Recruiter Duty Descriptions

Serves as the Army's ambassador within the community; recruits, determines applicant enlistment eligibility, counsels applicants on enlistment programs and options, prepares enlistment applications, and processes qualified applicants to enlist in the Army; accounts for and prepares Future Soldiers for initial entry training; implements and conducts Army awareness programs throughout an area covering 73 square miles with a population of 300,000; maintains a network of influencers to include parents, educators, and community officials in 2 high schools and 2 colleges; responsible for $50,000 worth of Government equipment.

Recruits, determines applicant enlistment eligibility, counsels applicants on enlistment programs and options, prepares enlistment applications and processes qualified applicants to enlist in the Army and Army Reserve; accounts for and prepares Future Soldiers for initial entry training implements and conduct Army awareness programs throughout an area covering 36 square miles with a population of 55,826; maintains a network of influencers to include parents, educators and community officials in four high schools and one college; responsible for $30,000 worth of Government equipment.

Team Recruiting Duty Descriptions:

Responsible for analyzing, planning, and executing lead generation activities sufficient to support the annual recruiting mission; responsible for the accomplishment of DA assigned quantitative enlistment objectives; conducts daily telephone and area prospecting to include referral and internet prospecting; responsible for establishing and maintaining close coordination with high school, college, and community officials to implement and conduct a variety of Army recruiting and awareness programs; and actively leads community relations programs and sets the standard in complying with the Army values.

Responsible for preparing and conducting Army interviews sufficient to support the annual recruiting mission; responsible for conveying the different avenues of military service to 18 prospects and applicants; responsible for development of his knowledge on human behavior, Army programs, recruiting fundamentals and Soldier skills; uses time management skills to ensure interviews have proper time allowed to be effective; enforces timely follow-up, performs troubleshooting techniques, initiates quality control measures; actively leads community relations programs and sets the standard in complying with the Army values.

Responsible for preparing and processing applicants for enlistment; responsible for training and self-development on DoD regulations, Federal, State, and local laws, application processes, recruiting fundamentals, and Soldier skills; ensures the timely enlistment for physically, mentally, and morally qualified personnel; validates and schedules applicant processing, enforces timely follow-up, performs troubleshooting techniques, initiates quality control measures, and coordinates appropriate battle hand-offs to the Future Soldier Team Leader.

Responsible for the training, development, and accession of ____ Future Soldiers; responsible for planning and executing training on physical fitness, basic combat training tasks, and Soldier skills; develops team building and warrior confidence programs while simultaneously utilizing lead generation, public awareness, and target saturation missions; instills commitment, dedication, and prepares the future Soldiers for transition into the Army; actively leads community relations programs and sets the standard in complying with the Army values.

Responsible for the accomplishment of DA assigned quantitative enlistment objectives; tasked with meeting daily, weekly and monthly prospecting requirements through telephone, area canvassing, referral, and internet lead generation; prepares and conducts Army interviews sufficient to support the annual recruiting mission; responsible for establishing and maintaining close coordination with high school, college and community officials to implement and conduct a variety of Army recruiting and awareness programs; responsible for $_____ worth of equipment.

Directs and leads an Army recruiting station consisting of _____ Active Army, Army Reserve and newly enlisted Soldiers; responsible for the professional development of subordinates and accountable for the morale, health and welfare of Soldiers; implements and maintains the recruiting station management system; maintains control and accountability of government property valued at _____.

Directs and leads an Army recruiting team consisting of Active Army and Army Reserve Soldiers; responsible for the professional development of subordinates and accountable for the morale, health and welfare of Soldiers; develops and implements prospecting plans through intelligence preparation of the battlefield; oversees Army interview and processing scheduling; responsible for the success of the recruiting mission monthly for the active and reserve components; maintains control and accountability of government property valued at _____.

Assists the commander in planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities that support the unit mission; responsible for the health, welfare, morale, and training of _____ station commanders and _____ recruiters in a company dispersed over _____ square miles; sets and enforces high standards on conduct, training, professional development, and operations; plan and execute a battle-focused NCODP; promotes community understanding and support for the Army and its recruiting goals; responsible for overseeing the prospecting, processing, and sustainment of applicants entering the Army and Army Reserves.

