92A Automated Logistical Specialist
CPL Nunez distinguished herself through exceptional service as a Logistics Specialist with 4-10 Cavalry. She took on additional responsibilities, assisting all troops and significantly enhancing unit efficiency and readiness. Her dedication, professionalism, and performance reflect credit upon herself, 4-10 Cavalry, and the United States Army.
During the reintegration phase from Poland, CPL Nunez processed over 200 dispatches and closed about the same number of work orders. She researched parts for over 40 pieces of equipment and was the only ERPS with GCSS-Army access. Her expertise and selfless service, including using her personal laptop and internet, were critical to the mission's success.
SGT GWYNN SERVED AS AN AUTOMATED LOGISTICS SPECIALIST FOR 23 MONTHS WHILE ASSIGNED TO HSC 603D ASB 3CAB 3ID while serving in HSC. SGT Gwynn's exceptional leadership of the 603d Battalion and Brigade's Class IX pick-up and turn-in section cultivated an outstanding working environment. Her adept management of the CLIX flow resulted in the unit saving over $350,000 through the turn-in of serviceable and unserviceable parts.
SGT Gwynn deployed to Germany in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve. She processed over 1,500 dispatch requests and completed over 1,000 CLIX walk-throughs which supported the 603d ASB training throughout the entire Task Force Workhorse. Her expertise was critical to the establishment of GCSS connectivity for 603d ASB operations on 8 missions during Atlantic Resolve. She displayed selfless service and commitment throughout a strenuous OPTEMPO and has always remained committed to the mission.
SGT Gwynn maintained accountability for the 603D ASB shop stock list, exceeding $250,000. Her meticulous attention to detail and technical proficiency facilitated precise CLIX delivery from the 603d ASB shop stock list across Task Force Workhorse operations. She played a pivotal role in maintaining the operational readiness rate of the 603d ASB, consistently above 89% throughout her service. As an automated logistic specialist, SGT Gwynn's resilience and unwavering determination served as a beacon for her fellow Soldiers to follow.
Equipment Records Parts Specialist (ERPS) Clerk
For outstanding achievement as an Equipment Records Parts Specialist, 3rd Cavalry Regiment, while deployed in support of Korea Rotational Force. On arrival, Specialist Davis assisted in the turn-in of 40 lines of inventory within a three week period and inventoried more than two million dollars worth of mission required items. His actions streamlined the ability of maintenance personnel and mechanics to find the parts required to bring Strykers to Full Mission Capability and dramatically increased the Operational Readiness rate of the Regiment. In addition to his regular duties, Specialist Davis aided in the training and certification of an allied foreign national. The accomplishments of Specialist Davis reflect great credit upon himself, 3rd Cavalry Regiment and the United States Army.
92A10 Automated Logistics Specialist
For outstanding achievement while serving as an Automated Logistics Specialist in support of Supply Support Activity operations. Specialist Cuo prepared and set up VSAT satellite links, conducted truck and vehicle preventive maintenance, and supported Supply Support Activity operations on a monthly basis. His foresight, preparation, and diligent efforts resulted in consistently successful operations during annual training and facilitated a significant growth in unit readiness. The sterling contributions of Specialist Cuo reflect great credit upon himself, Alpha Company, the 334th Brigade Support Battalion and the United States Army.
Automated Logistic Specialist
For outstanding achievement while serving as Automated Logistic Specialist while preparing and setting up Shop Office Operations at NTC in support of the 2D Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division from 10 April to 20 June 2015. Staff Sergeant Young laid the foundation for successful training by setting up VSATS, establishing fighting positions, and supporting SSA operations through successful turn-ins and timely walk throughs. The sterling contributions of Sergeant Young reflect great credit upon him, the 225th Brigade Support Battalion, 2D Stryker Brigade Combat Team, 25th Infantry Division and the United States Army.
SGT Rangel planned and executed movement via ground and air for CL IX repair parts. She successfully moved 1500 AOG/HI Priority items without experiencing any losses. SGT Rangel saved Task Force Eagle $20,000 by utilizing internal movement resources.
92A SSA Receiving Section
SPC Parris contributed to the mission of Alpha Company, 704th Brigade Support Battalion, Supply Support Activity (SSA) during her tenure. She processed over $200,000 worth of Class II and IX parts while working in the Receiving Section. SPC Parris' attention to detail ensured parts were distributed within the 24-hour time limit required to meet DA Standards. She continually assisted the Section NCO by ensuring trucks received from LRC were promptly downloaded so that there was minimal wait time.
