BN S1 Floor Sergeant
Serves as the BN S1 Floor Sergeant for 1-16th Infantry Regiment, 1 ABCT, 1st Infantry Division comprised of approximately 657 Soldiers; serves as the principal advisor to the BN S1 NCOIC, BN S1 OIC, Company 1SGs, and Company CDRs on all areas of personnel management and support; responsible for the personnel accountability, strength reporting, and administrative oversight of the two Infantry, one Armor Company and one FSC in support of operational readiness; provides supervision of the Battalion S-1 section composed of four Soldiers who are responsible for personnel readiness management, unit status reporting, awards, promotions, and postal operations; maintains consistent communication of the Battalion's personnel needs.
Human Resources Sergeant
Serves as the Human Resources Sergeant; responsible for personnel and admin support of 95 personnel; manages, processes, reviews, and coordinates admin tasks pertaining to personnel accountability, strength management, evaluations, awards, promotions, and reductions; processes needed updates to Soldiers electronic files; supervises, mentors, and is accountable for the health, welfare, morale, training, and actions of four Soldiers.
Human Resources Sergeant, Combined Arms Battalion
Human Resources Sergeant for a Combined Arms Battalion with the First Cavalry Division consisting of 836 Soldiers; Responsible for the in and outprocessing of Soldiers; oversees leave management log, award processing, postal operations and expendable supplies within the S1; Ensures recurring reports and suspense's are met; Advises the Command and Staff on personnel, promotions, and finance related matters to include strength levels of subordinate companies; reviews consolidated promotions and financial reports, statistics, and prepares recommendations to higher echelons on personnel utilization; supervises, mentors, and counsels eight Soldiers.
Human Resources Sergeant, 112th Quartermaster Company
Serves as a Human Resources Sergeant for the 112th Quartermaster Company in the 113th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion, 13RD Sustainment Brigade; supervises and manages the processing and tracking of all Personnel Actions, Awards, NCOERs, Promotions, Suspension of Favorable Actions, Leaves and Passes, Change of Command, Award Ceremonies and Military Pay consisting of 177 officers and enlisted; responsible processing transactions into E-MILPO; responsible for the health and welfare of one NCO and five junior enlisted Soldiers; responsible and accountable for equipment valued over 200,000 dollars.
42A Human Resources Sergeant, Military Police
Performs duties as a Human Resources Sergeant for a Military Police Internment/Resettlement Battalion consisting of an HHC, two MP I/R Companies forward deployed in direct support of the Global War on Terrorism; coordinates all battalion personnel and administrative functions; serves as the subject matter expert and command advisor for awards, evaluations, promotions, leaves, passes, reassignments, eMILPO, ARIMS, mail sistribution and other pertinent administrative functions for 467 Soldiers; responsible for the health, welfare, morale and training of two NCOs and two Soldiers.
42A2P Human Resources Sergeant, Brigade Support Battalion
Serves as a Human Resources Sergeant in a Brigade Support Battalion in the 82nd Airborne Division capable of deploying anywhere in the world within 18 hours of notification to sustain combat service support to the 3rd Brigade Combat Team; responsible for the accountability and maintenance of 409 Soldier Readiness Processing (SRP) files; responsible for processing of personnel actions, awards, promotions, and NCOERs; serves as a Team Leader, responsible for the combat readiness, accountability, morale, health and welfare of two Paratroopers.
42A Human Resource Sergeant, Personnel Administration Center
Serves as a Human Resource Sergeant for the Personnel Administration Center in the Combat Aviation Brigade Rear Detachment; provides support to 200 Soldiers and Officers; performs duties of and supervises personnel support activity; maintains enlisted rating scheme; provides daily readiness reports (PERSTAT) to G1, to include monthly Personnel Management Indicator (PMIR); reviews awards, applications and promotion correspondence, exceptions to policy, personnel actions, consoldiated reports, QNSR and finance; responsible for the training and welfare of one NCO and four Soldiers.

42A20 Human Resources Sergeant
Responsible for the processing of Operational Deletions/Deferments and High School Stabilizations for two divisions and six separate brigades; processes Officer Candidate School; manages all personnel actions to include Conscientious Objector packets, Dwell time waiver requests, Manning requests, Command Extension requests, Special Leave Accrual requests, Exception to Policy, Stop Loss/Stop Move, ETP Type II Recruiter Investigation, and OCONUS Leave.
