improvement. Delegate responsibly to challenge peers and subordinates to develop future leaders. Support the Commander's policies and the Unit. Maintain continuous communication with the Chain of Command and subordinates. Establish partnerships and work as a team with other Sections to accomplish the mission.

Brigade SHARP Victim Advocate (VA)

As the Brigade SHARP Victim Advocate (VA) I need to enhance Army readiness and the Brigade SHARP program through education, outreach, and advocacy. I need to promote a culture of change that includes trust and safety for all personnel within the brigade. I will ensure the SHARP program is actively conducting outreach events and activities throughout the year. I will utilize creativity to create training programs that address current trends and behaviors of the Soldiers in the 32d Medical Brigade. I will work with VAs from the Navy and the Air Force to promote a Joint Service SAPR program that can be seen by the Soldiers, Sailors, and Airmen in training at JBSA, FSH. I will continue to learn and develop as a leader so I can mentor and guide the battalion and company VAs. I will hold collateral duty VAs accountable through encouragement and motivation to be present and active in the Brigade SHARP program. I will maintain systems to track VA training and certifications. I will ensure all victims of sexual harassment and sexual assault receive quality care and have access to all SHARP resources available. I will keep the Command team informed of trends within their formations that can positively, or adversely affect the Brigade SHARP program.

Senior Instructor

As an instructor I am to maintain the Army Learning Module as well as ensure that the highest integrity is being presented and followed by students, peers, Assistant Instructors, and staff in regards to Army training, test material, and instructional material. I am to present clearly defined sets of goals and requirements for both the student expectations and the instructional materials, ensure that the flow of the lesson material is consistent and structured consistently throughout the course. Ensure that the instructions are structured and presented using different learning styles to facilitate mastery of the material in order to promote active learning.

Platoon Leader

- delegate responsibly to challenge junior Soldiers and develop future leaders
- support the Commander's policies and the unit by participating in unit activities
- maintain continuous communication with chain of command and subordinates
- establish partnerships and work as a team with other platoons to accomplish the mission

Career Counselor

Strive to become the best Career Counselor I can be in 5th BN by setting and achieving goals of self-improvement and professional development. Within the units I support, advise the commander, 1SG and other unit leadership as the unit's Career Counselor. Assist and guide the development of all NCOs using the S.T.E.P (Select Train Educate Promote) system. Improve area 2's functionality through mentoring and training for all AGR and TPU career counselors. Provide unmatched support to the team, BN, ARCD and the US Army Reserve. Recruit and promote the 79V career field to all Soldiers who are passionate about soldier care and development.

First Sergeant

Strive to become the best First Sergeant I can be in 330th Movement Control Battalion by setting and achieving goals of self-improvement, and professional development. Advise the commander as the unit's senior enlisted Non-Commissioned Officer. Develop all NCOs using the S.T.E.P (Select Train Educate Promote) system. Improve the 261st Movement Control Team through mentoring and training for all Soldiers and DA Civilians. Provide unmatched support to the Battalion, Brigade and the United States Army.

Information Technology Operations

Sustain unit information technology operations systems and processes; Enable subordinates to achieve commander's physical fitness goals of an APFT average of 250; Develop MOS Proficiency Program; Mentor junior leaders through supervising counseling development program; enable the GC3T to achieve G-6 objectives through accomplishment of key collective tasks; support Army SHARP and EO programs while creating and enforcing a non-hostile environment for all Soldiers and Civilians.

Ranking NCO

As the ranking NCO, I am expected to set the example by demonstrating discipline, maintaining a professional working environment, staying in top physical condition, and observing and enforcing Army standards. Accept responsibility for mission and follow up with supported units to identify areas needing improvement. Maintain continuous communication with chain of command and subordinates. Ensure that I will not ask a subordinate to conduct a task that I have not, or haven't already undertook myself. Lead from the front.

Platoon/Team Leader

As Platoon Leader, you are expected to meet or exceed the standards for:
- accomplishing organizational goals (maintain readiness to deploy and provide working, on-time communications to units we support)
- demonstrating leader competencies and attributes appropriate for a Platoon Leader (keep Platoon members up to date on training, manage scheduling, meet section responsibilities, enforce fitness and behavior standards, supervise Soldiers in the performance of their duties, counsel Soldiers on advancement and ensure the safety and welfare of all members)
- as the ranking NCO, are expected to set the example by demonstrating discipline, maintaining a professional working environment, and observing and enforcing Army policies on sexual harassment in the work place
- accept responsibility for mission and follow up with supported units to identify areas needing improvement
- delegate responsibly to challenge junior Soldiers and develop future leaders
- support the Commander's policies and the unit by participating in unit activities
- maintain continuous communication with chain of command and subordinates
- establish partnerships and work as a team with other platoons to accomplish the mission

Section Member/Signal Support Specialist

As a member of the section, you are expected to meet or exceed the standards described for a 25U10 Soldier:

Install, operate, and maintain radio and data distribution systems. Maintain selected electronic devices. Perform Signal support functions to include providing technical assistance and training for user owned and operated automation and communications equipment. Prepare maintenance and supply requests for unit level Signal support. Operate and perform PMCS on assigned vehicles. Install, operate, and perform PMCS on power generators.

As a Signal Support Specialist, you are expected to become competent in your assigned duties and to advance in your troubleshooting and repair capabilities; strive for 100% qualification on METL within 1 year of arrival; look for opportunities to learn; identify task qualification shortages and become qualified in them.

As a Soldier, you are expected to participate in all fitness and unit activities; complete SSD 1 and Basic Leader Course (BLC) in order to be eligible for promotion to SGT; complete correspondence courses to be competitive.

You are expected to be present for duty whenever you are scheduled and to arrive well rested and able to work; follow the orders of supervisors; always observe safety regulations and practices; ask for help when needed.

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