o accompanied 3-17 Delta Troop on NATO Operation Saber Junction and partnered with Polish, Bosnian, and Ukrainian military forces; enhanced multinational cooperation and execution

o supervised the dayshift Downed Aircraft Recovery Team and the dayshift contact team; facilitated success and enabled a passing grade of the mission

o showcased outstanding leadership as a maintenance supervisor; expanded our response capability and capacity and positively impacted the Brigade

o key member of the Downed Aircraft Recovery Team; his meticulous oversight of maintenance and the nightshift contact team ensured mission success

o established outer cordon security when responding to a FAD-AZ DART mission; prevented more than 34 locals from entering the established 4,000 foot security area

o served as the bench stock representative; contributed to the effectiveness and success of countless phases of UH-60 Blackhawks and CH-47 Chinooks

o applied the Commander's intent from notification to after-action review during DART ex; pivotal to the training of 30 Soldiers

o served as a Downed Aircraft Recovery Team (DART) exercise planner and trainer; provided realistic and all inclusive training

o coordinated elements across the Battalion to include S3, motor pool, and all aviation maintenance functions; synchronized team efforts

o selected as a DART team member during a brigade DART rodeo; demonstrated skill and expertise and bested all other teams

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