SRU Duty Descriptions

See also: Medical Board NCOER Bullets

Serves as Platoon Sergeant for 3rd Platoon, Soldier Recovery Unit (SRU) in support of the Army's mission to heal and support Soldiers in Transition (STs) and their Family Members; serves as a vital link in the Medical Triad throughout the recovery and Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) process; works closely with Squad Leaders (SLs), Nurse Case Managers (NCMs) and Primary Care Managers (PCMs) to ensure quality care and service is provided; manages and synchronizes existing appointments, schedules, work programs and mandatory training; manages Soldier for Life and Transition Assistance program (SFL-TAP) and Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E) participation of four Squads; responsible for the health, welfare and morale, of 70 STs and six Squad Leaders.

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