First Sergeant Duty Descriptions

First Sergeant, Basic Combat Training (BCT)

11Z5M BCT First Sergeant
Serves as a First Sergeant of a Basic Combat Training Company that consists of 25 cadre and an average annual training load of over 1,100 Initial Entry Training (IET) Soldiers; overall responsible for the enforcement and execution of TRADOC Program of Instruction (POI) and Training Support Package (TSP); provides mentorship to all personnel on Army Values and Warrior Ethos; directly develops four senior Drill Sergeants, and oversees the daily performance of 14 line Drill Sergeants and three support cadre; prepares, executes, supervises, and assesses rifle marksmanship, physical readiness, and combat skills training; maintains discipline and advises the commander on administrative, sustainment, safety, morale and welfare of all personnel and their families.

11Z5M First Sergeant (BCT)
First Sergeant for a gender-integrated Basic Combat Training company assigned the mission of providing tactically competent, physically fit, values based, and highly motivated Soldiers; responsible for the safety, health, welfare, morale, discipline, professional development, and training of 12 Drill Sergeants, one DA-Civilian, a supply sergeant, a supply specialist, and 960 Initial Entry Soldiers annually; primary advisor to the company commander in establishing all unit policies, procedures, and training guidance; oversees the accountability of equipment valued in excess of $1.5 million.

00G4M First Sergeant (BCT)
First Sergeant for a basic training company consisting of 24 Soldiers, including 12 Drill Sergeants, Drill Sergeant Candidates, Training NCO and 2 Supply Sergeants; responsible for executing established policies and standards pertaining to the training, mentoring, disciplining, health, welfare and physical fitness of all Soldiers, including monitoring Drill Sergeant competence in all areas of basic Soldiering skills; assists and advises the Commander and staff on all matters pertaining to enlisted Soldiers and their families; accompanies the Commander on inspections, visits, at ceremonies and holds formations.

00G5M First Sergeant
Serves as senior enlisted advisor to the commander of Bravo Company 1/415th (Drill Sergeants) whose mission is to support and conduct battle-focused training for IET soldiers, Army Reserve Units, National Guard Units and ROTC commands; responsible for training, administration, discipline, professional development, personnel accountability, safety, morale and mentoring of all assigned Soldiers; responsible for the maintenance and care of all equipment including 70 weapons and ancillary gear valued at over $150,000; sets and enforces high standards of conduct, training, professional development and physical readiness; ensures all Drill sergeants in the company are proficient at Army Warrior Tasks; assists the commander in planning, coordinating, executing and supervising all activities.

CMF 11, Infantry

11Z Reconnaissance Troop 1SG
Establishes and maintains troop discipline; supervises routine operations including, enforcing SOPs, coordinating and reporting personnel and administrative actions; supervises supply, maintenance, communications, and field hygiene operations; supervises, inspects, and/or observes all matters designated by the commander; as primary sustainment operator, helps the commander plan, coordinate, and supervise all sustainment activities that support the tactical mission; assists in preparation of the operations order; coordinates with the XO in all critical sustainment functions; plans, rehearses, and supervises key sustainment actions including maintenance and recovery, medical treatment and evacuation, replacement and RTD processing.

11Z First Sergeant
Serves as the First Sergeant of a forward deployed Headquarters and Headquarters Company; advises the Company Commander on administrative and tactical operations; supervises the employment of scout sections, mortar platoon, medical services, and staff operations on a daily basis; responsible for the health and welfare of 246 Soldiers and their families; supervises the upkeep of 3 Headquarters buildings and 1 barracks with associated property valued in excess of $240,000; responsible for the medical and physical readiness of 246 Soldiers; oversees the Company counseling, reception and integration, and sponsorship programs.

