Brigade Paralegal NCOIC
Serves as the Brigade Paralegal NCOIC for the 15th Signal Brigade with 6,0000+ personnel and U.S. Army Garrison, Fort Gordon; responsible for the welfare, training, and daily accountability of three paralegal specialists and two civilian paralegals; tracks all legal actions to ensure accurate and timely processing; coordinates training on legal topics, professional development, and Command Soldier Task and Drills; prepares administrative separations, non-judicial punishment, hearing transcripts, investigating officer appointment memoranda, and post-trial documents; assists in providing timely and accurate legal support to commanders at all levels; assists with trial preparation from investigation to completion, including motions, pretrial confinement, and Art. 32 preliminary hearings.
27D20/ Battalion Paralegal NCO
Serves as the Paralegal NCO for the [insert Battalion] and provides paralegal support to the [insert Brigade] consisting of X,XXX Soldiers and X Summary Court-Martial Convening Authorities; works under the supervision of two attorneys; receives, prepares, processes, tracks and is responsible for the accurate and timely preparation of Article 15s, courts-martial, Article 32 preliminary hearings, administrative separations, investigations and general officer memoranda of reprimand; coordinates with and provides legal support to Commanders, Command Sergeants Major, and First Sergeants on all legal core competencies; responsible for the accountability, training, health, welfare and supervision of X junior paralegals.
27D1O Paralegal Specialist
Provide paralegal support to unit commanders and the Office of the Staff Judge Advocate, legal documents in courts-martial, nonjudicial punishments and other military justice matters, prepare line of duty determinations, separation board proceedings and other administrative law matters, assist in the family law arena, such as powers of attorney, wills and separation decrees.
27D20/30 NCOIC, Trial Defense Services
Manages daily operations for the Trial Defense Services offices in [insert location]; provides clerical, administrative, and logistical support to 6 Trial Defense attorneys; assists with trial preparation; conducts informational briefings and provides guidance and assistance to clients facing adverse legal and administrative actions; screens clients, collects data, reviews case files, maintains client and legal action trackers; prepares monthly and quarterly reports; responsible for training, mentoring and counseling 1 junior paralegal assigned to the office.
27D30 Battalion Paralegal NCO
Battalion Paralegal noncommissioned officer for an expeditionary signal battalion consisting of 715 Soldiers; directly supports the commanders within the battalion; provides support to command teams and staff at company and battalion levels on military justice and administrative law; attends related MDMP battalion level staff meetings; supports trial counsel by assisting in case development and maintaining and handling records to include transcription of court proceedings.
27D30 Battalion Paralegal NCO
Serves as the battalion paralegal NCO for the 1184th Deployment and Distribution Support Battalion, consisting of 211 Soldiers; provides preliminary legal, administrative, and investigative support to unit commanders and staff and coordinates legal actions; prepares and processes legal documents in support of non-judicial, separation, and other administrative matters; provides legal assistance support; responsible for the administration of all military justice actions at battalion level; conducts extensive legal research; coordinates and conducts required training with unit Soldiers on Rules of Engagement (ROE), Law of War (LOW) for upcoming deployment.

MOS 27D - Paralegal Specialist
Major Duties. Paralegal specialists administer and supervise the provision of legal services to unit commanders and staff and assist judge advocates and attorneys in providing professional legal services in diverse legal disciplines, including: organizational legal services (military justice, legal assistance, claims, administrative law, international law, operational law, and contract law); defense legal services; and judicial legal services. Duties for MOS 27D at each level of skill are:
MOSC 27D10. Provides preliminary legal and administrative support to unit commanders and staff and coordinates legal actions with supervising legal office; prepares and processes legal documents in support of courts-martial, non-judicial punishment, and other military justice matters; line of duty determinations, separation board proceedings, and other administrative law matters; legal assistance services; claims processing and investigations.
MOSC 27D20. Supervises the operation of a section in a command or installation legal office; provides technical guidance to subordinates; maintains law and administrative library and section files and records; monitors and reviews actions to ensure accuracy and timely dispatch or disposition.
MOSC 27D30. Supervises the operation of a command legal office; trains and provides guidance to subordinates on complex legal administrative issues; coordinates with units concerning taskings and training of paralegal specialists and noncommissioned officers; conducts extensive legal research; adjudicates personal property claims.
MOSC 27D40. Supervises the operation of an installation legal office or section of a major command legal office; plans, organizes, and provides logistical support to subsections; coordinates the requisition and assignment of installation paralegal specialists and NCOs; develops and implements installation training of paralegal specialists and NCOs.
MOSC 27D50. Supervises the operation of a major command legal office; provides technical and professional guidance to and coordinates the requisition and assignment of all command-wide paralegal specialists and NCOs; advises the senior judge advocate on all matters affecting legal specialists and NCOs; inspects command legal support activities and recommends actions to correct deficiencies and improve legal support operations; in formations with a 27D60, the 27D50 manages the military justice operations of a Staff Judge Advocate Office in Division, Corps and ASCC formations.
MOSC 27D60. Supervises the operation of a Division, Corps, or ASCC legal office; provides technical and professional guidance to and coordinates the requisition and assignment of all command-wide paralegal specialists and NCOs; inspects command legal support activities and recommends actions to correct deficiencies and improve legal support operations; advises the senior judge advocate on all matters affecting paralegal specialists and NCOs.