IT Specialist NCOER Bullets

See also: Navy Help Desk Evaluations

See also: Air Force Communications Focal Point EPR Bullets

o volunteered to stay with KFOR34 and provided valuable assistance to the S6 during its transition

o achieved competency on the PSC5-D radio to enable successful SATCOM communications in support of flight operations

o processed and managed active directory accounts both on the NIPR side and the Portal side of the house; sustained secure communications

o created a load plan for equipment, manned the help desk, and worked on radios during Operation Diadem

o completed over 100 trouble tickets in a week and created over 100 user accounts; aided immeasurably in the operations of Joint Special Operations Task Force-Arabian Peninsula J6 helpdesk

o completed over 500 system patches; kept computers compliant with SWACC Operations Center and the 54th Signal Company Help Desk requirements

o remediated all user issues; key member of the IMO team; indispensable element of HHC, 160th Signal Brigade

o assisted in the implementation of a "Ghost Server"; enabled the rapid installation of eight virtual servers and expanded capacity by 40%

o served with the Military District of Washington; coordinated comm support with sister services to prepare for the Presidential inauguration

o attended a rigorous Comp Tia Security + course; increased analysis skills and earned certification as Security + professional

o imaged, configured, deployed and managed ePay Walter Time Clock systems across the entire Benelux structure; improved personnel management capabilities

o conducted life cycle replacement of obsolete systems; foresight and planning ensured minimal downtime of front end operations

o served as an Action Officer within P3's Projects and Integrations (P&I) Branch; facilitated the development of technical solutions

o coordinated recommended solutions review through G6 Change Review Board (CRB); streamlined task assignment, execution, and status tracking of the solutions implementation

o crossed trained to fill a High Capacity Line of Sight (HCLOS) team leader position during Annual Training; ensured 100% of Line of Sight (LOS) throughout the 36th ID Area of Operation

o developed and implemented new methods to solve day-to-day IT issues; positively impacted the SIGCEN and aided immeasurably in day to day operations for over 800 Soldiers across Afghanistan

o acquired, cataloged and graphed Visio schematics for more than 500 systems within the network; preemptive actions limited downtime by 50% over past 3 years

o identified, re-imaged, and reinstalled more than 500 systems throughout the deployment; key to 143D ESC support mission

o assumed help desk responsibilities: solved trouble tickets, administered Active Directory, and acted as Information Management Officer (IMO)

o installed, operated, and maintained DVB-RCS system at Forward Operating Base Chapman; provided new command and control capability

o set up DVB-RCS system without prior experience or guidance; delivered JCSE's first-ever video reach back channel

o installed Kraken video encoder; allowed Task Force feeds to stream through the DVB-RCS network; enhanced Task Force Operations Tempo

o assisted US government agencies in troubleshooting new network equipment (VoIP, VoSIP, JIANT, SIPR, and NIPR); established and sustained critical communications

o trained CIA and communication staff on operation, network layout, and equipment management; postured headquarters for mission readiness

o established and organized all crypto necessary for FOB Chapman communications; facilitated secure communications with coalition partners; reduced reliance on INMARSAT

o trained incoming personnel on the proper handling and management of crypto; preserved operational advantage

o supported communications such as Voice Over Internet protocol (VoIP), Network connectivity, Virtual Protocol Network (VPN) during 19th Engineer Battalion's Mission Readiness Exercise

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