11Z First Sergeant OCT
First sergeant of a 19 Solider observer/controller (O/C) team that conducts advanced collective training for companies deploying in support of the Global War on Terrorism at the Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) during 10 rotations a year; conducts company and NCO after action reviews (AARs); coaches, teaches, and mentors rotational company's leadership and Soldiers on operations in the contemporary operating environment (COE); professionally develops subordinates; ensures safe training; responsible for 1.4 million dollars worth of equipment.

First Sergeant, Airborne Rifle Company
First Sergeant for a 100-man Airborne Rifle Company forward-deployed to Logar Province, Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom XIII; responsible for oversight of the daily security operations of an 8000-man Forward Operating Base; responsible for the combat readiness, physical fitness, morale, health, welfare, conduct and force protection of the company and the well being of its families; manages and maintains the company area, and is the primary advisor to the company commander; develops and maintains a culture of Army Values and Warrior Ethos within the company.

First Sergeant, Airborne Infantry Regiment
Responsible for the health, welfare, training, and morale of a 212-man Headquarters and Headquarters Company in an Airborne Infantry Regiment with a mission to deploy anywhere in the world within 18 hours, conduct a parachute assault, fight, and win; ensures that the Company receives continuous combat and combat service support and that all Paratroopers in the Company are proficient at individual and collective tasks.

First Sergeant, Infantry Bn
Responsible for the health, welfare, discipline and training of all assigned Soldiers; oversees all Company administrative, logistical and maintenance matters; advises the Commander on personnel assignments, morale, discipline, planning, resourcing, execution of training and employment of the Company; assists the Company Commander in command and control by disseminating and implementing command directives, policies and procedures.

First Sergeant, Cavalry
Serves as First Sergeant for Commanche Troop in direct support of a fully digitized Armored Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron prepared to deploy ISO combat operations world wide; responsible for current day to day operations, administration, personnel accountability, safety, health, discipline, professional development, welfare and training of 100 assigned and attached Non-Commissioned Officers, Soldiers and their families; manages and maintains the troop living area; advisor and assistant to the Troop Commander; responsible for the maintenance and care of 44 vehicles and ancillary equipment valued at over $100,000,000.

CMF 13, Artillery

13Z First Sergeant Headquarters Battery
Assists the Commander in planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities that support the unit mission; advises the commander on enlisted matters to include duty assignments, promotions, reductions, leave programs, military justice, privileges, awards, welfare and recreational activities, human relations, and equal opportunity; coordinates unit administration to include submission of required reports, vehicular support, supply, and food service activities; provides counsel and guidance to subordinate personnel.

MOS 13Z First Sergeant
The first sergeant holds formations, instructs platoon sergeants and is the senior trainer for all individual training that supports the unit METL; acts as the senior enlisted advisor to the commander; coordinates administrative and logistical support, to include water and food service, mail, laundry, showers, maintenance, and evacuation of personnel and equipment; monitors the health care, welfare, and sanitation of battery personnel; plans, coordinates, and executes the evacuation of casualties to the battalion aid station.

MOS 13Z First Sergeant
First Sergeant of a 155mm, Self-propelled, Howitzer (Paladin) Battery; authorized five officers, 92 Soldiers, 26 track and wheeled vehicles; responsible for all aspects of the unit's discipline, morale, deployablity, daily administration and training; focused on a world-wide contingency mission in support of the 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment; logistically plans and provides all classes of supply; responsible for the professional development of over 40 NCOs.

CMF 25, Communications

Serves as First Sergeant for C Company, 369th Signal Battalion, 15th Regimental Signal Brigade; directly supervises 11 Platoon Sergeants, three Operations NCOs, 36 Instructor/Writers, and over 500 Advance Individual Training (AIT) Soldiers; senior advisor to the Company Commander on all matters; plans, coordinates, supervises and reinforces Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills, Senior Enlisted Development, Physical Fitness Training, and the Soldierization process; responsible for the Soldiers' health, welfare, morale, safety, mentoring and discipline; focal point of accountability and leader training.

