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o served as Satellite Transportable Terminal (STT) Operator and supported the 101st ABN DIV 1BCT Network Operator and assisted other Battalions troubleshooting the STT
o restored five high priority circuits terminating at the Fort Buckner Gateway; key to 99% reliability rate
o coordinated with Harris and four Squad leaders in the quarterly maintenance of 13 large parabolic antennas; maintained equipment integrity
o performed 37 beam movements in support of the units located within the 5th Fleet AoR; ensured reliable and seamless communications
o troubleshot 15 UHF and 23 EHF circuits to minimize disruptions in the unit's ability to communicate; sustained 99.9% uptime rate
o performed 122 COMSEC material inventories; supported secure communications for 4 NMT terminals, 2 FOTs, and 13 UHF radios
o completed 128 COMSEC inventories; ensured no discrepancies in accountabilty of items listed
o conducted and assisted with 200 hours of watch floor training resulting in 17 soldiers qualifying in their watchstanding duties
o performed an in chop for a CSG; provided EHF services in the 5th Fleet AOR that consisted of 25 nets
o coordinated with the tech control team to provide around the clock assistance
o demonstrated a high level of motivation despite the challenges of conducting continuous operations in a forward deployed, austere environment
o overcame a lack of usable spare parts and frequent generator failures that caused additional damages to network equipment; ensured all links were continuously operational
o performed 1,200 maintenance actions on six Ground Control Stations valued at $100 million; supported 1,200 training hours during 250 sorties which generated 17 deployment-ready aircrews
o provided 100% uptime for strategic circuits terminating at Fort Buckner Satellite Communications Facility
o volunteered for SATCOM technician exchange program; built relationship between Army and Navy, increased circuit reliability and fostered a one-mission, one-team culture
o coordinated 6 satellite link cutover events supporting 3 Carrier Strike Groups including one tri-carrier operations event; enabled C2 for 878 Navy SATCOM missions within the 7th Fleet AO
o generated a quick reference guide for STT operations that is being utilized by all STT operators in the BDE
o SPC Zaywoysky validated three AN/TSC-167 Phoenix Satellite Systems ISO Bravo Co, 44th Expeditionary Signal Battalion without supervision
o participated in 11 high visibility JCS Emergency Action Message Readiness Exercises conducted by USAFE, USEUCOM and STRATCOM
o ensured the Commander's EUCOM Liaison Cell (CLC) maintained a 100% mission success rate
o validated equipment for the 62D Expeditionary Signal Battalion deployment readiness
o provided DSCS Anomaly Response Support; collaborated with 4SOPS through Level 31 SART, stabilized uncontrolled tumble and restored satellite and telemetry stream
o set up and managed secure accounts for American and foreign forces; established future continuity for BICES network in Camp Kossei, Chad
o her management skills were key in the recording of all systems defaults and solutions to provide for a complete troubleshooting history (25S20)
o assigned as Team Leader in the repair and implementation of a defective Satellite Terminal to Mission Capable (25S20)
o accomplished an impressive 98% Satellite Transportable Terminal connection time during multiple Field Training Exercises and in preparation for JOAX
o maintained continuous traffic on NC2 communication systems by ensuring all mission-required satellite communication systems remained above standards in accordance with EUCOM and DISA standards
o contributed to the Brigade’s overall success during MCSI Phase I through III and JOAX
o assisted in the initial implementation of the ETC Common Operational Picture site which enhanced the staff's situational awareness
o as senior 25S, maintained the Satellite Transportable Terminal (STT) for the Main Brigade Joint Network Node (JNN)
o supervised and monitored the flow of data in the network; isolated cause of outage to bad HSD card in multiplexer; restored in minutes
o ensured that the Satellite Transportable Terminal was maintained to standard and always operational and ready for deployment
o served as a member of CPN team 79518 during the 12 CAB CPX and ensured 412th ASB was fully operational with minimum interruptions in data and voice services
o his attention to detail guaranteed that all vehicles and comm equipment were well maintained and ready throughout the mission
o took every opportunity to gain knowledge on his own equipment, the JNN, ASIPS radios, or other Signal equipment that would help accomplish future missions more expediently
o sustained critical communications for a Tactical Signal company