Corrections Staff NCOER Bullets

See also U.S. Navy Detainee Operations and Corrections Officer Evals

o provided an immediate response to a combative and mentally deranged detainee in segregation as a key member of the Lackland regional confinement Force Cell Extraction team

o responded to inmate fight; safely extracted detainees without injury and arranged medical treatment; sustained a safe environment for detainees, staff, and medical personnel

o corrected over 40 deficiencies within the housing unit in preparation for the American Correctional Association (ACA) audit which resulted in a passing score of 99%

o in-processed over 120 newly confined inmates; scoured records, inventoried over $12K of money and personal property with 100% accuracy

o worked ceaselessly to ensure good order and discipline were sustained throughout the facility

o served as Fire Safety and Sanitation Inspector for the facility, ensuring ten departments were properly trained and within American Correctional Association (ACA) standards

o developed and taught training on detainee operations and handling of enemy prisoners of war; increased interoperability with NATO allies and readiness

o trained and qualified over 20 top performers as Quarters Supervisor, basic sentry, special quarters, and Master Control Center supervisor

o maintained immaculate order and discipline throughout the brig with great confidence

o searched over 5,000 articles of clothing and prevented the introduction of contraband into the facility; improved the safety of staff and inmate population

o executed a combination of 150 check-in, check-out, and transfer procedures while stationed at Transient Personnel Unit / Pretrial Confinement Facility

o performed her duties in a decisive and positive manner with exceptional results

o supervised countless prisoners; ensured safe and efficient precautionary measures while fostering pride and total mission accomplishment

o assisted in the supervision and rehabilitation of over 130 prisoners

o trained six personnel through Master Control Center Supervisor; bolstered staff manning by 50%

o oversaw the in-processing, release, and transfer of over 39 prisoners as Receive and Release supervisor

o completed over 300 initial interviews As Corrections Counselor and meticulously maintained an average case load of 20 prisoners

o managed custody and control of more than thirty inmates assigned within the housing unit; maintained discipline and order

o oversaw radio room section; maintained 100% accountability of all equipment and ensured continuous communications at all times

o served as Safety and Hazmat supervisor and supervised 23 training drills resulting in a better overall response to emergencies

o served as the focal point for inmate/detainee in- and out-processing for a 600 bed, $50 million regional DoD confinement facility staffed by 250 military and civilian personnel

o ordered and issued over 70,000 dollars of hazmat and performed routine hazmat inspections throughout the facility

o ensured all class requirements were met, as the Educational Services assistant, directly supporting the Command's secondary mission of rehabilitation

o executed duties as cell block guard, recreation yard guard, sally port guard, rover and forced cell extraction team member

o evaluated and revised over 90% of the department's SOPs; ensured an outstanding score on the Command IG assessment and FAI inspection

o led 16 multi-service personnel in preparing for the brig's first PERS-IG Functional Adequacy Inspection; resulted in the Command's certification and recognition as a DOD Level Two facility

o initiated three approved Department of Labor apprenticeships for prisoner work supporting over 140 brig beautification projects, saving the Navy over $90,000

o mentored and coached the staff's personal and professional growth contributing to improved morale and job satisfaction

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