SGT Smith expeditiously instructed multiple company and battalion Driver's Training classes consisting of Commissioned Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, and Junior Enlisted as the Master Driver. His credibility was crucial to certifying all trainees with a zero accident rate on the High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV), Medium Tactical Vehicle (MTV), the Light Capability Rough Terrain Forklift and Night Vision Devices (NVDs), increasing deployment and transportation movement readiness for the battalion.
92A4O Platoon Sergeant
SFC Aunu served with great distinction as the Supply Support Activity (SSA) Platoon Sergeant for the 227th CSC; responsible for the training, mentoring, health and welfare of two Officers, 10 Noncommissioned Officers and 42 Soldiers. He supervised and enforced proper accountability and maintenance of 105 pieces of equipment, valued in excess of $2.5 million, and 1,711 Authorized to Forecast (ATF), valued at $1.6 million. He maintained a 100% accountability of all equipment and a remarkable 99% accuracy rate for all ATF.
Annual Training
Night Shift Receiving Section
PFC Green greatly contributed to the mission of the 101st Sustainment Brigade, Supply Support Activity (SSA). He was instrumental in the processing of over 10,000 parts while working the night shift of the Receiving Section. PFC Green's team's attention to detail, competence, professionalism, and a take charge attitude help to reduce frustrated cargo by 90% for the upcoming UNIT deployment in March 2017.
Material Storage Handling Specialist
SPC ______ technical knowledge of storage operations enabled him to successfully managed the deletion of 400 lines of Authorized Stockage List (ASL) during the ASL review board. He proved to be an invaluable asset during the Supply Support Activity (SSA) change of accountability officer 100% inventory by ensuring an accurate pre-inventory was properly conducted. His keen sense of direction enabled him to provide daily support to 32 customer accounts within the Battalion and Rotational units.
Technical Supply Clerk
Provided knowledge with the procurement of class IX aviation maintenance repair parts to a task force of 3 mission design series aircraft, thus providing logistical and combat support during the unit's mission to a combat forward operating base. She had zero loss during her deployment duty which enhanced mission execution throughout theater and assisted in training 3 Unit Level Logistics System-Aviation Soldiers.
BCS3 Operator
While assigned to 4th Sustainment Brigade SPC Thompson deployed to Kuwait for 15 months and served as a BCS3 Operator and RTO Specialist. SPC Thompson assisted the S-3 with processing over 2,000 Transportation Movement Requests and convoy management for traffic in and out of Camp Buehring.
While assigned to the 151st Movement Control Team, SPC Thompson's professional knowledge and sound judgment, combined with his ability to work without supervision and willingness to work beyond normal duty hours, greatly improved operations of the 49th Movement Control Battalion's Mail room and accomplished all missions that arose.
SPC Thompson volunteered over 100 hours to Meridith Dunbar Elementary School. He exhibited patience and understanding while educating and mentoring the children and helping them to understand their school work. His dedication and discipline was the representation of what a soldier in the United States Army should be.
SAMS-E Clerk
SPC Suss' desire for knowledge and eagerness to succeed in her missions fostered a truly remarkable working environment. As a 92A (Logistics Automated Specialist) she displays an unmatched commitment to equipment readiness. SPC Suss strived to learn and grow as the TMDE assistant in the pocessing and inventory of the Tool Crib ensuring that 526th BSB 2nd BCT Bo Company is always fully mission capable.
- her expertise with the SAMS-E helped identify and solve software errors which would have crippled motor pool operations and the mission.
- assisted as operator for the SAMS-E and ordered all required class IV supply items
- demonstrated a diligent work ethic that set her above her peers
- maintained Army Materiel Status System (AMSS) with a 100% equipment correlation between SAMS-1E and PBUSE
- turned in over 2 million dollars worth of excess class 9 parts
SAMS Clerk
SPC Keeanu habitually worked through his personal time to ensure the staging, packet preparation, and all parts were on hand for equipment. SPC Keeanu excelled in his duties as a SAMS Clerk and ensured 4th Sustainment Brigade's equipment was ready for turn-in to Left Behind Equipment Induction.
While serving as a SAMS Clerk for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, SPC Keeanu demonstrated a relentless effort to accomplish the mission by completing 270 Left Behind equipment packets on the unit's rolling stock and equipment. SPC Keeanu's diligent and constant attention to detail resulted in 100% accountability of equipment deficiencies before Left Behind Equipment Induction.
SPC Keeanu ordered over $200,000 in necessary spare parts which helped maintain maintenance readiness and mission success.
His expertise and knowledge helped identify and solve software errors which could have impaired motor pool operations and mission execution.
