Key Control NCOER Bullets

o reestablished inventory and positive control of keys; slashed rate of lost keys

o identified, for the first time, the function and purpose of every key in the inventory; poised for operational efficiency

o engineered a two-layer use key plan; reduced unauthorized access to sensitive areas by 50%

o established a key control log that eliminated lost keys and reduced unauthorized access by 90 percent

o created a key control system that organized the keys for billets, the FST facility, and vehicles

o represented the DISCOM for physical security and key control during a Division CIP

o primary Key Control NCO; maintained, tested, distributed AN/PRC-5D, AN/PRC-117G, AN/PRC 152, AN/PRC-148, AN/PRC-150 radio systems

o reorganized and maintained the Key Control Program for Battalion with 100% accountability record

o created and implemented a Battalion key control system that organized the keys for 307 rooms, resulting in 100% accountability of sensitive items at all times

o identified all existing keys and rooms and locks that were missing keys; liaised with lock shop to restore 100% accountability

o updated local OI and teamed with vehicles NCO to consolidate and streamline unscheduled equipment issues

o developed a comprehensive SOP and trained 13 command-level mobilization and deployments, uniform and personal property representatives

o provided over 20 hours of training on Bn events and Key control management, successfully contributing to pre and post deployment workshops

o as transportation manager, maintained and tracked 11 vehicles operating over 20k miles, while ensuring 100% accountability of 110 keys

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