Battle NCO NCOER Bullets

o served as Battle NCO during Operation Lethal Eagle (OLE) 25.1 and cleared ground for over 300 fire missions with zero fratricide incidents

o outperformed peers while conducting the duties and managing the responsibilities of a Battle NCO prior to, throughout, and post National Training Center Rotation 23-09

o selected over two MSGs to work as the BN Battle NCO due to his attention to detail, individual experience, and technical and tactical competence

o as a BTL CPT, ensured the timely and accurate tracking of over 300 patrols moving in and through the Battalion's OE, providing support and current operational updates

o supervised the battery howitzer sections' safe and accurate firing of over 150 rounds of illumination in support of area-denial operations in Maysan Province

o tracked over 2,500 Route Clearance missions and logged over 240 significant actvities during OEF 2010-2011 as part of the Battle Staff team

o relayed time sensitive information between higher headquarters and the patrols in sector; optimized use of resources to maintain defensive posture at all times

o demonstrated the ability to think on his feet and maintain complete situational awareness of the battery's Area of Operation during more than 300 Advise and Assist missions

o managed and performed as both a Battle NCO and RTO; showed up early and stayed late to ensure the mission was complete; filled a vital role in TOC Operations

o acted as Battle Captain during 3-day Tactical Operations Center training; tracked Combat Logistics Patrols and updated convoy commanders during missions

o provided continuous, real time updates to Convoy Commanders; mitigated extensive risk to Convoy mission and Personnel

o managed Tactical Operations Center personnel; advised Tactical Operations Personnel with expert advice to accomplish MET-L tasks; resulted in mission success during the exercise

o acted as joint service liaison; ensured all coalition service members and contractors had adequate water and equipment

o adapted and performed a variety of specialized tasks in an ever changing and stressful environment; a key factor in the success of the S2 section

o an integral part of the set up and implementation of the Bn's digital CP resulting in the Bde Cdr and CSM selecting it as the best of 6 battalions in the Bde during AT 2013

o averted near-daily scheduling crisis, drove project milestones, and revised reporting instructions leveraging USAREUR priorities

o choreographed the battalion's operations across two AORs; sustained support of all units with half the standard resources

o conducted daily briefing; ensured accuracy, relevance, and ensured all affected decison makers were included

o coordinated daily with Pacific Air Force Command Sensitive Operations Center to support COMSEC requirements

o delivered sound guidance to senior Tactical Operation Center personnel on all matters concerning battlefield reporting, surveillance operations, and equipment management

o demonstrated initiative in cross-training in other positions while displaying the highest caliber of military bearing and professionalism

o demonstrated the ability to adapt to evolving requirements and accomplish assigned tasks and duties

o developed reporting and tracking sheets; reduced reporting shortfalls to zero, eliminated redundant effort

o ensured maneuver forces had timely and accurate information on insurgent activities in the brigade AOR; protected coalition forces

o ensured the ACR TOC was able to transmit and receive critical battlefield data; proficient in maintaining and operating the SINCGARS and JCR systems

o facilitated an enhanced situational awareness of airspace issues for the Brigade Commander and his staff, allowing them to focus command and control on the battlefield

o supported Operation Lethal Eagle (OLE) 25.1. as Battle NCO; laid the foundation for the Bn to win every engagement with enemy forces

o his attention to detail, tactical prowess, and dedication made him a key asset to the Bn in accomplishing their mission

o developed and implemented a comprehensive suite of Battle Captain processes for the unit; established a productive and efficient battle rhythm

o liaised with support elements' command teams to determine requirements and established and refined critical procedures, significantly enhancing the unit's C2 capabilities

o shared his five years of operational knowledge and experience as a Division G3 Battle NCO with incoming Battle Officers and G3 Mission Support Element (MSE) staff

o tracked 1,000 to 12,000 U.S. and coalition Soldiers and sent weekly census reports to Garrison Command; recognized by HQ for increased accuracy and timeliness

o updated the Commander and provided situational awareness on weather updates, logstats, perstat, medical evacuation status, and ongoing operations

o performed duties as a Battle Captain in the S3 during Combined Resolve 19; improved coordination with and among the staff, specifically the Fires cell

o rapidly learned the role of current operations and helped coordinate operations between all Companies in 3-15IN and up to the Bastogne Brigade

o coordinated with and among the staff and enabled Battalion success in the defense, resulting in the destruction of 31 enemy vehicles

o facilitated an enhanced situational awareness of airspace issues for the Brigade Commander and staff, allowed them to focus C2 on the battlefield

o facilitated weekly briefs and teleconferences that were invaluable to the operation; guaranteed the success of the Brigade Tactical Operations Center

o filled a variety of roles within the Brigade TOC: Fire Support NCO, Electronic Warfare Officer, and RTO

o identified training gap; developed and implemented training schedule, coordinated with sections to ensure compliance

o kept all units updated on current weather, LOGSTATS, PERSTAT, MedEvac status, and on-going operations

o maintained up-to-the-minute status reports and kept HQ apprised of all changes; reduced response time by 40%

o provided around-the-clock Tactical Operations Center support

o provided experienced guidance and direction for the officers within the G3

o supported warfighter exercise with precise and accurate tracking, kept 100 percent accountability of personnel and equipment

o took charge of operations in the company command post in addition to regular duties after the company leadership was incapacitated by indirect fire

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