Unmanned Aircraft Systems Repairer
NCOER Bullets

See also: Air Force RPA Sensor Operator EPR Bullets

o ensured Air Vehicles were no less than 98% Fully Mission Capable at all times during the recent OIF deployment, resulting in a spectacular 95% operational rate for the BDE's only class II Tactical Unmanned Aerial System

o oversaw the TUAS maintenance program

o revised and improved the Platoon's operational SOP reducing training time by 80%

o trained 13 maintainers during unit stand up

o key to the successful and safe operation of the MQ-1C UAS aircraft while deployed In support of Operation Enduring Freedom

o deployed to Iraq as Squad Leader and to Afghanistan as Deputy Chief for the first 101st ABN Div SFA Security Force advisor team

o served as fire marshall for 13 months; no expired fire extinguishers, ensured safety and mission accomplishment

o upheld ARSOC priority; inventoried, prepared and executed deployment; culminated in 1st USA/NAS Sigonella GNAT standup

o deployed 170 days; maintained 4 I-GNATs; kept 7 MQ-1C flying

MQ-1C Gray Eagle UAV on the airfield

ERMP Maintainer

o vigilance and dedication to excellence aided immeasurably in meeting the D/10th CAB set flight scheduele

o round the clock maintenance support enabled 300 incident-free fight hours during 2 months of deployment operations IAW AR 600-8-22 and DA PAM 385-90

o identified missing kick panel screw; repaired and prevented aircraft damage; prevented days of maintenance troubleshooting

o meticulous inspector; facilitated launch of 44 aircraft during XXXXXXXXXX operation; key to mission success

o TM monitor for hangar; verified flight control information up to date and accurate; maintained critical flight operations

o repaired three target pod adapters, contributed to flawless no-abort 11 out of 11 launches

o generated over 300 sorties supporting over 1,000 armed flight hours; two HVT eliminated, over 100 EKIA

o endured KAF's largest ground attack in 5 years; secured ramp and launched QR aircraft, safeguarded $2,000,000 in USA assets

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