Directs and leads an Army recruiting station consisting of _____ Active Army, Army Reserve and newly enlisted Soldiers; responsible for the professional development of subordinates and accountable for the morale, health, welfare, and discipline of Soldiers; implements and maintains the recruiting station management system; maintains control and accountability of government property valued at _____.

Directs and leads an Army recruiting station consisting of _____ Active Army, Army Reserve and newly enlisted Soldiers; responsible for the professional development of subordinates and accountable for the morale, health, welfare, and discipline of Soldiers; implements and maintains the recruiting station management system; responsible for recruiting _____ new Soldiers annually for the active and reserve components; maintains control and accountability of government property valued at _____.

Serves as the Station Commander of a Medical Recruiting Station; supervises __ Soldiers and ___ civilians in an area covering __,___ square miles; responsible for __ government vehicles and equipment valued in at ___k; responsible for all administrative, logistical and maintenance requirements; coordinates and is accountable for all recruiting activities in ___ colleges and ___ hospital programs; trains, mentors and motivates all Soldiers toward successful mission accomplishment; responsible for the training and accountability of all Future Officers; responsible for meeting all assigned recruiting objectives.

Conducts recruiting operations in an area covering _____ square miles in order to procure qualified health care professionals for the US Army; contacts, interviews and counsels health care specialists on the benefits of service as a commissioned officer; coordinates recruiting activities in ____ college and ____ hospital programs; responsible for government equipment valued at ____k; attends national, state and local medical conventions promoting a positive image of the Army Medical Department; trains, mentors and accounts for all Future Officers awaiting entry onto active duty; responsible for meeting all assigned recruiting objectives.

Represents the US Army Recruiting Command in the unique environment of Europe/ Guam/ Korea/ Japan; executes recruiting responsibilities and Guidance Counselor functions, on a daily basis; responsible for prospecting, contracting, interviewing and processing qualified applicants for Army enlistment; ensures accurate and timely PCS orders and coordinates travel for departing Future Soldiers; conducts promotional activities; maintains a working relationship with the military communities and educational institutions throughout Europe, or area of operation, US Embassies and Consulates, as well as NATO Headquarters.

Assists the commander in planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities that support the unit mission; responsible for the health, welfare, morale, and training of _____ stations commanders and _____ recruiters in a company dispersed over _____ square miles; sets and enforces high standards on conduct, training, professional development, and operations; plan and execute a battle-focused NCODP; promotes community understanding and support for the Army and its recruiting goals; responsible for overseeing the prospecting, processing, and sustainment of applicants entering the US Army and US Army Reserves.

Performs duties as a Medical Recruiting Company First Sergeant; responsible for the health, welfare, morale, and training of _____ stations commanders, ____ DA Civilian, and _____ recruiters in a company dispersed over _____ square miles; serves as the primary advisor to the Company Commander on all Soldier, morale and recruiting related issues; responsible for all administrative, logistical and maintenance requirements; coordinates and is accountable for all recruiting activities in ___ colleges and ____ hospital programs; trains, mentors and motivates all assigned Soldiers towards successful mission accomplishment; responsible for meeting all assigned recruiting objectives.

Responsible for interviewing and processing qualified applicants for enlistment while maintaining the Army Values; responsible for presenting, counseling, and recommending courses of action of specific enlistment options as a viable career; discusses individual goals pertaining to training, education and promotional opportunities; utilizes extensive technical knowledge of regulations, automated systems and advanced techniques to influence prospective enlistees; ensures quality control for all electronic paperwork, enlistment security screenings, and reserve accessions procedures.

Serves as a guidance counselor at a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS); responsible for matching enlistee qualifications with Regular and Army Reserve job and training requirements, review enlistment packets for quality and ensures minimal error; builds a partnership and a thorough understanding of the MOS and options with perspective enlistees; responsible for ensuring the enlistment paperwork of all recruits shipping to basic training is accurate and complete.

Supervises the Army Liaison Office in a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) for applicants from _____ recruiting stations and is the liaison for commanders from _____ US Army Reserve units covering all the units in _____ (name of state or states and units in several surrounding states; reviews each applicant s mental moral and physical qualifications to assure they meet recruiting standards; selects optimum military occupational specialty for enlistment based on the Army's need and the applicant's interests; affects enlistment contracts for new enlistees and incentive contracts of up to $ _____ per qualified enlistee.

