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This is an effort to list MOS-specific examples of Areas of Special Interest but we need your input. Examples received will be listed below.
In the Areas of Special Emphasis block, enter additional duties associated with your job or MOS (if you have any -not everyone does). For example, in a maintenance shop, a person's additional duty, might be Tool Room Monitor, Training NCO or TMDE Monitor. These are duties that you are specifically responsible for, in addition to the duties described in the Daily Duties and Scope block.
In the Appointed Duties block, enter additional duties assigned to you that are outside your job or MOS. These duties often support the entire unit and not just your work center or section. For example BOSS Representative, UPL or Career Counselor. Not everyone has an appointed duty.
MOS 11:
MOS 11B Areas of Special Emphasis:
Jumpmaster, Master Jumpmaster, Arms Room NCOIC
MOS 11C Areas of Special Emphasis:
Infantry Mortar Leaders Course (IMLC)
MOS 12:
MOS 12B Areas of Special Emphasis: Explosive Ordinance Clearance Agent (EOCA)
MOS 12B Appointed Duties: UPL, Master Fitness Trainer
MOS 12N Areas of Special Emphasis: Master Driver, Assistant Master Driver
MOS 12N Appointed Duties: Motorpool Sergeant, Range Safety Officer
MOS 12Y Areas of Special Emphasis: Military Decision Making Process (MDMP); Field Reconnaissance; Digital Data; Geospatial Engineer Team Assistant NCOIC; Team Leader; RFI Manager
MOS 13:
Areas of Special Emphasis: Joint Fires Observer
MOS 13F Areas of Special Emphasis:
Joint Terminal Attack Controller, Static Line Jumpmaster, Military Freefall
MOS 14:
MOS 14E Areas of Special Emphasis:
Air Defense Gunnery Training, Air Defense Operations, Air Defense Tactics, Air Defense Gunnery Certifications, Table IV Certification, Table VIII Certification, Table XII Certification, Reconfigurable Table-Top Trainer (RT3), Air Battle Management (ABM), Scenario Generation, Defense Design, Reconnaissance, Selection, and Occupation of Position (RSOP), Patriot Master Gunner (PMG), Tactical Control Assistant (TCA), Tactical Director Assistant (TDA), Radar Crewmember, EPP Crewmember, AMG Crewmember
MOS 14H Areas of Special Emphasis:
Mission Operations, Table VIII Crew Certification, Crew Sustainment Training
MOS 15:
MOS 15T Areas of Special Emphasis:
Flight Crew Member, Aviation Life Support Equipment NCO, Corrosion Prevention and Control Program Monitor, Ground Support Equipment NCO, NRCM Flight Instructor/Standardization Instructor, Master Gunner
MOS 15T Appointed Duties:
Equal Opportunity Leader, Nuclear Biological Chemical NCO, Unit Radiation Safety NCO, Safety NCO
MOS 17:
MOS 17C Areas of Special Emphasis: Unix System Administrator, Knowledge Manager, Information Assurance Technician
MOS 18:
Arch Angel MFF Training; JADE HELM UW Training; Detachment SR TRACON; Chilean Bi-Lat Exchange; NORTHCOM CNT-XXXX (COUNTRY)
Military Free Fall Jumpmaster; Static-line Jumpmaster; Joint Terminal Attack Controller (JTAC); Drop Zone Safety Officer (DZSO); Advanced Tactical Infiltration Course (ATIC) Instructor
MOS 19:
19D: Reconnaissance and Security Task Trainer; Deployed Personal Security Detachment Gunner; Deployed Battalion Tactical Operations Command Battle NCO
MOS 21: None received
MOS 25:
25U: COMSEC Custodian, Information Assurance Manager, ARAMP Manager, ATCTS Manager, Platoon Sergeant, Signal Instructor, System Administrator, Squad Leader, Team Chief, Team Leader
MOS 27: (enlisted only) Court Reporter
MOS 29: None received
MOS 31:
MOS 31B: Areas of special interest: Traffic Management and Collision Investigator, MPI
MOS 35:
MOS 35F Areas of Special Emphasis: Special Security Representative, Foreign Disclosure Representative, Security Manager
MOS 35M Areas of Special Emphasis: Operational Management Team, ICF Manager, Interpreter Manager, Instructor Preparation Team
MOS 35N Areas of Special Emphasis: SIGINT Training NCO, Intelligence Oversight NCOIC
MOS 36:
