13M4O Mid Range Capability Platoon Sergeant
Serves as a Platoon Sergeant in a Mid-Range Capability (MRC) Battery in support of 1st Multi-Domain Task Force; responsible for the accountability of four HMMWVs, four HEMMTs, four prototype Payload Deployment Systems and assigned equipment worth in excess of $40 million; assists the Platoon Leader in leading, supervising, and coordinating all platoon training; plans and organizes crew work schedules and ensures adherence to missile-related safety requirements; responsible for the health and welfare of eight NCOs, one Soldier, and their Families.
Long Range Hypersonic Weapon System (LRHW) Master Gunner
Serves as the Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) Master Gunner(MG)in the Army's first Long-Range Fires Battalion (LRFB), consisting of High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), LRHW, and Mid-Range Capabilities (MRC) Batteries; plans and advises the commander on all aspects of LRHW operations for the LRHW battery; trains and certifies the individual and collective training proficiency of all assigned rocket system crewmembers through the LRHW Artillery Tables (AT); prepares and provides mission reports and relevant training aids; responsible for organizational implementation of the latest technical and tactical doctrine; develops and evaluates all section and battery training programs for the LRHW battery.
Launcher Fire Master Gunner
Serves as the Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) Launcher Fire Master Gunner(LFMG)in the Army's first Long-Range Fires Battalion (LRFB), consisting of High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS), LRHW, and Mid-Range Capabilities (MRC) Batteries; plans and advises the commander on all aspects of LRHW operations for the LRHW battery; trains and certifies the individual and collective training proficiency of all assigned rocket system crewmembers through the LRHW Artillery Tables (AT); prepares and provides mission reports and relevant training aids; responsible for organizational implementation of the latest technical and tactical doctrine; develops and evaluates all section and battery training programs for the LRHW battery.
LRHW platoon sergeant
Serves as a firing platoon sergeant in a Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW) Battery in support of the 1st Multi-Domain Taskforce (1MDTF) and INDOPACOM: maintains the status of launcher sections which includes two NCOs, six Soldiers, and two prototype hypersonic weapon systems, valued in excess of $20 million; plans and coordinates the establishment and defense of the platoon; assists the platoon leader in command, control, and execution of the platoon mission.
13M Ammunition Section Chief
Serves as an Ammunition Section Chief in a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) Battery in support of XVIII Airborne Corps and other Joint and Special Operations forces in support of worldwide contingencies; assists in the accountability, maintenance, and repair of 4 RSV/RST systems and their associated equipment valued in excess of $2.5 million; supervises, trains, and maintains records for five 13M ammunition crew members; performs ammunition reload operations for two Fires Platoons within the unit and assists in setting up and maintaining the Ammunition Holding Area (AHA) to include its security.
Supervises the training of over 300 13M Advanced Individual Training (AIT) Soldiers in the Multiple launch Rocket System (MLRS) and the High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) operations annually; responsible for maintaining class rosters and grades of over 12 classes annually; writes and updates lesson plans and examinations; assists in Program of Instruction (POI) revisions; conducts Very Important Person (VIP) static display and Foreign Military Sales (FMS) briefings on the MLRS weapons system; conducts Live Fire Excercises (LFX) demonstrating fire capabilities for VIP and FMS; supervises maintenance and troubleshooting of 59 vehicles valued at over $75,000,000.
BN Ammunition NCO
Battalion Ammunition NCO for a Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS) unit assigned to 3-13th FA; providing rocket/missile fires in support of 75th FAB; Manages ammunition movement from ammunition supply points forward to firing Batteries; Maintains accountability and physical security of over $55,000,000 of operational ammunition; manages and coordinates over $12,000,000 of training ammunition; Performs mission analysis to ensure ammunition handling capabilities support operations; Manages and supervises land and ammunition for 3 Batteries and 1 Company; Maintains accountability of equipment valued at $7,200,000; Responsible for ammunition certification process of 32 ammunition crews

Gunner, High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) Battalion
Serves as a Gunner for a FORSCOM assigned High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) Battalion with a worldwide deployment mission as part of the 17th Field Artillery Brigade, within I Corps; Assists section chief in supervision of operations; maintenance, and training, performs start-up of Fire Control System (FCS), and operates HIMARS FCS in all modes of operation; inputs manual fire control data and verifies meteorological data; fires weapons on command; performs FCS diagnostic tests; prepares launcher-loader module for reload and performs maintenance operations; responsible for health and welfare of one Soldier.
