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See also: Air Force Defense Travel System EPR Bullets
See also: Navy Defense Travel System Evaluations
o served as Directorate Defense Travel System Approving Official; audited 15 DTS personnel sites in Army units located in TX, NM, AZ, OK and AR
o reviewed and certified 57 authorizations and 48 vouchers worth $110K; zero delays in Government Travel Card payments and zero kickbacks
o drove Civil Engineer support for command's largest exercise; identified and sourced 1.9K engineers and created CENTRIX accounts for 30 personnel; expanded contingency capabilities
o tracked over 1500 Out of Service Debt and Claims cases ranging from $200 to $200,000 and ensured DFAS customers' problems were corrected
o embodies DTS management; only person in the command that has taken all 11 DTS courses
o served as the Defense Travel System and Government Travel Card manager for the Headquarters and Headquarters Battalion
o her constant dedication ensured that all Soldiers' and officers' transition to temporary duty was smooth and error free
o assisted the Brigade Operations SGM and the Brigade Training Officer with daily operations in the S3 section; gained critical experience and sustained support
o selected over peers to be the Primary DTS reviewer for the 194th Engineer Brigade; increased accuracy by 90% and reduced time required by 50%
o conducted thorough training with the Brigade ODTAs; improved the DTS voucher submission rate and lowered the delinquency rate 15%
o served as Defense Travel System (DTS) administrator for one year, handling more than 6,000 accounts; capable and efficient team player
o trained 10 reviewing officials, validated 120 thousand dollars in government travel card payouts, and reduced voucher return rate by 50 percent
o aided members during duty and non-duty hours to ensure vouchers were filled out correctly for travel and per diem payments; enhanced the unit's ability to fulfill mission objectives
o provided expert fiscal guidance to Bn leadership and meticulously monitored the execution of over $200 million from the Operations and Maintenance appropriation
o solved defense travel deficiencies by eliminating a single point of failure for authorization and voucher submissions; restored efficent operations
o worked single-handedly every day for a week to process all 1st Engineer Battalion Soldiers; processed over 500 finance vouchers and established deployment readiness
o coded over 100 enlistment bonuses and assisted 200 soldiers in special actions with reserves, National Guard, and active soldiers
o completed travel documents, fixed pay issues, and set up soldiers' Defense Travel System profiles; boosted manning 50% and reduced travel delays by 40%
o briefed over 500 soldiers on their entitlements and coded over 20 transactions for IOP; sustained operations despite manning shortfall
o assisted over 100 service members who are PCSing or separating from the service while working the front desk; optimized their financial readiness