Assists the Senior Operations NCO to ensure all Regular Army and Army Reserve accessions are in compliance with enlistment eligibility programs and policies of current Army Regulations; provides technical guidance to Brigade Operations personnel in support of the daily accession mission; coordinates processing procedures and requests exceptions to policy for enlistment with HQDA, TRADOC, OCAR, USARC, and USAREC; interprets policy and provides procedural guidance on REQUEST to _____ brigades, _____ battalion, and _____ MEPS.

Supervises ____ NCOs; coordinates and implements plans and procedures for a Recruiting Battalion in support of over _____ recruiters, _____ recruiting stations, and _____ recruiting companies; records and reports recruiting force achievement and shortfalls to evaluate organizational and individual recruiting performance; assists in overseeing the enlistment processing of approximately _____ applicants per month; coordinates the processing of enlistment waivers, special missions, recruiter awards, and ensures regulatory compliance in all areas of concern.

Serves as Operation NCO for the _____ Battalion; ensures that all communication and detailed information to operate the battalion to success by mission accomplishment; assists the Senior Operations NCO monitoring production indicators and statistic; supervises administrative, moral and medical waivers processing. Analyzes regulatory guidance and prepares staff recommendations.

Serves as the Operations and management advisor for ____ First Sergeants, ____ USAR Guidance Counselors, and over _____ Regular Army and Army Reserve recruiters; converts complex information and instruction on current regulation eligibility and enlistment standards of applicants processing for the United States Army Reserve s broad spectrum of training program options, to include Reserve Officers Training Corps/Simultaneous Membership Program, (ROTC/SMP), Army Civilian Acquired Skills Program (ACASP), and inter-service transfers.

Leads, trains, and supervises one of four Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) Recruiting Companies that executes global ARSOF recruiting campaigns; validates the mission planning and execution of all annual in-service ARSOF recruiting missions for both enlisted and officer volunteers; commands, controls and synchronizes the budget, facilities, equipment and vehicles assigned to the company valued in an excess of ______; responsible for the overall mission success, health, welfare, safety and professional development of _____ assigned Soldiers.

Leads, trains and manages recruiters within an Army Special operations Forces Recruiting station (ARSOF) with a global mission of recruiting in service officer and enlisted ARSOF volunteers; performs detailed market analysis, mission planning, advertising and marketing strategies to accomplish all assigned missions; responsible for the quality control of all applications and ensures qualified candidates report for training; provides stewardship of station budget in excess of $_____ while planning and executing global ARSOF recruiting campaigns.

Plans and executes a global Army Special Operations Forces (ARSOF) recruiting campaign for qualified in service Special Forces officer and enlisted volunteers; executes installation level advertising and marketing programs tailored to a specific market; utilizes state of the art multimedia and information systems to conduct individual and large group presentations on career opportunities within ARSOF; leads, trains and counsels future candidates through the processing cycle to ensure candidates are mentally and physically prepared for the rigors of training.

Serves as the senior enlisted advisor to the Battalion Commander for the ________ recruiting battalion; responsible for the implementation of tactics, techniques, and procedures that focus on the shaping and sustainment of the recruiting force and mission; establishes the tone for the NCO leadership throughout the battalion; trains and mentors _____ NCOs; assists in the training of _____ Company Commanders; oversees all enlisted personnel actions; ensures the Battalion Sponsorship Program is viable; enforces Soldier and organizational standards.

Serves as the senior NCO of a Medical Recruiting Battalion; serves as the primary enlisted advisor to the Battalion Commander on all Soldier, morale and recruiting issues; oversees all aspects of recruiting production to include mission planning, prospecting and the processing of all applicants applying to serve as a commissioned officer in the Army Medical Department; responsible for the training and professional development of ___ Soldiers and ___ DA civilians serving in ___ Medical Recruiting Stations covering a ____,____ square mile area in ___ states in the (Northeast) United States.

