Supply NCO
PFC Villanueva worked above his pay grade as acting Supply NCO. He took charge without hesitation and maintained accountability of 200,000 dollars worth of sensitive items, including weapons, sights and radio comms, with no losses and one hundred percent accountability.
He prepared vehicles with necessary equipment and operationally tested them prior to the mission, to ensure mission success.
In addition, PFC Villanueva simultaneously coordinated the movement of tents, food, water and personal equipment back and forth constantly throughout the mission.
His situational awareness and undivided attention and support allowed the staff to confidently focus on the planning and development of the 266th Ordnance Company's participation in Operation Tropic Longevity.
Ammunition Holding Area (AHA)
PVT Snuffy actively participated as a key member of the XXXXXX Special Forces Group during their live-fire exercise located in XXXXXXX Training Area (XXX). He provided essential assistance at the Ammunition Holding Area (AHA) with inventory, receiving, and issuing of small arms ammunition worth over $300,000. His ammunition management skills were recognized by his superiors and were essential to the overall successful training mission for the SFG.
Class V Operations
In support of Mobilization Force Generation Installation, SPC Smith's contribution in Class V operations resulted in the successful receiving, processing and issuing of 27,839 rounds and turn in of 354.2 pounds of dunnage which totaled $24,031 worth of ammunition.
Forward Arming and Refueling Point (FARP)
SPC Young demonstrated unwavering and tireless effort in performing his duties as an 89B for Bravo Company, 412th Aviation Support Battalion. Along with performing his duties as the Ammo Supply Specialist for the FARP, SPC Young has worked outside his MOS on numerous occasions, cross-trained as a Petroleum Supply Specialist, and assisted in numerous refueling operations. SPC Young has inspired his peers with his "can do" attitude and devotion to excellence. SPC Young's desire for knowledge and success in our mission has fostered a truly remarkable working environment.
SPC Young's outstanding performance and dedication to duty was a major factor in the success of Echo Company's FTX Forward Arming and Refueling Point (FARP). As a junior Soldier, SPC Young took great pride in the care and upkeep of his assigned equipment and spent countless hours ensuring that his vehicle system was in top condition and at 10/20 standards. His desire to help others facilitated the success of refueling five AH-64 and 1 UH-60 aircraft with zero incidents or injuries.

Training NCO
SSG Miller was the primary instructor in SAAS-MOD system for 23 personnel from 664th OD Co and 3/1 CAV units. SSG Miller designed and established a tracking system to maintain good accountability and distribution of 3/1 CAV ammunition. SSG Miller was flawless in his execution of the multiple complex training events.
SSG Miller's tact, common sense, professional knowledge, and devotion to duty were an inspiration to his teammates and contributed significantly to the high standards of training throughout the mission. He personally designed a tracking system for 3/1 CAV ammo and then supervised the distribution of 3/1 CAV ammunition. As a result of his design expertise and leadership, 3/1 CAV allow the supported units to maximize their training opportunity.
SSG Miller was hand-selected by the accountable officer to perform the duties as SAAS-MOD operator in which he was able to coordinate and manage the storage and distribution of $3 million dollars in ammunition and in essential supplies for the establishment of training operations in TRAPNELL ATP. His maturity and attention to detail ensured no discrepancies in ammunition management, while providing for 3/1 CAV's ammunition.
Ammunition Transfer and Holding Point (ATHP) NCOIC
SSG Cox was hand-picked by the Battalion CSM to be the ATHP NCOIC for the 1st BCT, 1st Calvary Division's NTC Rotation 12-01. He established and controlled the Ammunition Transfer and Holding Point during 24-hour operations resulting in zero incidents and maintaining 100% accountability.
SSG Cox's acute management and accountability skills aided the smooth change of responsibility of the Ammunition Supply Point with an inventory of over $1 million in Class V items. He personally supervised over 1,100 Class V receipts, issues and turn-ins with zero incidents during his tenure as Section Chief.
SSG Cox assisted the III Corps and Fort Hood Ammunition Holding Area by inventorying and securing over 10 tons of ammunition daily while serving as Section Sergeant.
SSG Cox earned the John D. Woodyard Leadership Award during his tenure as Class Leader while attending BNCOC. He exceeded course requirements by graduating in the top 3% of his Ammunition Specialist BNCOC with a 95% Grade Point Average.
Ammunition Management and Distribution
Specialist Carson's attention to detail with and participation in the handling of ammunition for the battalion estimated at 103 soldiers during rotations, was outstanding.
He helped account for the handling, distribution, and consolidation of seven types of ammunition and pyrotechnics which included 12,500 rounds of 5.56mm blank SAW link, 8,240 rounds of 5.56mm M4 blanks, 10,200 rounds of 5.56mm ball sim rounds, 16,200 rounds of 5.56mm SAW link sim rounds, 45 signal smoke hand grenades, and 180 sim hand grenades, without loss or damage.
In addition to his assigned duties, he volunteered to play a role as an opposing force member, running over thirty iterations and following the company Commander's intent for the OPFOR which was critical to the overall success of the Battalion's mission.
He utilized his leadership skills and experience as a team leader to give feedback to each iteration that ran through the Force on Force MOUT lane. His analysis and feedback gave the squads a better understanding in CQB techniques and tactics.
Board Member, 89B Critical Task Site Selection Board
Master Sergeant Auble's outstanding professionalism, skill, knowledge, and leadership aided immeasurably in identifying new tasks and eliminating training gaps during the 89B Critical Task Site Selection Board. His input and guidance aided in developing and implementing new critical tasks to better train and develop future generations of Ammunition Specialists of all ranks.
Ammunition Logistics
Spearheaded logistics operations across three countries, ensuring the timely and accurate distribution of critical supplies and equipment.
Displayed unwavering professionalism and adaptability in a dynamic and challenging operational environment.
Demonstrated exceptional attention to detail in managing ammunition valued at more than 55 million dollars, guaranteeing the readiness and effectiveness of the unit.