12N38 Instructor
Serves as an Instructor for the 12N1O Advanced Individual Training (AIT) course in the Horizontal Engineer Skill Division assigned to the 554th Engineer Battalion in support of the United States Army Engineer School; responsible for the supervision and technical training for 2500 trainees annually; instructs operation procedures on engineer construction equipment through classroom presentation and hands on demonstration; maintains, and updates course materials; conducts remedial training, written and hands on evaluations for awarding the Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) 12N; responsible for the maintenance and accountability of four D7R dozers and four radios valued in excess of $1,000,000.
12N3O Horizontal Construction Supervisor
Supervises engineer projects; interprets information on grade stakes; critical path methods; overviews clearing, grubbing, stripping, excavating, backfilling, stockpiling, hauling, construction of ditches and other heavy equipment operations; performs route reconnaissance; responsible for the health, welfare and safety of over 10 Soldiers; ensures Soldiers meet standards in personal appearance; supervises level 10 maintenance; has accountability for their individual and unit's equipment and property; teaches individual and collective training; serves as instructor for construction equipment; develops unit cohesion, fosters the values of loyalty and commitment; builds spirit and confidence.
MOS 12N Platoon Sergeant
Supervises and schedules personnel and projects; oversees workload assignment and project progress; obtains necessary supplies and materiel; ensures equipment PMCS performance; coordinates and prioritizes equipment maintenance; maintains accountability of individual and unit equipment; provides individual and collective training on construction equipment use and operation; oversees clearing, grubbing, stripping, excavating, backfilling, receiving, hauling, spreading and other heavy equipment operations; analyzes risk and ensures site safety and security; ensures the health, welfare and professional development of 3 Squad Leaders and 24 Soldiers.
12N Heavy Vehicle Driver
Transport heavy equipment such as scrapers, dozers, back hoe loaders, skid steer, hydraulic excavators; interprets information on grade stakes; clears, grubs, strips, excavates, backfills, ditches, stockpiles and pushes scraper with tractor crawler; cuts and spread fills material with scraper; excavates, stockpiles, backfills, and loads with loader; assigned as a Team Leader with duties to include; responsible for health, welfare and safety of over 5 Soldiers; ensures Soldiers meet standards in personal appearance; maintain accountability for the individual and unit equipment; teaches individual and collective training; develops unit cohesion; fosters the values of loyalty and commitment; builds spirit and confidence; evaluates training; coaches and counsels.
Horizontal Construction Sergeant
Interprets information on grade stakes; clears, grubs, strips, excavates, backfills, ditches, stockpiles and pushes scraper with tractor crawler; cuts and spread fills material with scraper; excavates, stockpiles, backfills, and loads with loader; assigned as a Squad Leader with duties to include; responsible for health, welfare and safety of over 10 soldiers; ensures soldiers meet standards in personal appearance; maintain and account for their individual and unit equipment and property; teaches individual and collective training, develops unit cohesion, fosters the values of loyalty and commitment and builds spirit and confidence, evaluates training; coaches and counsels.
Heavy Equipment Operator Team Leader
Advises the Squad Leader on all section equipment and heavy construction equipment; responsible for tracking of service and deadline; ensures maintenance reports are reported and troubleshot; responsible for the health, welfare, training, discipline, and morale of 1 NCO and 11 Soldiers assigned to the Support Platoon Heavy Equipment Operator section; interacts with the unit's maintenance shop to maintain section equipment in excess of $3 million to support combat readiness.
MOS 12N - Horizontal Construction Engineer
Major Duties. The horizontal construction engineer supervises or serves as a member of a squad, team, section, or platoon. Duties start with operating heavy equipment at an intern level and progress to senior equipment operator level with supervisory responsibilities for personnel, construction projects, obstacle emplacement, and counter-obstacle operations involving construction equipment. Duties for MOS 12N at each level of skill are:
MOSC 12N10. Serves as an intern level equipment operator with basic level training for interpreting basic grade stakes and identifying basic soil properties; performs basic hydraulic excavator and backhoe loader operating tasks of excavating, stockpiling, backfilling, constructing ditches and loading haul units; performs basic crawler tractor operating tasks of clearing, grubbing, stripping, excavating, backfilling, constructing ditches, stockpiling and pushing loading scrapers; performs basic motorized scraper operating tasks of excavating and spreading fill material; performs basic dump truck operating tasks of driving, spreading, and dumping material; performs basic water distributor operating tasks of driving, loading, and spraying water; performs basic scoop loader operating tasks of stockpiling, backfilling, and loading haul units; performs basic motorized grader operating tasks of scarifying, spreading, leveling and constructing V ditches; performs basic roller operating tasks of compacting material utilizing a sheep's foot roller, smooth drum roller, and a vibratory roller; performs basic tractor trailer operating tasks of transporting heavy construction equipment.
MOSC 12N20. Serves as a Horizontal Construction Sergeant with limited supervision of construction equipment and personnel activities; serves as primary operators for all finishing work and complex operating situations on horizontal construction projects; provides guidance to less experienced equipment operators on operating techniques, procedures, and operator maintenance.
MOSC 12N30. Serves as a Horizontal Construction Supervisor or Section Sergeant; supervises activities related to heavy construction and lifting equipment in support of construction project operations; calculates equipment and operator requirements to assist in the development of construction project estimates; organizes and directs mobility and counter-mobility missions.
MOSC 12N40. Serves as a Senior Horizontal Construction Supervisor or Platoon Sergeant; organizes the overall construction workload; utilizes project management techniques in the development and execution of construction projects and coordinates work activities of supporting units; plans, organizes, and supervises all engineer construction equipment operations, including mobility and counter-mobility missions; develops and executes a quality control plan and standard operating procedures.