25U5O First Sergeant
Advises the commander on all aspects of training, discipline, and welfare of 45 Soldiers, Non-commissioned, and commissioned officers; responsible for the professional development of all enlisted personnel; serves as quality assurance for all travel: temporary duty, pay and allowance vouchers for all Soldiers within his scope of responsibility; responsible for the medical readiness of all personnel under his supervision through scheduling medical and dental appointments, screening immunizations requirements, and ensuring all appointments are kept; ensures standards of appearance and function of personnel barracks and administrative buildings are maintained at all times; supervises the accountability and maintenance of company vehicles and equipment valued at over 67 million dollars.

CMF 31, Law Enforcement

31E First Sergeant
Serves as the First Sergeant in a forward deployed Internment/Resettlement Military Police Headquarters and Headquarters Company in support of Operation ENDURING FREEDOM (OEF) and the Afghan National Detention Facility in Parwan (ANDF-P); responsible for the health, welfare, discipline, training, and professional development of 141 Soldiers; responsible for all aspects of administration and enlisted personnel management for the unit; principal advisor to the commander on all enlisted Soldier matters, Detainee Services Branch (DSB), and Camp Mayor Cell servicing over 3000 personnel; responsible for the accountability of over $5 million in U.S. Army property.

31B5M First Sergeant
Responsible for a Worldwide deployable FORSCOM Maneuver, Fires and Effects (MFE) Military Police Company; overall responsible for the training, quality of life, safety, morale, health, welfare, discipline and combat readiness of 167 service members; principal advisor to the commander on all enlisted personnel issues and special emphasis areas; overseas unit daily operations consisting of supply, maintenance, administrative, and training functions; responsible for unit discipline and standards enforcement; maintains accountability and serviceability for all assigned Company MTOE Equipment and installation property valued in excess of $26,000,000.

31B5M First Sergeant
First Sergeant of a military police brigade headquarters company consisting of 89 Soldiers; advises the commander on all matters relating to enlisted Soldiers; overseas unit daily operations consisting of supply, maintenance, administrative, and training functions; responsible for unit discipline and standards enforcement; responsible for individual Soldier's training and deployability; develops and mentors junior Noncommissioned Officers with the unit.

CMF 35, Intel

First Sergeant/Intelligence and Sustainment Company
Served as the First Sergeant for a Brigade Network Support Company providing communications support for 3rd Armored Brigade Combat Team, 3rd ID; manages Army systems to include: training managment, accountability, APFT, weapons qualifications, and profiles; supervises company administrative processes including NCOERs, OERs, awards, finance actions and promotions; responsible for promoting and executing the commanders guidance; assists and advises the commander on all enlisted matters; responsible for the health and welfare, discipline, combat readiness and professional development of 5 officers, 22 Noncommissioned Officers and 52 Soldiers.

First Sergeant
Serves as the First Sergeant of the Intelligence and Sustainment Company for Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion, I Corps with worldwide deployment capability, encompassing over 300 Soldiers, Airmen, and civilians; principle advisor to the commander on all matters pertaining to the enlisted force to include health, morale, welfare, and discipline; responsible for planning and supervising individual training to ensure the unit's readiness in support of the Corps' mission; responsible for the maintenance, accountability, and readiness posture of over $200 million worth of equipment.

First Sergeant (35M HUMINT Collector)
Performs duties of preceding skill level and provides guidance to subordinate Soldiers; directs the conduct of interrogation, translation, and interpretation functions; assists in conducting and directing Source Operations (MSO); edits interrogation reports, translation reports, and IIR's; monitors interrogations and translations for accuracy and completeness; determines requirements for summary, extract, or complete translations of documents.

CMF 68, Medical

68W5M First Sergeant
Serves as First Sergeant for forward deployed medical company assigned to the 1st BCT, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault) in support of Operation Enduring Freedom XI; serves as the senior enlisted advisor to the commander on all enlisted matters; responsible for NCO and junior leader development programs; responsible for standards, command policies, command climate, morale, good order and discipline; responsible for the health, welfare, training, and safety of 75 Soldiers and their Families; supervises the maintenance and accountability of $9,369,300 worth of organizational and theater provided equipment.