Section Chief, High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) Battalion
Serves as a Section Chief for a FORSCOM assigned High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) Battalion with a worldwide mission as part of the 17th Field Artillery Brigade; leads crew members during fire mission processing and ammunition reload operations; supervises the performance of the operator and crew maintenance on section vehicle; plans movement routes to and from firing areas; selects launcher emplacement and reload sites; responsible for the maintenance and supply accountability of one launcher valued at over $2,800,000.
13M40/HIMARS Master Gunner
Serves as the Brigade High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS) Master Gunner in an equipped Field Artillery Brigade in direct support of the 82d Airborne Division with an enduring combat mission in support of the Global War on Terror; as the brigade's subject matter expert he advises the Commander on weapon system capabilities and limitations; responsible for the management and execution of battalion certification and weapons qualification program; supervises the training and certification of 18 HIMARS and 9 ammunition crews; coordinates ammunition and land for all live fires, small arms ranges and training exercises.
HIMARS Launcher Chief
Launcher Section Chief of a High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS); responsible for the supervision, training, morale, welfare, and daily operations of two Soldiers; makes final selection of firing points and hide areas; supervises fire mission execution and reload operations; responsible for the accountability, maintenance, and repair of a M142 HIMARS Launcher and associated equipment valued in an excess of $2.2 million.
Multiple Launch Rocket System (MLRS)
High Mobility Artillery Rocket System (HIMARS)
Major duties. The MLRS/HIMARS crewmember supervises or serves as a member of a launcher crew or section.
MOSC 13M10. Drives the M270, M270A1 (MLRS) or the M142 (HIMARS) Self Propelled Loader Launcher (SPLL) and the ammunition resupply vehicle and trailer; performs maintenance on the SPLL and ammunition resupply vehicle and trailer; performs ammunition reload operations on the launcher and resupply vehicle; tests, removes, and replaces fire control system components as needed on the M270, M270A1, or HIMARS launcher and the launch pod/ container trainer; mounts radio sets in vehicles and connects communication components in M270, M270A1, or M142 launcher; operates and performs operator maintenance on communications equipment; replaces or repairs track on an M270 or M270A1; changes flat tires on an M142.
MOSC 13M20. Assists the section chief in supervision of operations, maintenance, and training; leads and instructs the reconnaissance team in combat operations; assists the ammunition section chief in supervision of ammunition resupply operations, maintenance, and training; performs start-up of fire control system and operates MLRS/HIMARS fire control system in all modes of operation; makes manual fire control entries and enters meteorological data into the fire control system; fires weapon on command; performs fire control system diagnostic tests using built-in test equipment; prepares launcher-loader module for reload and performs maintenance operations; conducts reconnaissance to determine routes and precise firing location sites.
MOSC 13M30. Leads and trains firing section or ammunition section; supervises crewmembers during fire mission processing and ammunition reload operations; supervises the performance of operator, crew, and organizational maintenance on section vehicles; plans movement routes to and from firing areas and selects sites for launcher emplacement; checks site to crest mask at firing positions; coordinates requirements for organizational maintenance; enforces OPSEC procedures and adherence to safety procedures involving launcher firing.
MOSC 13M40. Assists the platoon leader in the planning and execution of collective training activities; conducts reconnaissance of platoon positions, reload points, and platoon area survey points; supervises maintenance of equipment, vehicles, weapons, and communications equipment; leads the operation of the Platoon Leader's Digital Message Device (PLDMD); supervises the emplacement and march-order of platoon elements; supervises convoy movement of ammunition resupply vehicles; receives, distributes, and stores ammunition; develops SOPs; organizes platoon defense; presents briefings on platoon operations; supervises platoon headquarters personnel; assumes duties of platoon leader in his absence; maintains and processes operations and intelligence information to include situation maps; plans and selects reload points, launch areas, and ammunition cache sites; monitors platoon fire missions, launcher status, and logistic requirements; coordinates positioning of platoon elements with maneuver and support elements; conducts reconnaissance and selects routes between the Ammunition Transfer Point and Ammunition Supply Point; coordinates with ammunition officer for location of transfer points, amount, and mix of ammunition; supervises the preparation and distribution of maps, operational information, and status reports.