CAB Eye Witness Statement

O/A 15 Jan 2006 @ approximately 1755C VIC FOB Warhorse (33.793, 44.596) (Bakuabah / Baqubah) the 3BCT, 3ID and 1st AD came under Indirect Fire (IDF) resulting in several local national and DOD contractor injuries. FOUR MORTAR ROUNDS IMPACTED ON THE WEST SIDE OF CAMP WARHORSE . Two of the mortar rounds impacted to the left of the building and the area immediately in front of the compound. Over 300 members of the 3RD BCT "Sledgehammer" team were placed in near vicinity, less than 15 meters, of the impact of multiple mortar rounds (3 & 4). The unit was attempting to RIP/TOA and was postured for air evacuation when the first rounds arrived. While no unit casualties were sustained, it was in direct and imminent danger. Upon redeployment that night, the unit returned to home station where the command team and a large majority of key leaders were PCS'd or transferred, making the processing of hundreds of CABs impossible.

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