Animal Care Specialist
Duty Descriptions

68T Animal Care Specialist
Serves as an Animal Care NCO providing healthcare support to Military Working Dogs, other Government Owned Animals (GOA) and Privately Owned Animals (POA), in garrison and worldwide contingency operations; prevention and control spread of zoonotic diseases (animal to human); assists Army veterinarians in conducting routine exams, administers medications, and performs surgical and emergency procedures for GOAs.

NCOIC, Veterinary Medicine
Serves as the NCOIC of the Department of Veterinary Medicine; assists the Chief of Veterinary Medicine in ensuring all RDT&E, clinical investigation, and diagnostic procedures were conducted in compliance with applicable regulations and standards; supports an animal colony of over X non-human primates and X mice; contributes veterinary expertise for medical research protocols, equipment procurement, and emergency plans; responsible for equipment valued at $X million and the daily supervision and training of XX U.S. and foreign service nationals.

Animal Care Specialist
Provides routine care of animals in veterinary treatment or research and development facilities; obtains medical history from owners and/or handlers and measures and records animal vital signs; performs physical examinations to detect obvious abnormalities and reports findings to veterinarian; positions and restrains animals for examination and treatment; calculates doses and administers oral and topical medications as directed by the veterinarian; maintains sanitary conditions for all components of the veterinary treatment facilities to include operating room and equipment.

Animal Care Specialist
Assists veterinarian in surgical procedures and performs euthanasia when instructed by veterinarian; cleans, debrides, and sutures superficial wounds; collects, preserves, and prepares blood, urine, feces, skin scrapings, and post mortem specimens for shipment and evaluation; performs routine diagnostic laboratory tests such as fecal smears, urinalysis, blood counts, and chemistries; records laboratory test results; takes and develops radiographs of designated animal body parts; initiates and maintains animal health records, immunization records, registration files, animal bite case reports, and other administrative files.

Animal Care Specialist
Provides technical guidance, management, and training to junior and other medical personnel (68W) and emergent and routine care to the canine handlers; performs advanced emergency medical procedures on animals such as triage, tracheotomy and insertion of stomach tubes; operates mechanical respirators, heart monitors, and sterilizer apparatus; supervises supply management and patient administration procedures.


Provides care and treatment of animals; assists veterinarian in surgical procedures; prevents and controls the transmission of diseases from animal to man; provides routine and daily care of animals in veterinary treatment or research and development facilities; maintains sanitary conditions throughout the veterinary treatment facilities;


Obtains medical histories from owners and/or handlers; records laboratory test results in the Remote Online Veterinary Records (ROVR) System; processes and develops radiographs of animal body parts; establishes and maintains animal health records, immunization records, animal bite reports, and other administrative files within ROVR; orders medical supplies on the Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) Customer Assistance Module (DCAM) on the Medical Communications for Combat Casualty Care (MC4) computers;


Measures and records animal vital signs; performs physical examinations to detect abnormalities; positions and restrains animals for examination and treatment; calculates doses and administers oral and topical medications as required; performs euthanasia when necessary; cleans, debrides, and sutures superficial wounds; collects, preserves, and prepares blood, urine, feces, biopsy, and post mortem specimens for evaluation; performs routine diagnostic laboratory tests such as fecal smears, urinalysis, blood counts, and chemistries; performs advanced medical procedures such as triage, tracheotomy, burn treatment, poison control, venous cutdown, and insertion of stomach tubes; operates mechanical respirators, heart monitors, and gas sterilizer apparatus;

MOS 68T - Animal Care Specialist

Major Duties. The animal care specialist supervises or provides the care, management, treatment, and sanitary conditions for animals, with a primary responsibility of prevention and control of diseases transmitted from animal to man and comprehensive care for government owned animals. Duties for MOS 68T at each level of skill are:

MOSC 68T10. Provides routine daily care for animals in veterinary treatment or research and development facilities; obtains medical history from owners and handlers and measures and records animal vital signs; performs physical examinations to detect obvious abnormalities and reports findings to veterinarian; positions and restrains animals for examination and treatment; calculates doses and administers oral and topical medications as directed by the veterinarian; maintains sanitary conditions for all components of the veterinary treatment facilities to include operating room and equipment; assists veterinarian in surgical procedures and performs euthanasia when instructed by veterinarian; cleans, debrides, and sutures superficial wounds; collects, preserves, and prepares blood, urine, feces, skin scrapings, and post mortem specimens for shipment and evaluation; performs routine diagnostic laboratory tests such as fecal smears, urinalysis, blood counts, and chemistries; records laboratory test results in the Remote Online Veterinary Records (ROVR) System; takes and develops radiographs of designated animal body parts; initiates and maintains animal health records, immunization records, animal registration files, animal bite case reports, and other administrative office files within ROVR; while deployed, order medical supplies on the Defense Medical Logistics Standard Support (DMLSS) Customer Assistance Module (DCAM) on the Medical Communications for Combat Casualty Care (MC4) computers.

MOSC 68T20. Performs duties shown at preceding skill level; provides technical guidance, management, and training to junior personnel; performs advanced emergency medical procedures on animals such as triage, tracheotomy, burn and poison management, venous cutdown, and insertion of stomach tubes; operates mechanical respirators, heart monitors, and gas sterilizer apparatus; supervises non-appropriated fund activities, day-to-day operations, supply management and patient administration procedures; prepares budgets; trains handlers in emergency care of animals; assists on research protocol teams; maintains clinical and organizational equipment.

MOSC 68T30. Performs duties of and supervises the functions of preceding skill levels; develops and establishes standard operating procedures for operations of veterinary treatment facilities; assists in scheduling, conducting, and evaluating training of veterinary service enlisted personnel; coordinates procurement of high dollar value equipment; reviews, consolidates, and prepares technical reports; performs as a liaison for the veterinary officer to interact with installation medical authorities, installation commanders, and civilian agencies.

MOSC 68T40. Performs duties of and supervises the functions of preceding skill levels; schedules, monitors, and evaluates the unit training program and maintains unit and individual training records; assists the commander in preparing, monitoring, and evaluating the unit operations plan; compiles and evaluates management and personnel data; reviews operations of veterinary service to ensure compliance with laws and regulations regarding humane care and treatment of animals; monitors laboratory animal procurement procedures and serves on laboratory animal protocol boards; provides technical assistance in planning, staffing, and modifying existing animal facilities; supports a variety of administrative and program related ancillary duties associated with installation and Major Subordinate Command (MSC) operations.

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