Fire Direction Specialist
Duty Descriptions

MOS 13E was replaced by MOS 13J, Fire Control Specialist

FDC for Tank Battery
Sets up at firing location; verifies registration and computes and applies meteorological and muzzle velocity corrections; operates the battery computer unit to include entry of known data, computation of firing data, and receipt and processing of messages; sets up and operates observed or surveyed firing charts; establishes and maintains secure radio and wire communications; sends firing data to firing elements using battery computer system (BCS); operates and performs operator maintenance on section vehicles and generators; performs crew maintenance and participates in organizational maintenance of section equipment.

Fire Direction Control (FDC) Supervisor
Assists fire direction officer and platoon sergeant in the planning and execution of individual and collective training of the section; records fire mission related information and maintains ammunition status; compiles target lists and prepares target overlays; maintains situational awareness; monitors processing of fire requests and computation of firing data and verifies accuracy; supervises the construction, camouflage, and defense of the section position; directs the performance of operator, crew, and organizational maintenance on section vehicles and equipment.

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