HAZMAT NCO Duty Descriptions

Identifies all hazardous materials required by, stored in, or used; eliminates unnecessary hazardous materials; develops safeguards and obtains personal protective equipment; maintains MSDS library for all materials; stores hazardous and flammable substances properly; establishes OIs for using Hazardous materials; develops procedures for responding to hazardous waste spills, accidents, and emergencies; coordinates with Installation Hazardous Waste authority to consolidate requirements and reduce exposure; disposes of hazardous waste.

Trains and certifies personnel in the safe storing, transport, and handling of hazardous items; labels hazardous substances that require transportation IAW Department of Transportation (DOT) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) regulations; verifies all paperwork, packaging, labeling or marking of hazardous materials; follows established procedures for loading, unloading, receiving or forwarding of HAZMAT; certifies Hazardous Materials as being "safe to transport"; serves as the subject matter expert on HAZMAT-related issues.

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