25S30 - SATCOM System Supervisor
Serves as the SATCOM Systems Supervisor for the Camp Carroll strategic earth terminal for a strategic signal company; responsible for operations and maintenance of an AN/GSC-52 V(1) satellite terminal providing strategic and tactical communications services throughout the Korean peninsula, Japan, Hawaii, and the United States in support of United Nations Command (UNC)/Combined Forces Command (CFC)/Unites States Forces Korea (USFK) and Eighth Army Commanders; responsible for systems support equipment, 2 vehicles and 1 facility valued in excess of $3.2 million; responsible for the welfare, morale, discipline and professional development of 1 Civilian, 4 NCOs and 13 Soldiers.
Senior Satellite Communications Operator Maintainer (25S20)
Serves as senior satellite technician for Signal, Intelligence & Sustainment Company, Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, in the only Airborne Division in the United States Army; supports the Global Response Force mission, capable of deploying anywhere in the world within 18 hours; manages the communication capabilities, training, and operational readiness of one AN/TSC-169B Unit Hub SATCOM Truck, ensuring communication reliability at the division level; responsible for the health, welfare, and training of four Soldiers; directly responsible for a Company Commo Cage and CBRN Cage and all associated equipment therein worth in excess of $4 million.
25B30 - Senior SATCOM NCO
Serves as the senior Satellite Communications Systems NCO in a forward deployed Expeditionary Signal Battalion; provides above-user level support in the installation, operation, readiness and maintenance of 24 WIN-T INC1c satellite communication systems within the xxx Battalion; supports the Battalion Engineering Cell in Satellite Access Requests, dissemination, maintenance and extensions of Satellite Access Authorizations; conducts planning, coordination, maintenance and configuration of tactical Satellite Communication links throughout the South West Asia region; responsible for the health, morale, and welfare of 2 NCOs and four Soldiers.
Serves as shift supervisor and senior technician for the 181st Signal Company in direct support of global NCA, NATO, EUCOM, CENTCOM, DISA missions and contingencies; manages the communication capabilities, training, and operational readiness of 13 satellite systems consisting of 347 racks of equipment ensuring communication reliability while managing a shift comprised of six Soldiers, one Noncommissioned Officer, three Department of the Army Contractors (DAC), and a Contractor Support Team (CST) consisting of eight personnel; directly responsible for a SATCOM facility valued in excess of $400 million.
25S3O Transmissions Systems Supervisor
Serves as a Transmissions Systems Supervisor in a Forward Signal Company; installs, operates and performs maintenance on communication subsystems and communications security devices; responsible for the health, morale, training, professional development and welfare of seven Soldiers; readiness of three AN/TSC 167(B) (STT) and three AN/TRC-190D (V)3 (HCLOS) valued at $1,829,013.00; plans, coordinates, and configures the direct installation, maintenance, and management of tactical satellite communication system for command and control in support of V Corps, USAREUR.
![satellite terminal patch panel](\DCSS-patch-panel.jpg)