Air Defense TOC Operator/Maintainer
NCOER Bullets

Sentinel Radar Operator

o provided continuous real-time short range aerial coverage using the Sentinel Radar crew systems during Operation Lethal Eagle (OLE) IV

o led a Sentinel team to implement March order and Emplacement crew drills along with fighting positions into OLE IV to simulate war based scenarios

o completed six daylight and two night time location movements; provided the best possible aerial coverage per mission requirements

o performed 100 hours of maintenance on the Forward Area Air Defense (FAAD), the Joint Range Extension (JRE), and generators

o ensured that all personnel and sensitive items were accounted for at multiple forward operating bases across Iraq

o rescued mission and achieved 90% operational readiness after 8 hours of troubleshooting of the FAAD, JRE and the clearing of several faults

o integral member of top Sentinel Radar team during post mobilization training

o demonstrated great ability in identifying enemy combative and eliminating them, saving not only himself but his fellow soldiers as well

o participated in all aspects of daily operations and was a key part of the Sentinel Team and a 99.5% operational readiness rate during deployment


o performed above expectations in a high ops tempo environment during Exercise American Shield 2011

o served as a valued member of the Quick Reaction Force patrolling Darulaman, Afghanistan during his Camp Dubs deployment and contributed to the continued safety of the operation headquarters

o provided company SHARP representatives the guidance for standard bulletin boards, security protocols and training material

o selected from among peers to represent the JADOC FAAD EO position during the Rehearsal of Concept drill

o his expertise with communications systems ensured that the platoon was constantly able to communicate with the TOC

Sentinel Team Leader

o led North Dakota ARNG DHHB OPS team participation in complex Stinger live fire exercise; reduced response time, increased readiness and accuracy

o completed pre-deployment MET and HEAT training for the Div HQ and HQ Bn; first unit to meet training standards

o ensured all equipment, unit and personal, was accounted for and maintained to 10/20 standard

Assistant Operations

o authored and implemented the first battle space deconfliction and Air Mission Request SOPs for 4TH BCT BAE/ADAM cell; adopted as a RC-W standard

o succesfully implemented a post redeployment C2 proficiency training program for AGI cell; greatly enhancing the cells war fighting capabilities

o continually sought out by seniors, peers and subordinates for technical and tactical expertise

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