Criminal Investigation Special Agent
Duty Descriptions

Special Agent
Special Agent assigned to an MTOE criminal investigative unit in support of 3ID and the Maneuver Center of Excellence; preserves readiness of the force through expert felony criminal investigations; conducts interviews and interrogations; processes crime scenes; employs and trains on technical investigative equipment; identifies, preserves, collects, and utilizes physical, digital, and testimonial evidence; prepares written technical reports and provides testimony at hearings, boards, and courts martials to support Commanders in their efforts to improve their formations; maintains liaison with installation, local, and federal law enforcement officials; on order, deploys in support of contingency operations worldwide providing expert criminal investigative capabilities to the U.S. Army and joint commanders.

Detachment Sergeant
Investigates felony criminal offenses with an Army interest; evaluates, processes, and photographs crime scenes; collects and analyzes physical and digital evidence; interviews and interrogates victims, witnesses, suspects, and subjects; conducts crime prevention and analytical surveys; prepares reports to document the results of investigations and surveys; testifies in courts-martial proceedings and before federal, state, and local tribunals; conducts coordination and liaison with Staff Judge Advocates and civilian attorneys, serves as the senior enlisted advisor to the Special Agent in Charge, responsible for the accountability of $150,000 of government equipment.

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