31A Combat Support Military Police Company XO
Executive Officer for a Combat Support Military Police Company consisting of 3 Military Police Platoons and 1 HQ Platoon with an authorized strength of 159 Soldiers; responsible for the morale and welfare of 30 Soldiers in the HQ Platoon; principal advisor to the Commander, Platoon Leaders, and responsible for maintaining effective day-to-day operations; oversees the Command Supply Discipline Program and Command Maintenance Discipline Program; serves as the Unit Maintenance Officer and Unit Safety Officer; ensures Company Sections, personnel, and training readiness aligns with the unit's pathway objectives; provides Soldier resources for Family and financial support; responsible and accountable for all HQ Platoon's property and equipment costing up to $8 million.
88A00 Forward Support Company (FSC) Executive Officer
Executive Officer of a 76 Soldier Forward Support Company, consisting of a Headquarters and Distribution and Maintenance Platoons capable of world-wide deployment and conducting and supporting combat and LSCO operations upon arrival; oversees maintenance, field feeding, recovery, POL distribution, and supply distribution operations in support of the battalion; carries out orders from higher command and all other duties as assigned; maintains safety at all times and upholds integrity within the unit; supervises the operations, planning, scheduling, and evaluation of Company training throughout the year; responsible for the Headquarters section's ability to accomplish assigned missions; responsible for the morale, health, and welfare of the section.
Army Recruiting XO
Company Executive Officer in United States Army Recruiting; responsible for planning and resourcing for the Company; schedules events and works with COI's and community leaders in their AO; arranges all assets required for events; coordinates with outside civilian entities to create a funneling recruiting environment; coordinates and schedules meetings and Company training; assists the Company Commander with property; manages the Company's administrative pieces; responsible for the health, welfare, mentorship, and guidance of the Companies Soldiers.
14A Executive Officer in Basic Training TRADOC Environment
Serves as the Company Executive Officer; responsible for planning and resourcing for more than 200 trainees becoming soldiers every 9 weeks; schedules vehicle maintenance and vehicle dispatch; arranges all ranges/land needed for training nine weeks in advance; coordinates with outside civilian entities to create a DFAC Schedule and ensure company MRE Supply; coordinates and schedules maintenance on 240 carbines quarterly; schedules all 350-1 training for over 200 trainees every cycle; responsible for the health, welfare, mentorship, and guidance of one supply sergeant and one supply clerk.
91A Maintenance Company XO
Serves as the Company's Executive Officer; responsible for establishing and enforcing section procedures, assembling and supervising the section leaders during Military Decision Making Process (MDMP) ensuring a coordinated and synchronized maintenance and training plan each month; works with the Maintenance Control Officer, Supply Sergeant, and Automotive Chief Warrant Officer to prepare for inspection of the Command Maintenance Discipline Program (CMDP) to attain, sustain, and manage materiel readiness; ensures information flow between the section leaders and Commander on section recommendations, Commander's intent, CCIR, and the Commander's decisions, and section responsibilities; establishes and enforces planning timelines, enforcing standing operating procedures; and acts as Company Commander when they are absent.
Civil Affairs Battalion XO
Executive Officer of the 437th Civil Affairs Battalion consisting of 203 Soldiers, including 24 full time Soldiers and Civilians, organized into a Battalion Headquarters and four tactical CA Companies; serves as principal assistant to the Battalion Commander and key staff integrator to free the Commander from routine details of staff operations and the management of the Headquarters; responsible for directing efforts associated with the logistical, administrative, and fiscal management of a Civil Affairs Battalion with world-wide contingency missions; communicates as a liaison between the Commander, staff, and subordinate units; directs staff coordination to align with the Commander's intent as well as supporting subordinate unit success; ensures the best quality of life for Soldiers and their families; develops subordinate leaders through an active professional development program, emphasizing coaching, counseling, and mentoring; responsible for maintenance and accountability.
Brigade Executive Officer
Serves as the Brigade's Executive Officer; responsible for establishing and enforcing staff procedures, ensuring the Commander and the staff are informed on matters affecting the Command and individual staff responsibilities and assembling and supervising the staff during MDMP (Military Decision Making Process) ensuring a coordinated and synchronized plan; ensures information flow between the staff and Commander on staff recommendations, Commander's intent, CCIR, and the Commander's decisions; establishes and enforces planning timelines (1/3- 2/3), supervising the main CP (Command Post) and its operations, enforcing standing operating procedures; supervises deployment of the Brigade and ensures adequacy of the Brigade's logistics.