Combat Medic NCOER Bullets

See also: Air Force Independent Duty Medical Technician (IDMT) Examples

See also: Navy Independent Duty Corpsman (IDC) Examples

Operations NCOIC

o effectively oversaw the TAMIS program, maintaining 100% accountability for over 220,000 rounds of ammunition

o supervised two CMT sites, overseeing the training of over 180 Medics throughout the Army, resulting in a 100 percent pass rate

Healthcare NCO 68W30

o worked as the Patient Hold Medic in the Patient Hold tent during the Mountain Peak training exercise; provided medical aid to 11 real world patients as well as over 50 notional patients

o built effective primary care teams and developed the clinic's patient centered medical home model; contributed to 100% provider and 98% overall satisfaction on the APPLS

o enforced the highest standards of conduct; contributed directly to repeat clinic top recognition for excellence on Joint Commission tracer surveys

o provided expert and professional patient care; received three by-name positive patient ICE comments; contributed to overall patient satisfaction of 98% on APPLS

o served as a primary instructor for 68W annual skills sustainment training; effectively applied years of experience to standard training to enhance effectiveness of training

o conducted 8 monthly BLS initial and refresher courses in support of unit training requirements; also conducted additional classes to support other garrison units

o planned, coordinated and executed two complex trauma lanes for a Brigade Best Squad Competition

o seized opportunities to teach impromptu medical classes to his subordinates; increased Soldier medical knowledge and skills

o assisted with medical coverage for a 31.87 mile foot march; resulted in zero heat injuries despite a record breaking heat wave

Health Care Specialist

o implemented initiative to improve sick call procedures

o supervised patient care for one month in the absence of the Physician Assistant

o prevented disease during FTX by ensuring adherence to field sanitation requirements

o performed outstandingly while attached to HHC 2/505 PIR Med Platoon During JRTC

o as an Ambulance Driver/Aid Man, demonstrated proficiency and knowledge of his job well above his peers

o despite fatigue and lack of assets, remained highly motivated thoughout the entire operation

o treated 7 patients while providing medical support for the Medicine Warrior Leadership Challenge

o earned the coveted Expert Field Medical Badge

o progressed from duties as squad leader, to Senior NCO over numerous projects, to responsibilities as aide/advisor to the Commander and CSM

o conducted multiple aerial gunnery and small arms range medical coverage; not a single injury

o successfully treated and revived 7 patients while supporting the Mangudai exercise

o aided in the creation of the Warrior Return Unit which maximized the quality of life for Soldiers while they convalesce from injuries

o conducted impromptu medical trauma training during ranges; enchanced soldiers' range experience and improved readiness

o while deployed ISO Task Force Anvil, assumed security duties; processed over 500 security clearances and access badges during rotation

o supported urgent medical care for approximately 2,500 service members and their families in the Fort Stewart community


o earned the Basic Army Instructor Badge; evaluated six additional EMT instructors to earn their badge

o aided in medical table VIII training and instruction for 50 medical personnel; ensured medics maintained MOS certification

o served as an instructor for 68W sustainment courses prior to the Expert Field Medical Badge (EFMB), certifying over 50 combat medics

o excelled as a primary instructor for a Combat Lifesaver (CLS) class, teaching and certifying 30 ROKA NCOs

o selected over 20 Sergeant First Classes to fill the position of a Master Sergeant for the Department of Health and Educational Training

o exhibited exceptional technical and tactical proficiency; trained, developed and validated over 5,000 Soldiers in TC3 while completing six college courses

o exceptional NCO; voted the Instructor of the Cycle over 60 NCOs for class 5-10

o selected to fill the role of SMTS NCOIC on multiple occasions without compromising the mission, the caliber of training and the safety for students and cadre

o selflessly volunteered to participate in multiple outreach functions for the SAMC that helped over 2,000 Soldiers and civilians in the local community

o developed and implemented training aids for the BAS lane and the convoy lane that led to a better prepared Soldiers for combat and Garrison operations

o superbly trained over 5,000 Soldiers on BAS, MOUT, patrol, convoy, and FOB operations that will increase their expertise and survivability during combat operations

o dedicated hours of off-duty time to monitor mandatory training statuses and inputted data via DTMS for over 60 NCOs which kept everyone's training status current

o his strong emphasis on professional growth encouraged 100% of his NCOs to enroll in college courses; over 30 college credits were completed

o developed and implemented the battalion's FLA TSOP; standardized practices and focused efforts

o effectively maintained 100% accountability of over $10,000 supplies and assisted with $1,000,000 in supplies and equipment without damage or lost

o employed the composite risk management during elevated risk training events to include invasive procedures and handling pyro which resulted in zero serious incidents

o provided over 30 days of medical coverage for Expert Field Medical Badge (EFMB) training; facilitated the qualification of more than 100 medics

o implemented Preventive Medicine measures by inspecting the barracks monthly IAW Tradoc Reg 350-6 during the H1N1 pandemic which reduced the risk of infection