68W58 Course Manager
Serves as Senior Small Group Leader (SGL) and facilitator for over 720 NCOs attending the Senior Leader Course (SLC) annually; supervises 8 SGLs; provides tactical and technical knowledge applying current doctrine and lessons learned; conducts Leadership, Resource Management, Operations training, and relevant Staff NCO Development Exercises; facilitates discussions on Career Management Field subjects; serves as detachment 1SG; responsible for the health, welfare, morale, professional development, Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT) performance, and training of assigned personnel; advises the Commander on enlisted matters, promotions, maintaining and enforcing standards, accountability, standard compliance, and the monitoring and enforcement of maintenance standards.

CMF 91, Maintenance

First Sergeant 91Z5M
Served as a First Sergeant for the Forward Support Company in the RSTA Squadron that includes a Distribution Platoon, Maintenance Platoon, and a Food Service Section consisting of 93 Soldiers; assisted the commander in planning, coordinating, and supervising all logistical activities that support the Squadron; advised the Commander on enlisted Soldier matters to include duty assignments, promotions, military justice, awards, moral, welfare, professional developement, and equal opportunity; as the senior maintenance supervisor, supervises, plans and directs the sustainment maintenance of all wheeled, armament, power generation and utility equipment.

91Z First Sergeant
Serves as a First Sergeant of a Forward Support Company; responsible for planning and executing maintenance and distribution support to a General Support Aviation Battalion; oversees the training in preparation for deployment with little or no warning; responsible for the maintenance of 271 ground vehicles and 24 hour refuel operations in support of 30 UH-60 Blackhawk and 12 CH-47 Chinook helicopters; responsible for providing daily sustenance for 850 Soldiers; maintains the readiness of 98 vehicles and rolling stock valued in excess of $14M; responsible for the morale, health, welfare, and training of 114 Soldiers and support to their family members.

91Z First Sergeant
Served as a First Sergeant for a multi-functional Forward Support Company in a rapidly deployable Combined Arms Battalion that includes a Distribution Platoon, Maintenance Platoon, and a Food Service Section consisting of 206 Soldiers; assisted the commander in planning, coordinating, and supervising all logistical activities that support an entire 850 Soldier Combined Arms Battalion; advised the commander on enlisted Soldier matters to include duty assignments, promotions, military justice, awards, moral, welfare, professional developement, and equal opportunity concerns; assisted the CDR in property accountability of over $27,000,000 of worth equipment.

CMF 92, Logistics

92S First Sergeant
Served as First Sergeant for a Field Service Quartermaster Company; responsible for the health, welfare, training, morale and professional development of over 120 Soldiers and their families; responsible for promoting and executing the commander's vision and imperatives; assists and advises the commander on all enlisted matters; effectively monitors, communicates and assists in enforcing mission critical production indicators, statistics, and solution plans; prepares the unit for orders, drills, briefs, and rehearsals; receives and appropriately handles and distributes FRAGOs, Red Cross messages and Serious Incident Reports.

12Z50 First Sergeant - Combat Engineer Company
First Sergeant for an 87-Soldier Combat Engineer Company comprised of a Head Quarters Section, a Sapper Platoon and an Engineer Support Platoon; advises the Commander on enlisted matters, sets standards and enforces policies, regulations, and directives; responsible for the health, discipline, morale, and welfare of all Soldiers in the Company; coaches and trains Platoon Sergeants and Squad Leaders, supervises their professional development, and advises on their personnel assignments; acts as the Commanders representative in supervising aspects vital to Company Operations.