Tool Crib Specialist
SPC Valdez desire for knowledge and eagerness to succeed in his missions fostered a truly remarkable working environment. Through his cross training as a 92A Automated Specialist he displayed an unmatched commitment to equipment readiness. SPC Valdez strived to learn and grow as the TMDE assistant in the pocessing and inventory of the Tool Crib ensuring that Bo Company 449th was fully mission capable.
Supply Sergeant
Due to her drive for excellence and pursuit of the standard, SGT Mallette maintained complete accountability of all supplies, records, and sensitive items with the most vigorous determination. SGT Doe ensured meticulous accountability of over $2 million worth of installation, PBO, and organization property and equipment while working outside of her MOS as a 92Y30 from October 2009 until March 2010.
Turn-In NCO
As the NCOIC of the Turn-In Section, SGT Kennemore supervised the turning in and processing of over 314 turn-in requests valued in excess of over 3.7 million dollars. SGT Smart developed a highly productive process to monitor and manage all recoverable and excess parts which in turned helped our customers better manage the exchange pricing program.
Automated Logistic Specialist
SGT Kolz excelled in her duties as an Automated logistics Specialist. She saved the Army over 11,000 dollars by doing a mass turn-in of over 100 excess lines of class XI repair parts in a two week time frame, which helped bring the company Shop Stock level from 145 lines to 52 lines.She superbly managed the Exchange Price listing resulting in 100% accountability for all recoverable items over a 12 month period.
SGT Kolz demonstrated maturity, reliability, and attention to detail in keeping the section mobile at all times to meet the logistical needs of the unit. She continuously reviewed current conditions and planned for future requirements, providing a level of logistical operations far above her peers.
Her outstanding initiative and logistics abilities greatly improved the Ghost Rider maintenance section by improving the reconciliation reports from 60% to 99% in less than 60 days, exceeding DA standard by 9%.
Successfully licensed 25 Soldiers to operate tactical vehicles for Annual Training
Managed the procurement of $1,400,000.00 in equipment and supplies which directly improved Team Renegade maintenance readiness and mission success
Her expertise with the SAMS-E helped identify and solve software errors which would have crippled motor pool operations and the mission
Lead the field in unit maintenance reporting to higher headquarters and maintained a 97% FMC reportable rate
LOGISTICS EXPERT. As NCO of the S4 Department, he provided in depth training and supervisory mentorship to six subordinate Army/Navy personnel operating in an Army working environment. He executed over 800 supply transactions at the Bagram Supply Support Activity (SSA), valued at over $3,000,000 in order to receive and ship crucial supplies forward to his unit at FOB XXX in support of ongoing combat operations in XXX Province.
During OEF XI / XII while assigned as a 92A Sarss Clerk, SPC Jane Fonda crossed trained 6 Civilians Dyn Corp employee's in the proper usage of the SARSS System. SPC Jane Fonda also ensured that each civilian thoroughly understood their responsibility as a Automated Logistic Specialist. SPC Jane Fonda's knowledge, patients and dedication to detail in training the Civilians is in keeping with the Army's standard.
o ordered over $1,400,000.00 of materiel which maintained Team Renegade maintenance, readiness and mission success
o lead the field in unit maintenance reporting to higher headquarters and maintained a 97% FMC reportable
o expertise and knowledge of the SAMS-E identified and solved software errors which impaired operations and mission execution
SAMS-E Operator
Served as primary operator for the SAMS-E and ordered all required class II, IV, and IX supply items
Assisted the PBO in turning over TPE items during a TOA
o turned in 2 million dollars worth of excess class 9 parts
o organized all PLL to make it easier to maintain
o assigned as primary operator for the SAMS-E due to experience
o single-handedly reorganized a battalion-sized SAMS-1 stockage listing and connex
o maintained Army Materiel Status System (AMSS) with a 100% equipment correlation between SAMS-1E and PBUSE
o assisted in the transition of the motorpool Ali Asad to the Base Command Group
o performed additional duties of enviromental, HAZMAT, and Safety NCO with no violations or incidents
o assisted the PBO in turning over TPE items during a TOA
o demonstrated a diligent work ethic that set him above his peers
o reorganized a battalion-sized stockage with proper locations while serving as a SAMS-1 clerk
Liaison Officer
o provided logistical support for over 60 successful convoy operations
o coordinated maintenance support to ensure all vehicles were maintained and fully mission capable
o assisted the joint distribution center with container management operations IOT track, ingate, and submit TMRs for 1000 retrograde ISO Camp Bucca
o generated and distributed a standard daily logistics synchronization matrix in order to allow for all military and civilian contractors to be aware of sustainments that were incoming/outgoing to Camp Bucca
Platoon Sergeant
o recommend provide SM with time to refocus on the Army and being an NCO in a less demanding and stressful position (needs improvement)