42A3O Human Resources Sergeant
Serves as a Human Resources Sergeant for a (division level command), responsible for 2 Brigades and a battalion; coordinates all personnel and administrative functions; responsible for the integration of all aspects of personnel accountability, personnel actions, financial and personnel records review; reviews Soldiers in-processing for AGR; serves as subject matter expert; types all correspondence in draft and final form; prepares and processes enlisted actions; prepares and processes operational orders for tasking of brigades (eLAS). Serves as the primary point of contact and advisor on a variety of HR related programs including Yellow Ribbon and AGR personnel and finance management.
42A3O/Battalion Human Resource Sergeant
Serves as the Human Resources Sergeant of a 425 member Brigade Support Battalion; responsible for personnel and administrative support; reviews, tracks and processes NCOERs and submitted awards; ensures timely and accurate submission of personnel actions, iPERMS/SIDPERS document review and input; responsible for distribution of the battalion mail and correspondence; maintains operational readiness of equipment within the section; trains four Soldiers within the section on administrative tasks.
42A3O/Regimental Human Resources Sergeant
Serves as the Regimental Human Resources Sergeant. Responsible for the timely processing of medical requirements, OER and NCOER processing, education and benefits assistance, awards processing and personnel actions; updates and maintains unit rosters, correspondence; processes Soldier documents into I-Perms; maintains status reports and files; answers inquiries from staff and provides administrative support.
42A2O Human Resources Sergeant
Serves as Human Resources Sergeant and PSDR Clerk, which is responsible for personnel and admin support of XXX personnel; serves as a SME and advisor of all personnel functions; manages, processes, reviews, and coordinates admin tasks pertaining to personnel accountability, strength management, evaluations, awards, promotions, reductions, and legal actions; processes needed updates to Soldiers electronic files; accountable for equipment valued at ($#) dollars; supervises, mentors, and is accountable for the health, welfare, morale, training, and actions of two Soldiers.
42A2O Human Resources Sergeant
Served as the Human Resources Sergeant for Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 264th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (CSSB); responsible for all administrative and personnel actions; supervised subordinates processing promotion reports and packets, leaves, awards and preparing monthly unit reports generated by EMILPO; compiled personnel data for the monthly Unit Status Report (USR); responsible for the maintenance of one M1078 LMTV and one M1151 Up-Armored HMMWV worth $250,000; responsible for the health, welfare, training and professional development of two Noncommissioned Officers and one Soldier.
42A2O Human Resources Sergeant
Serves as the Human Resources Sergeant in a PSDR Sustainment Brigade providing administrative support to over 2,100 Soldiers assigned and attached; works as the Promotions NCO preparing all Brigade NCO and Soldier of the Month and Quarter boards; supervises Battalion level promotion board proceedings, transactions and conducts monthly promotion audits; processes awards, evaluations, promotions and personnel actions; manages the operation of the Brigade RAPIDS ID card system; supervises the processing of transactions on Emilpo, IPERMS, TOPMIS and EDAS; supervises and maintains the health and welfare of three subordinate Soldiers.
Human Resources Sergeant, Field Artillery Battalion
Human Resources Sergeant for a Field Artillery Battalion with the Brigade Combat Team consisting of 294 Soldiers; advise the S-1 on administrative functions; which includes the ARMIS, AWOL reports, reviewing column H remarks on DA Forms 1379, reduction orders, strength reports, forward discharge packets to the brigade, review NCOERS, distribute mail for the armory, and monitor unit level suspense's; manages medical suspense and PHA reports; supervises, mentors, and counsels the performances of the Personnel Service SGT, Personnel Admin SGT, Legal NCO, and Personnel Admin Specialist Clerks.
Human Resources Sergeant
Human Resources Sergeant for an 821 Paratrooper Airborne Infantry Battalion capable of deploying world-wide in 18 hours or less; responsible for supervising the processing and accountability of NCOERs and awards; promotion; updates personnel rosters; manages correspondence, unclassified and classified mail; maintains status reports; processes TDY orders; manages equipment and supplies within the battalion S1 section; responsible for the accountability of equipment valued at $200,000; supervises one Non-commissioned Officer and eight Paratroopers.