Serves as the Senior Enlisted advisor to the Brigade Commander for the _______ recruiting brigade covering __ states and comprised of _____ Soldiers and civilians; responsible for the development of tactics, techniques, and procedures that focus on the shaping and sustainment of the recruiting force and mission; sets the standards and is the principle enforcer of policies, regulations, and directives; accomplishes the recruiting mission through developing subordinates in becoming independent of supervision; serves as the primary enlisted advisor on all Soldier, morale and recruiting issues; provides strategic input regarding current and future operations in addition to enforcing consistent transformation.

Serves as the senior NCO of a Medical Recruiting Brigade; responsible for the training and professional development of ___ Soldiers and ___ DA civilians serving in 5 Battalions, 16 Companies and 75 Medical Recruiting Stations spread throughout the United States, Puerto Rico and Europe; serves as the primary enlisted advisor to the Brigade Commander on all Soldier, morale and recruiting issues; monitors and influences all aspects of recruiting production to include mission planning, prospecting and the processing of all applicants applying to serve as a commissioned officer in the Army Medical Department.

Serves as primary trainer of the Station Commanders; responsible for assessing, planning, conducting, and evaluating training of station commanders and recruiters; identify training deficiencies and develop a needs based company training plan ICW company leadership; conducts primary training for policy, doctrine, and new information management systems and technology changes emanating from HQ, USAREC; conducts training at Company training functions.

Serves as the primary trainer for the Company Operations and Training NCO (COT). Responsible for assessing, planning, conducting and evaluating training of COT NCOs and 1SGs. During this process, they identify training deficiencies and develop a needs-based battalion training plan ICW battalion leadership. Coordinate and conduct primary training for policy, doctrine, and new information management systems and technology changes received from HQ, USAREC; Conducts training at Battalion training functions; manages all developmental programs and the battalion s Professional Military Education Order of Merit List.

Leads and trains the Brigade Mobile Recruiter Training Team (MRTT); assists in training battalion Master Trainers and determining battalion training needs; supervises all brigade training events; coordinates and conducts field training assistance visits and follow up assessments; conducts assessments and AAR s for training and MRTT events; provides input and participates in the USAREC quarterly Training Assessment Brief; serves as subject matter expert for all brigade training initiatives; develops and implements new brigade training programs; serves on the brigade targeting cell.

Subject Matter Experts for all brigade training initiatives; assists battalions in determining training needs; conducts training at brigade training functions; conducts field training assistance visits; analyzes battalion training data and provides recommendations to the brigade senior master trainer; coordinates and conducts training for policy, doctrine, and information management systems and technology changes; manages all developmental programs and the brigade s Professional Military Education Order of Merit List.

Leads and supervises the USAREC Mobile Recruiter Training Team (MRTT); assists in training brigade Senior Master Trainers; serves as the Subject Matter Expert for all training initiatives; assists brigades in identifying training needs through the Command Inspection Program, field 17 training assistance visits and follow-ups; review pre-deployment assessments to determine training priorities; coordinate and conduct primary training for policy, doctrine, and information management systems and quarterly Training Assessment Briefs; assists in development, design, and fielding of management systems and new training programs.

Serves as Subject Matter Expert for all training initiatives; assists brigades in identifying training needs through the Command Inspection Program, field training assistance visits and follow-ups; conducts training at USAREC functions; analyzes training data from brigades and provides recommendations for the command s training plans and guidance; coordinates and conducts primary training for policy, doctrine, and information management systems; serves on the USAREC Mobile Recruiter Training Team; is the liaison between USAREC and the Recruiting and Retention School for the integration of new technology.

Manages, supervises, and provides guidance to _____ civilians; responsible for receipt of all Warrant Officer applications and the initial quality control check; verifies all eligible applicants are in Board Ready status for each Warrant Officer board; ensures all Warrant Officer board members are prepared and execute their duties through briefings and direct interaction; prepares selection board results for MILPER message release; identifies and repairs packet issues during board.

Serves as an in service enlisted recruiter for Army Reserve Warrant Officer candidates in 44 specialty fields; plans, organizes and executes visits to Army Reserve units; responsible for establishing and maintaining lead refinement lists; assist potential candidates with packet applications, reviews and updates Enlisted Records Brief (ERB) in accordance with current regulatory guidance; prepares candidates for WOC training courses and placement in to U.S. Army Reserve units.

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