Provost Marshall NCOER Bullets

o selected over his peers and several Officers to serve as Provost Marshall for the HQ International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in Kabul; provided around the clock security

o acted as the Military Police main point of contact between the HQ ISAF General Officer PSD Teams and the HQ ISAF BDOC during the 20 hour attack by insurgents

o relayed information between the Base Defense Operation Center (BDOC) and numerous PSD teams; ensured the safety of over 40 General Officers stationed at HQ ISAF

o worked with a variety of Non Government Agencies (NGOs), International Government Agencies (IGO), the U.S. Embassy, Joint Forces Command, and GIROA as the FPM NCO

o maintained constant contact with five Regional Command PMOs; assisted in advising General Officers in addressing strategic level issues for ISAF

o led the first mission back to GIROA ministries after the murder of two U.S. Officers; demonstrated ISAF resolve and committment to its partnership with GIROA

o oversaw the Detainee Abuse Program and Detention Facility Inspection Program for GIROA prisons; ensured FPM Office compliance with international standards

o served as operations provost sergeant, Directorate of Emergency Service, Hohenfels, Germany; maintained Force Protection and law and order throughout the installation

o coordinated with and interfaced with other units and departments to ensure the annual volksfest was safe; provided secure venue for more than 15,000 U.S. and host nationals

o developed a comprehensive filing system for the 614th Military police Company's backlogged cases; corrected information in over a decade of backlogged 1408 military traffic tickets

o led over 20 combat missions to inspect GIROA facilities across the volatile country of Afghanistan; demonstrated commitment to Red Cross and Red Crescent missions

o served as liaison for HQ ISAF CJ3, IJC for Human Rights agencies working with the Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA) Report; his reports were briefed to COMISAF

o integrated with with agencies such as International Committee of Red Cross (ICRC) and UNAMA to ensure the proper treatment of Afghans in GIROA Detention Facilities across Afghanistan

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