Medics working in the field


o responded to mass casualty event for CH-53 hard landing resulting in one urgent surgical, one urgent, and two convenient patients

o provided 220 hours of medical coverage for Marine Corps Martial Arts Program (MCMAP) operations and earned Tan Belt

o taught multiple Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) classes for the Battalion; trained 80 service members, significantly improved unit medical readiness

o worked as a medic in support of the Spur Ride; facilitated the demonstration of skill, determination, and commitment to excellence of over 500 Soldiers

o deployed to South Korea in support of Korea Rotational Force 12; served as a line medic for Able Company and provided comprehensive medical support

o served as a treatment medic for the Battalion Aid Station; provided on the spot aid and evacuated one heat stroke victim

o assisted with the certification of CLS for the brigade; ensured deployment readiness

o achieved over 300% retention rate for the company for fiscal year 2011

o established a third mild traumatic brain injury center in Afghanistan; directly responsible for resourcing and developing a fully operational center within two months

o provided expert medical care; flawlessly assisted with treatment for battle injuries and emergency blood drives in support of OEF XI

o created and implemented a training regiment that trained more than 500 Soldiers on mild traumatic brain injuries; resulted in 100% completion of training for the battalion

o coordinated and sustained MOS training for 18 medics; resulted in 100% national registry

o selected over five senior NCOs by the battalion CSM to assume the duties as senior medical trainer for an outlying FOB EMT mission; trained over 50 ANA Soldiers

o provided U.S. Army coaching and mentorship philosophy to a resource strained EMT; responsible for the training and medical qualification of 60 combat ANA

o spearheaded the development and implementation of a CLS course for the ANA, resulting in 30 CLS qualified ANA soldiers, enhancing their combat effectiveness

o his combat experience and leadership enabled the continuous training and certification of 18 Soldiers assigned to the EMT mission on medical tasks

o provided medical training for both 68W and ancillary mos's from treatment platoon

o tracked MEDPROS status for over 140 unit members and more than 100 temporary PROFIS personnel

o helped set up 5K run in support of Rabies awareness month, increased awareness, lessened threat of rabies in Camp Taji

o volunteers for tasks on a daily basis

o established company and battalion level battle drills while adapting to evolving enemy TTPs

o instructs medical classes for the 144th EN BN in a professional manner

o adjusted customer service hours to better meet needs; eliminated most common customer complaint, increased access

o conducted numerous medical/first-aid classes to the HHC/FSC of the 144th EN BN

o conducted over 70 aeromedical evacuation missions achieving maximum results while flying over 250 combat hours

o took charge of scenario-based situations and expertly treated casualties while attending CMAST training

o assisted with treatments of 12 pediatric, 60 adult patients at adopted Egyptian Hospital

o assisted in medical evacuation of over 2,000 U.S. and Multi-National Coalition soldiers from MNC-I Forward Operating Bases

o worked as Range Safety for more than 50 small arms ranges, supervising more than 700 firers with no safety incidents

68W/Treatment NCO

o aggressively tracked MEDPROS status for over 400 unit members; assisted unit First Sergeants in increasing their medical readiness from a 74% Battalion average to 93%

Platoon Sergeant/68W30

o meticulously managed medical equipment and supply tracking systems; resulted in commendable ratings in all areas during the Battalion Command Inspection Program

o demonstrated expert medical proficiency during Brigade Combat Trauma Team Training; exceeded the standards of patient care and mentored two junior medics

Combat Medic

o SM completed BCT3 training course honing his expertise in the field of combat medicine, while in turn increasing the sustainment probabilities of the unit's fighting force for MOB

o instructed numerous formal Combat LifeSaver Courses with better than 90% pass rate

o while in the WTU, seved as a first responder, helped insure that the best medical treatment possible was being receved including IV's proper o2 levels and medical transfer was properly recorded for transfering to further care.

Health Care NCOIC

o served as Separation History and Physical Examination (SHPE) NCOIC while mentoring fellow NCOs

o developed an expert working knowledge of Relative Value Units(RVUs); directed 75k patient encounters resulting in 66k RVUs netting $4.7M in revenue

Ward Master

o appointed NCOIC of part three of the mass schools physicals resulting in over 1700 school age children being fully immunized


o successfully completed the Flight Medic course, which earned her the F3 additional skill identifier

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