Imagery Analyst
NCOER Bullets

See also: Air Force Geospatial Intelligence EPR Bullets

See also: Navy Geospatial Intelligence Evaluations

Imagery Sergeant

o trained 1 NCO and 2 Soldiers on MAAS, Google Earth, map coordinator, and realtime stream viewer, increasing mission readiness for ISR operations

o completed nine semester hours towards his Bachelor's Degree in Intelligence Studies with American Military University; maintaining a 4.00 grade point average

o coordinated the transfer of classified imagery production and analysis equipment from Germany to Fort Bliss without compromising security and no losses

o created and implemented Physical Readiness Training schedule for his section; resulted in one GEOINT Soldier coming off the weight control program

o pivotal to the successful synthesis of Imagery Intelligence and Terrain assets; his efforts lead to the creation of the Division's first fully integrated GEOINT cell

o supervised the production and quality control of over 100 time sensitive requests for information; products used in support of training and deployment planning operations

o encouraged all members of his squad to take advantage of the Army Continuing Education System; resulted in two of his Soldiers enrolling in college courses

o supervised cross-training between Geospatial Engineers and Imagery Analysts on production procedures, developing the first phase in the formation of a GEOINT cell

o formulated an individual and collective task list which ensured all Soldiers in the section were fully prepared for an upcoming deployment

o trained over twelve G2 Soldiers on DRASH procedures; exceeded the 1st Armored Division's setup time line during BCSoSIT pre-deployment validation exercise

o maintained 100% accountability and serviceability of highly sensitive intelligence property; equipment valued in excess of 1.5 million dollars

o managed the imagery systems for 1AD G2 ACE; played a critical role in the sections ability to provide the latest Geospatial information at Division level

o instituted daily risk mitigation measures; leadership resulted in no accidents or personal injuries to Soldiers, on or off duty, despite the unit's high operational tempo

o led all other NCOs and Soldiers in production of imagery products within section; created well over 1,000 products in support of INSCOM and SOCOM requirements

o performed Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QAQC) checks on over 300 time sensitive national and theater level imagery intelligence products

o accountable for the tactical and technical professional development of five NCOs and eight Soldiers; frequently organized off duty platoon functions to raise morale

o a genuine example of military bearing; personally selected by Brigade Command Sergeant Major to participate on the Brigade Color Guard

o directly responsible for the training and certification of over 40 Soldiers during battalion driver's training; licensed 100% of participants

o revamped training of his section following assumption as the CGS NCOIC; coordinated weekly JSTARS flights to ensure better training for subordinates

o supervised the maintenance of two Common Ground Stations worth $10 million dollars; replaced parts valued in excess of $10,000 dollars ensuring mission readiness

o trained two junior Intelligence Analysts on how to research, create and fuse trends analysis products tailored for the 1AD Division G2 Assistant Chief of Staff

o oversaw ISA operations for entire G2; managed accountability and movement for over 100 million dollars worth of sensitive classified equipment in support of OIF 10

o assissted the Company with HMMWV Egress Assistance training; trained over 175 Soldiers on HMMWV rollover drills within the unit

o maintained 100% accountability of highly classified equipment valued in excess of $24,000,000 during two major Division exercises and deployment to OIF 10-11

o developed a detailed OCOKA terrain and weather analysis of Fort Bliss; product was widely used by Division planners in preparation of Operation Iron Focus

o co-authored the section's first GEOINT Standing Operating Procedure (SOP); document streamlined capabilities and enhanced productivity by 25%

o completed six semester credit hours towards a Master's Degree in International Relations & Conflict Resolution from American Military University

o implemented a workout and diet plan which enabled one Soldier to overcome the weight control program

o supervised nine Soldiers as project lead for an eight nation, Middle Eastern military and demographics study; research enhanced regional awareness of leaders in the G2

o identified a Soldiers excessive drinking habits and encouraged him to self-enroll in the Army Substance Abuse Program; enabled the Soldier to overcome binge drinking

o trained one Soldier on supply discipline which proved effective in his ability to maintain accountability of section requests that regularly exceeded $1,500 a month

o trained and mentored two Soldiers on proceedings for the Battalion promotion board; led to both Soldiers earning their promotable status

o instructed section Physical Readiness Training (PRT) at least eight days out of every month; demonstrated proper techniques, so Soldiers were better prepared for WLC