Mos 36B Areas of Special Emphasis: Centrally Billed Account (CBA) Reconciliation, General Fund Enterprise Business System (GFEBS), Defense Travel System (DTS), Government Travel Card (GTC) program, and Regional Level Accounting System (RLAS)
MOS 37:
37F Areas of Special Emphasis: MILDEC NCO, Battlestaff NCO, PSYOP Reclass SME, PSYOP OC/T, Team Leader, Assistant Team Leader, Detachment Leader (NCOIC)
37F Appointed Duties: UPL, Suicide Prevention Leader, UMO, Antiterrorism Officer, Master Fitness Trainer, Range Safety Officer, Historian, Static-line Jumpmaster, Drop Zone Safety Officer (DZSO), Convoy Commander
MOS 38: None received
MOS 42:
42A Areas of Special Emphasis: EMILPO; RLAS; ITRS; MEDPROS; IWS; IPERMS; Personnel Accountability; Leaves; Finance; Personnel Actions; Unit Status Report; Policy Letters; Epat; Evaluation Entry System; RCMS; Command Inspection Program (CIP); Unit Commander's Finance Report (UCFR); Soldier Readiness Program (SRP); Physical Readiness Training (PRT)
42A Appointed Duties: Battalion Army Emergency Relief; Battalion Guidon Bearer; Battalion Commander Driver; Battalion Equal Opportunity Leader (EOL); RAPIDS Site Security Manager (SSM); BN US Army Disaster Personnel Accountability and Assessment System (ADPAAS); Total Army Sponsorship Program (TASP)
MOS 46:
MOS 46S Areas of Special Emphasis: DVIDS Manager, Command Group Driver, Command Group NCOIC, Public Affairs NCOIC
MOS 51:
MOS 51C Areas of Special Emphasis: Contracting Officer
MOS 56:
MOS 56M Areas of Special Emphasis: Suicide Prevention Training Management; Memorial Event Management; Strong Bonds Program Management
MOS 68:
68D Areas of Special Emphasis: Certified Surgical First Assistant
68W Areas of Special Emphasis: MEDPROS; DCAM; M3PT; CLS Instructor; National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians Instructor, Medical Table 8 Proctor/Lane Safety/Grader, 68W Training NCO
68W Appointed Duties: Field Sanitation NCO
MOS 74D: Areas of Special Interest: Radiation Safety Officer
Appointed Duties: Unit Master Driver; Battalion Ammo Handler; Army Emergency Relief Fund Representative; Unit Mail Handler, Medical Readiness NCO; ATRRS Operator; DTMS Operator; Tamis Operator; GPC Cardholder; Safety Officer
MOS 79:
MOS 79V: IRR to SELRES transfer mission, Unit reenlistments, Unit UNSAT recovery
MOS 88:
88M Areas of Special Emphasis: Primary Container Control Officer; Licensed Instructor; License Examiner; Team Leader; Convoy Commander; Check-Ride Examiner; Convoy and Commodity Line haul Operations; Preventative Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS); Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills (WTBD); Weapons Qualification; Medical Readiness;
88M Appointed Duties: SFRG Representative for the company; Equal Opportunity Leader; Sergeant's Training Time (STT)
88Z Areas of Special Emphasis: Medical and Dental Readiness; Junior Promotion
MOS 89:
MOS 89B: Areas of Special Interest: Unit Ammunition NCO; Support Operations (SPO) Ammo NCOIC; Bunker/Earth Covered Magazine(ECM) Manager; Unit Turn-in NCO; Surveillance/Inspector NCOIC; Explosive Safety NCO
MOS 89B: Additional Duties: Unit Status Reporting (USR) NCO; Sponsorship Coordinator; DTMS NCOIC; Primary Unit APFT NCOIC
MOS 91:
91X: AOAP Monitor, TMDE Monitor, SOUM Manager, Corrosion Prevention Manager, ORM Manager, Winterization Coordinator
MOS 92:
MOS 92A (Motorpool) Areas of Special Emphasis: Materiel Storage and Handling, Standard Pricing, Sergeants Time Training, Battalion Dispatcher, Procurement, Contracting
MOS 92F Areas of Special Emphasis: Company Fuel Control NCOIC
MOS 92G Areas of Special Emphasis: AFMIS
MOS 92Y Areas of Special Emphasis: Command Supply Discipline Program (CSDP) Custodian, Sensitive Item Inventory, GCSS-A System Operator, KYLOC System Operator, Clothing Record Manager, CIF-ISM System Operator
MOS92Y Appointed Duties: UPL
MOS 94:
94E: Shop Operations; Security Forces Assistance Brigade (SFAB) Support; Equipment Accountability; Global Response Force (GRF); Subordinate professional growth