14Z50 Battery First Sergeant
Serves as the First Sergeant of an Air Defense Patriot Battery; advises the Battery Commander on administrative and tactical operations; supervises the daily operations of one Fire Control Platoon, one Launcher Platoon, and one Headquarters Platoon; responsible for the health and welfare of 17 NCOs and 48 Soldiers and their families; supervises the upkeep of one Company Operation Facility; responsible for the medical and physical readiness of 65 Soldiers; oversees the battery counseling, reception and integration, and sponsorship programs.

00G/1SG HHC Command HQ
1SG of the Headquarters and Headquarters Company, United States Army; serves as Senior Enlisted Advisor to the company commander; oversees management of all allocated human and material resources in accordance with Army Policy and other official guidelines; accountable and responsible for the maintenance of organizational property valued in excess of $22,000,000; oversees all HQ airborne operations; attains and sustains high levels of readiness, recruiting, and retention; manages individual and collective training, logistic and administrative readiness of the company; responsible for the health and welfare, morale, family support and discipline of over 220 Soldiers.

38B5M First Sergeant, Civil Affairs
Serves as the Senior Enlisted member of a 32 Soldier Civil Affairs Company; executes Civil Military Operations (CMO) in support of the Combatant Commander's theater objectives and regional engagement strategies; advises the Commander on all matters pertaining to the unit mission and Soldier development and readiness; responsible for unit administration, personnel actions, individual training; family support, morale, welfare, and professional development for all Soldiers assigned to the Company; supervises and synchronizes all administrative and operational functions within the Company; coordinates Humanitarian Assistance and Civic Action projects; provides direct support to Conventional Forces (CF) and Special Operations Forces (SOF); provides Companies and Battalion Headquarters staff with operational medical, logistical, and administrative support in order to deploy Companies and the Battalion; monitors training schedules and training management resources; directs all OPCEN activities; coordinates and resources all missions with external requirements; responsible the maintenance and accountability of equipment.

First Sergeant/Gray Eagle MQ-1C UAS Company
Serves as the First Sergeant for a Gray Eagle MQ-1C Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Company forward deployed to Afghanistan; responsible for the combat readiness, morale, health, welfare, and discipline of 105 Soldiers and 43 contractors; responsible for overseeing the Aircrew Training Program for 41 UAS operators and 16 crew chiefs executing theater-wide reconnaissance, surveillance, joint air attack operations, laser designation for precision weapons, and close air support for ground tactical units; oversees the maintenance performed on 12 MQ-1C Gray Eagles and support equipment valued in excess of $165 million; coaches and mentors five platoon leadership teams; principle advisor to the commander on all enlisted matters.

First Sergeant for a joint DoD MEPS activity;
responsible for applicant assessions into five branches of the Armed Forces; responsible for the welfare, training, and professional development of 30 military and civilian personnel; serves as the Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Commander on all matters affecting unit morale and mission accomplishment; monitors the station's headquarters operations; manages the meals and lodging and noon meals contracts worth over $4.2 million, supporting well over 5,000 recruits annually; manages a 31,670 square foot MEPS facility; responsible for hand-receipted equipment worth over $70,000.

First Sergeant of an Airborne Forward Support Company
in support of the 1st Battalion, 504th Parachute Infantry Regiment; senior advisor to the company commander for all tactical, promotion, assignment and retention decisions; responsible for the professional development and mentorship of 35 NCOs in 18 different MOSs; supervises and maintains all personnel administrative data, training records, daily readiness reports, enlisted rating schemes, jump logs, medical readiness and military schools enrollment; responsible for the overall health, morale and welfare of 127 Soldiers; ensures the maintenance and accountability of equipment valued at $50,000,000.

88Z5M First Sergeant
Serves as the senior enlisted advisor to the commander of the National Training Center Movement Control Company at three distinct operational sites in support of NTC; responsible for the health, welfare, training, administration, professional development, accountability, safety, morale, and mentoring of 21 Noncommissioned Officers (NCOs), 26 Soldiers, and their Family members; ensures all Soldiers in the company are trained and proficient in warrior tasks and drills; assists the commander in planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities that support the unit's mission; accountable for the maintenance and serviceability of more than $3,000,000 worth of equipment.

