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See also: Air Force Customs EPR Bullets
See also: Navy Customs Evaluations
o volunteered for the Southwest Border Mission with the Department of Homeland Security; safe-guarded the Texas border
o conducted multiple Port of Detroit enforcement operations on his own accord and ran enforcement operations post primary; most productive CBPO on shift
o augmented U.S. Border Patrol; apprehended numerous undocumented aliens and seized 300 kgs of illegal drugs smuggled through the Southwest border
o obtained seals to conduct enforcement operations at the Detroit Fort Street Cargo Facility; conducted multiple truck inspections post primary to include trailer checks and cab checks
o embraced new duties and quickly gained the knowledge needed to support the mission; improved Immigration and Customs Enforcement
o provided accurate identification of over 100 illegal immigrants; reduced administrative processing and holding time by 24 hours
o searched over 20 trucks in the hour we were allowed to conduct enforcement operations; prevented illicit travel and trade
o left the Customs and Immigration counter when no travelers were present to assist with multiple wrong turn situations; facilitated multiple seizures
o created a comprehensive user guide for fellow officers to use during seizure processing; guided officers through a seizure in a step-by-step manner; increased compliance with CBP policy
o served as a member of the customs detail and ensured that over 300 pieces of equipment were individually cleaned of dirt, debris, and foliage
o led a three-man team that disassembled over 500 113s, JLTVs, HMMWV, bulldozers, and tanks; ensured fluids were drained and interior and exterior cleaned so vehicles could pass customs inspection
o worked with US Customs Inspectors to ensure our equipment passed inspection and would not get frustrated at the reverse port in the U.S., saving our unit countless man hours, time, and money
o his efforts directly enabled the BDE to prepare for a seamless and orderly transition for redeployment to Fort Cavazos
o partnered with the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP); assisted in the interception of undocumented migrants and the seizure of illegal substances
o augmented border security; afforded DHS the opportunity to apprehend and properly document personnel