Aviation Operations Specialist
NCOER Bullets

See also: Air Force Airfield Management EPR Bullets

See also: Air Force Aircrew Flight Equipment EPR Bullets

Aviation Operations Sergeant

o trained 2 officers on the roles and responsibilities of his team; equipped team to successfully react to inject scenarios and enable the Battalion to pass its validation exercise

o generated 39 Crew Authorizations and coordinated 124 personnel for combat mission ready events; achieved 2,000 combat hours and enhanced flight readiness

o created a tactical operations continuity book that enables any Soldier to set up a TOC and utilize the equipment in an effective manner

o maintained the Battalion COMSEC security program ensuring secure radio communications in the Battalion as well as with other units

o lead four Battalion level Pre-Accident Plan exercises and AARs assuring the safety and speedy recovery of all aviators within the Battalion

o supervised and managed a 6,000 plus flying hour program ensuring more than 100 aviator and crew member flight records were accurate and up-to-date

o wrote the Battalion SOP for Tactical Operations Center set-up and layout, thereby streamlining the TOC deployment process

o reconfigured the flight operations communication capabilities by successfully integrating the TOCNET system into daily operations

o oversaw and effectively maintained 100 percent accountability of all assigned equipment valued over 250,000 dollars

o augmented garrison staff by serving as an Air Traffic Assistant, processed in excess of 600 flight plans resulting in over 12,000 aircraft movements without incident

o served as the night shift Flight Operations Specialist, maintained round-the-clock readiness

o trained with the 77th TAB TOC and demonstrated an unmatched commitment to operational readiness by assisting in the successful tracking of over 200 flight hours

o as the night shift Flight Operations Specialist, ensured all 24 aircraft were properly tracked and flight plans filed and closed out properly

o his attention to detail and timely actions contributed to the successful completion of over 1,000 flying hours

o participated in the successful completion of over 300 medical evacuation missions at three locations across Iraq

o was a major factor to the success of the Brigade's Tactical Operations Center

o supported all Battalions within the 4BCT AOR by providing situational awareness on current airspace control measures status, attack aviation status, and ongoing operations

Army helicopter preparing for flight

Aviation Operations Sergeant

o served as forward Battle NCO for Panamax 24; tracked over 200 flight hours and enabled 7 aircraft to conduct their mission successfully

o greatly contributed to the BN level 15P Aviation's Operations Specialist Training Program; assisting in the writing and publication of the training program SOP

o orchestrated unit move from HI to AK under the re-flagged 6-17 Cavalry

o set up the EOC program to comply with Ft. Wainwright and AK regulations

o trained arriving personnel on Local Flying Area and assisted in LAOs

o oversaw 3 Squadron Gunneries

o served as Load Team OIC for air loads on multiple deployments

Senior Aviation Operations NCO

o supervised the successful recovery of a downed Unmanned Aerial Vehicle operating out of Kandahar Airfield

o involved all team members in preparations for joint exercise; no crypto or equipment left behind, smoothest participation to date

o provided key leadership and guidance to the CJTF staff through deliberate and sustainment operations within the ISAF Regional Command-South area of operation

Aircraft Life Support Equipment Repairer

o assisted the Battalion Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) NCO with preparation the deployment to Iraq

o ensured the delivery of crucial life support equipment improvements needed for the war fighter's continued success in the Global War on Terrorism

o top technician; maintained appropriate flight gear for 12 A-10 pilots; facilitated 300 sorties

o outfitted CSAR aircrew; prepared 110 CSEL, NVG, survival vests, and helmets; supported 123 flight hours for Exercise BALIKATAN

o her selfless service and dedication was instrumental in the Battalion's successful preparation for deployment

o led Combat Survival Evader Locator (CSEL) evaluation program; tested 48 radios, enhanced secure communication capabilities and improved readiness

o trained and certified three techs on JHMCS/CSEL loading; increased certification numbers 100%, expanded combat mission capability by 50%

o he was solely responsible for both the Aircraft Life Support program and the modified refueling and egress safety certification for the Bn

o trained 75 Soldiers in basic Life Support Equipment use and readiness

o trained Soldiers and NCOs on how to build and sustain a successful scheduled maintenance program

o piloted ALSE Quality Control program; oversaw five inspectors and 1.4K equipment inspections; equipment 100% ready

o filled NCOIC role for 2 weeks; supervised 11 Soldiers, 2 sections, and managed 55 sorties/120 flying hours; unit combat capability maintained

o oversaw six IFE after-action inspections; quarantined pilot flight gear, recorded findings, authored mishap report; contributed to flight safety

o completed 700 pre/post-flight equipment inspection; prepared $2,000,000 in equipment assets for squadron, supported 123 sorties with zero ALSE delays

Tactical Aviation Specialist

o his superior professional skill, knowledge, and leadership aided immeasurably in achieving success with our Tactical Aviation Center

o his on-time communications and ability to think on his feet ensured operational success during field exercises with Colorado Department of Corrections

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