Major Duties: The radio and communications security (COMSEC) repairer performs or supervises direct and general support (DS/GS) level maintenance of radio receivers, transmitters, COM-SEC equipment, controlled cryptographic items (CCI), and other associated equipment. Duties for MOS 94E at each level of skill are:
Skill Level 1 MOSC 94E1O. Uses test, measurement, and diagnostic equipment (TMDE) to determine the cause and location of malfunctions, extent of faults, and category of maintenance required; repairs systems, equipment and subassemblies by adjusting, aligning, repairing, and replacing defective components, cryptographic items, or line replaceable units (LRU); performs bench tests to verify operability of repaired equipment, and ensures emission security standards are met; evacuates damaged equipment and components to higher level repair activities; performs preventive maintenance checks and services (PMCS) on tools, TMDE, vehicles, and power generators.
Skill Level 2 MOSC 94E2O. Performs complex and multi-failure tasks and provides technical and procedural assistance to subordinates. Tests equipment to localize and diagnose causes of malfunctions. Exchanges faulty equipment. Performs difficult or complex repairs of defective components, subassemblies, and related cabling. Ensures that National Security Agency (NSA) approved components are used in COMSEC/CCI repairs. Provides shop supervisor with equipment repair status, priorities, and necessity for bench stock resupply. Performs final or quality control inspection of repaired equipment. Controls and accounts for CCI within the repair facility.
Skill Level 3 MOSC 94E3O. Establishes work schedules and repair priorities; assigns and supervises shop repair operations and personnel. Provides technical information on repair functions and teaches complex or special tasks to subordinates and supported units. Supervises quality control and/or final inspection of radio, cryptographic items and related communications equipment. Ensures repair functions comply with Army and NSA COMSEC specifications and policies. Develops standing operating procedures relative to DS/GS shop operations. Conducts technical and on-the-job training programs in units.