o facilitated the acquisition of load plans for the Distributed Enabled Common Ground Station (DE-CGS) from 4/1 AD; saved the section from having to develop new plans

o took the initative to broadcast weather advisories to units in Iron Focus while serving as Sergeant of the Guard; ensured commanders were aware of developing storms

o ensured subordinates weapons, equipment, and vehicles were serviceable and mission ready

o displayed confidence by recognizing the importance of military appearance

o transformed a blank database server into a well-organized catalog containing over six terabytes of critical geospatial data used for Division operational planning

o supervised the creation of a network architecture document which later served as the foundation for brining all of the section's workstations online to the Tactical Net

picture of map of runway

Imagery Analyst

o supervised the posting of all GEOINT products to the 1st Armored Division's NIPR and SIPR portals; ensured widest dissemination to customers

o served as a lane safety during Battalion range week; coached over 70 Soldiers on marksmanship fundamentals resulting in 95% of them qualifying with their weapons

o developed and managed an inventory to build list; ensured operational continuity for five inkjet plotters that printed dozens of maps daily in support of a division staff

o developed a memo which outlined resources and guidance on acquiring geospatial data; enabled Fort Bliss GEOINT cells to become self-reliant in running operations

o groomed a junior sergeant to serve as the IMINT NCOIC in preparation for his six week TDY absence; resulted in his subordinate yielding commendable results

o led all other NCO's in production of imagery intelligence products within the section; personally created well over 200 products in support of OIF 10-11 and OND

o provided oversight during Afghan elections; monitored polling sites and ensured Afghan elections success

o identified eight operational rocket launchers aimed at FOB; thwarted impending attack, saved lives and equipment

o produced over 1200 fresh intel products supporting OIF/OEF

o provided critical and up to date intel to ground forces and was key to safety and operational success

o rendered support during safehouse raid resulting in six IED emplacers detained and zero friendlies hurt

o conducted FP for first responders at helo crash site; identified possible insurgent activity, prevented ground unit losses

o analyzed UAV video during joint strike of armed insurgents and eliminated need for re-attack saving lives, supplies, and funds

o completed 14 Joint Intel Training CBTs consisting of 40 hours of specialized training

o her dedication to interpreting intel enhanced imagery knowledge and mission support

o identified armed insurgents actively engaging patrol and coordinated coalition force to neutralize threat

o exploited full motion video during strike against insurgents emplacing IED which finalized intel reports for incident

o completed rigorous NGA training course and gained expertise on National level systems

o monitored over 400 hours of full motion video that benefitted warfighters on the ground with critical knowledge of area

o aided OIF/OEF decision makers by providing expert analysis of area surveillance tapes

o meticulously analyzed 900 UAV imagery products and verified intel accuracy which led to mission generation on terrorist cells

o mentored one Soldier to win the Company Soldier of the Month Board; dedicated an additional 40 hours of training to prepare Solider for Battalion Soldier of the Quarter

o challenged subordinates to attend mock boards for professional development; resulted in each of his Soldiers attending over six mock boards during OIF 09-11

o trained three NCO's and four subordinates on the Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) elevation tool; resulted in over 15 state of the art security assessments

o created intuitive pocket promotion boards study guide training aids for for five subordinates; used as Company standard by Platoon Sergeants and First Sergeant

o flawlessly coached four subordinates on individual and collective Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT) tasks during transfer of authority with 25th Infantry Division

o assisted in the inventory and turn in of two AN-TSQ-179(V) two systems valued in excess of 16 million dollars

o created the unit's first ever MOVINT and ArcGIS SOPs; increased operational capabilities and ensured mission continuity

o competed at the NCO of the Month board with only a 24 hour notification and won

o awarded the APFT badge on his last record APFT for scoring a 289

o his leadership was paramount in successful RIP-TOA deployment operations while assuming duties as both section NCOIC and OIC for four weeks during their absence

o dedicated dozens of hours producing and collecting hundreds of useful professional development files onto Compact Discs for dissemination to Soldiers in his section

o assisted M16 range NCOIC with site setup that resulted in over 80 Soldiers qualifying on their individually assigned weapons

o always prepared and willing to provide hip pocket training for Soldiers; constantly drilled subordinates on Army Study Guide material

o developed a PMCS tracker used by leaders in the section that was instrumental in maintaining a 100% operational readiness rate

o encouraged his Soldiers to enroll in online correspondence courses; resulted in his section completing over a combined total of 100 hours of Rosetta Stone Training

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