Senior Power Generation Equipment Repairer
Serves as the Senior Power Generation Equipment repairer for Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion; responsible for the training, mentorship, counseling, health, and welfare of three Soldiers; Coordinates Scheduled and Unscheduled maintenance for 103 pieces of Ground Support Equipment worth over $3,700,000; responsible for disposition, evacuation, and transportation of all equipment that require higher echelon maintenance; provides technical guidance in areas of Field and Sustainment level maintenance including servicing, troubleshooting, and repairing Power Generation Equipment.
91D2O Tactical Power Generation Specialist
Serves as the Senior Tactical Power Generation Specialist in a Field Artillery Regiment Battalion that provides
suppression to destroy and neutralize the enemy by cannon, rocket, and missile fire; supervises the scheduled maintenance work load for the field level maintenance team; responsible for the planning, coordinating, directing, and managing of organizational maintenance items for more than 372 pieces of reportable equipment worth over $8,358,623; establishes safety procedures and inspects work area for safe physical and environmental factors; supervises on-the-job training; responsible for the health, welfare, professional development, training and morale of six Soldiers.
91D20 Power Generation Equipment Repairer
Performs duties in preceding skill levels; performs field and sustainment level maintenance on tactical, utility, and precise power generation sets, internal combustion engines, and associated equipment; supervises lower grade soldiers and provides technical guidance in the areas of field and sustainment level maintenance including servicing, troubleshooting and repairing power generation equipment up through 200KW.
Serves as the NCOIC of the Ground Support Equipment Section and Senior Power Generation Equipment Repairer in a Forward Support Company in support of Operation Enduring Freedom 11-12; provides direct support maintenance directly supporting the 1-26th Infantry Regiment assigned to the 3rd Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division; provides technical guidance for nineteen mechanics across Khost Province in the areas of servicing, troubleshooting and repairing power generation equipment up through 200KW throughout the Battalion valued at $1,183,845.75; directly responsible for the training, mentoring, morale and welfare of two NCOs and seven Soldiers.
Serves as the unit's senior power generation repairer on a Combat Repair Team while supporting 2D Squadron, 2D Stryker Cavalry Regiment; serves as a squad leader and is responsible for the training, mentorship, counseling, health, and welfare of six Troopers; responsible for organizational and direct support maintenance of power generation for the Squadron; plans and organizes work schedules; assigns workloads; responsible for the disposition, evacuation, and transportation of all equipment that require higher echelon maintenance and the accountability and inventory of over $1,500,000 worth of equipment.
Power Generation Equipment Repairer
Serves as a Power Generation Equipment Repairer in an Expeditionary Signal Company that provides and defends rapidly deployable secure and non-secure voice, data, and visual communications support during joint and combined operations worldwide; executes generator repairs, technical troubleshooting, evacuation, and quality assurance and quality control of five Power Units, four Drash Utility Power Plants, and 2 Satellite Transportable Terminals; responsible for the health, morale, welfare, discipline, training, and professional development of four Soldiers.
Power Generator Mechanic
Power Generator Mechanic for Headquarters and Support Company, 615th Aviation Support Battalion; responsible for the supervision, training, health and welfare of six Solders; maintains Solider's deployment readiness; plans, coordinates and trains Soldiers to perform field level support maintenance on over 200 pieces of equipment; Repairs/overhauls starters, alternators, generators, fuel injectors, voltage regulators, switches, control circuits, etc. Controls all Hazmat to include, used oils, fuels, antifreeze and batteries instrumental in the accountability and serviceability of all assigned equipment valued over $30,000.
52D Generator Repairman
Performs unit or DS/GS maintenance on tactical utility, precise power generation sets, internal combustion engines, and associated items of equipment; supervises lower grade soldiers and provides technical guidance to the soldiers in the accomplishment of their duties; repairs/overhauls starters, alternators, generators, fuel injectors, voltage regulators, switches, control circuits, etc; controls all Hazmat for the Joint Task Force to include, used oils, fuels, antifreeze and batteries.