Designated Driver NCOER Bullets

See also: Air Force Designated Driver EPR Bullets

See also: Sailors Against Destructive Decisions Evals

o volunteered to pick up and drop off xmas party attendees; demonstrated Army values, prevented DUIs, preserved careers

o devoted four hours and over $20 in gas to driving for the golf tournament; enabled camaraderie without consequences

o reduced alcohol-related incidents by 605% by planning ahead and providing alternative transportation to morale events

o organized the first-ever designated driver program for the unit; increased participation in unit events by 50% in less than 90 days

o provided rides home and next-day pick ups for car retrieval; team player recognized by the commander

o served as Designated Driver for Christmas party; provided safe transportation after event with over 120 DUI-free attendees

o participated in Designated Driver program and BOSS; key member of the military community

o briefed 39 Soldiers on the designated driver program; educated Soldiers and kept streets safe

o committed 12 hours to Operation SAFE RIDE; aided 12 Soldiers in need, protected the community

o sacrificed time for peers, on standby for 40 hours total; set example, prevented mission, personnel, and career problems

o supported the designated driver program during several key Battalion events; key factor in unit esprit decor

o solved chronic risk of driving while intoxicated; established and implemented Platoon designated driver program; reduced DUIs by 60%

o educated Soldiers of risks associated with driving while intoxicated; expanded awareness of available alternatives to driving while under the influence; saved careers

o donated over 10 hours to designated driver duties; enabled increased participation in Brigade morale activities while preventing DUIs

o encouraged participation in shop morale events by arranging transportation; increased participation and morale exponentially

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