Medical Readiness NCOER Bullets

o prepared for Aviation Resource Management Survey; ensured that new SOAPs met needed requirements and all medical readiness was up to date

o ensured that all re-equipments of ARMS inspection were on track to be met and that the hearing program met all requirements

o tracked 120 personnel and provided up-to-date medical status to Commander; key to immediate deployment readiness

o developed and implemented short- and long-range planning calendars; increased visibilty of operational and strategical tasks

o raised operational readiness rate to 98% after identifying and correcting medical readiness deficiencies

o developed a Soldier database which tracked every administrative aspect of Soldier readiness

o coordinated with Readiness NCO, acquired latest Command and Control tools and increased his effectiveness

o worked with medical providers to ensure that proper Physical processes were implemented and followed

o fielded fully-capable teams due to his weekly review and facilitation of required medical status

o made routine 100% contact with all members to ensure accurate status of medical readiness

o liaised with Training NCO and orderly room to deconflict and schedule medical reviews with Soldiers

o administered flu shots to the 1ABCT; her expertise and work ethic ensured the brigade's medical readiness is up to date

o contributed to the operation of the Aid Station, sick call, and patient care and helped solidify esprit de corps and Soldier medical readiness

o planned, coordinated and conducted 14 shot calls; raised the Battalion's medical readiness to 96% Fully Medically ready

o accelerated learning Sick Call procedures and exams; aided in the treatment of over 200 patients and made the battalion medical staff more efficient

o procured, tracked, and submitted 55 pieces of correspondence; made an immediate impact and increased Battalion Medical readiness from 70% to 85%

o updated 11 important SOPs to current standards; reduced possible deviation from standard and ensured medical effectiveness

o provided superior Medical support to the 82D Airborne Division; ensured total medical deployment readiness throughout the Division

o provided medical readiness for all new in-processing paratroopers to the 82D Airborne Division; ensured increased combat readiness to meet Division global obligations


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