NCOIC NCOER Bullet Examples

See also: Air Force Senior NCO EPR Bullets

o synchronized main and alternate routes for 300 mile convoy in 3 tactical vehicles to Grand Prairie back to Round Rock, TX; zero incidents reported

o chosen over Senior NCOs to be the convoy NCOIC for annual training; completed more than 150 miles with no accidents

o advocated for an anti-discrimination work environment that paid big dividends in morale, loyalty, and productivity

o assumed NCOIC position for the largest detachment in the Battalion; formed 3 platoons, established chain of command, and restored discipline and military bearing

o assumed control of a struggling Admin section and provided direction and guidance; improved morale and pride and forged a responsive and cohesive team

o balanced professional development training with shop workload; all Soldiers competitive

o boosted morale and shop effectiveness by maintaining a positive attitude and providing daily encouragement to NCOs

o challenged junior NCOs by assigning them additional areas of responsibility; promoted continuous advancement

o challenged subordinates; shop boasts most cross-trained and capable team in the Bn

o communicated effectively across widely varying communities and helped secure deployed support for new cell

o coordinated with sister sections to distribute work assignments equitably

o delegated effectively and empowered subordinates; produced most effective and mature technicians in the bn

o earned a 100% on-time delivery rate for all admin reports and awards and reduced late NCOERs by 50 percent

o emphasized shop safety and the mandatory use of TMs; reduced safety incidents to zero

o enforced standards; mature leadership sustained daily morale and laid foundation for a productive work environment

o ensured Soldiers received effective and progressive counseling aimed at career progression; encouraged Soldiers to lead by example

o established productive work schedules; balanced expertise and experience across all shifts

o fielded a team whose performance exceeded expectations and yielded unparalleled performance during Operation XXXXXX

o focused on training; prepared the workcenter for annual training and all taskings

o maintained an efficient and productive work environment; morale evident in increased retention

o managed three different sections of maintenance: service, 3rd shop support, and recovery

o mentored Soldiers on a daily basis; resulted in over 20 promotions in the last 20 months

o oversaw day to day operations and delegated ancillary duties; ensured the det's ability to achieve and maintain readiness

o oversaw the completion of over 200 services, handled recovery for both military and TMP vehicles

o prepared doctrinal training that will lead the NCO Corps into the next century; inspired soldiers to perform beyond their expectations

o prioritized work assignments to meet shifting organizational goals; reduced mission delays by 50%

o provided a positive training environment by promoting clearly defined goals and responsibilities in section

o provided candid feedback and recommendations to BN leadership regarding complex personnel actions

o provided direction and guidance resulting in improved morale and pride and a responsive and cohesive team

o provided recovery support for 4 companies owning over 200 wheeled vehicles, trailers and power generation equipment

o responded immediately and provided direction when movement orders were received

o successfully deployed mechanics and equipment to support the mission

o supervised 29 soldiers and 5 NCOs during shop operations

o sustained readiness rating of over 90% throughout Annual Training and beyond

o translated the Commander's goals into practical and obtainable workcenter practices

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