First Sergeant of an HHD, QM BN (Petrl Supl)
Serves as the First Sergeant of an HHD, QM BN (Petrl Supl). As Senior Enlisted, advises Company Commander on all matters. Plans, coordinates, supervises and reinforces Warrior Tasks and Battle Drills and Senior Enlisted Development; supervises 2 platoons consisting of staff sections, petroleum operations and petroleum laboratory branches; responsible for the health and welfare of 52 enlisted Soldiers; responsible for all aspects of the unit's discipline, morale, deployability, daily administration and training; oversees the Company counseling and sponsorship programs; responsible for the professional development of over 25 NCOs.

First Sergeant
Served as First Sergeant for a Headquarters and Headquarters Company in the Army Sustainment Command; responsible for the health, welfare, training, morale and professional development of 251 Soldiers; responsible for promoting and executing the commander's vision and imperatives; assists and advises the commander on all enlisted matters; responsible for planning, coordination and executing quality training for Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP) and South West Asia (SWA) predeployment training; responsible for the care and maintenance of all assigned equipment valued in excess of $355,000.

15Z First Sergeant
Execute and supervise routine operations; enforce the tactical SOP; planning and coordinating training; coordinating and reporting personnel and administrative actions, ensure timely NCOER submissions; supervises supply, maintenance, communications and field hygiene operations; assists in planning, rehearsing, and supervising key logistical actions; assists and coordinates with the support operations in all critical functions; serves as the transformation NCOIC; conducts training and ensures proficiency in individual and NCO skills and small-unit collective skills that support the company's mission essential task list (METL).

42R5M First Sergeant, Band
First Sergeantis the Band Senior Sergeant for an Army Band Small. As such, he or she regularly performs as a member of the band and is the principal enlisted conductor for the Commander. The First Sergeant also: selects unit personnel to perform as support staff, assists the Commander in planning and conducting the Unit technical and tactical training, advises the Commander in the appointment of MPT Group Leaders, supervises and mentors the senior staff, supervises and coordinates the activities of all duty positions, serves as the principal trainer of the marching band ensemble and serves as the primary career counselor for band enlisted Soldiers. The Band Senior Sergeant of the Army Band Small assumes temporary command in the absence of the Commander.

First Sergeant, Transportation Company
Serves as senior enlisted advisor to the commander of 223rd Transportation Company with an authorized strength of 166 Soldiers. Responsible for training, administration, professional development, personnel accountability, safety, morale and mentoring of all assigned Soldiers. Sets and enforces high standards of conduct, training, professional development and physical readiness. Ensures all Soldiers in the company are proficient at Army Warrior Tasks. Assists the commander in planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities that support the unit's mission; promotes community awareness and support for the Army and its recruiting goals.

First Sergeant, Special Troops Battalion
First Sergeant of a Forward Deployed Headquarters and Headquarters Company in a Special Troops Battalion tasked with providing support to an HBCT; responsible for the discipline, training, mentoring, personal and professional development, health, welfare, and morale of 170 Soldiers; serves as the primary advisor to the Commander of all enlisted matters; oversees unit daily operations consisting of supply, maintenance, training, and administrative functions; supports and maintains the Battalion and Brigade with a company of 12 sections and 43 wheeled vehicles.

First Sergeant, Recruiting Company
Leads, trains, and supervises an Army Recruiting Company dispersed in an area spread over 5367 square miles with a population of 1,115,995; responsible for the health, safety, morale, and training of 43 NCOs; sets and enforces high standards on conduct, training, professional development and operations; plans and executes a battle-focused NCODP; controls and synchronizes facilities, equipment, and vehicles valued in excess of $700,000; assists the commander in planning, coordinating, and supervising all activities that support the unit s mission; promotes community awareness and support for the Army and its recruiting goals.

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