Contracting NCO NCOER Bullets

See also: Air Force Contracting NCO EPR Bullets

o proactively deployed to Kuwait, enhancing forward contracting operations and mission-critical support in the Gaza region

o successfully managed a portfolio of 50+ contracts, exceeding all performance metrics for on-time delivery and contract compliance

o streamlined the contract review process by implementing a standardized template, resulting in a 20% reduction in review time

o negotiated a new contract with a major vendor, resulting in a 15% cost savings for the organization

o improved communication and collaboration between stakeholders by implementing a project management tool, resulting in a 25% reduction in contract-related errors

o identified and resolved contract performance issues, resulting in a 10% increase in vendor satisfaction ratings

o developed and delivered training sessions to internal teams on best practices for contract management, resulting in a 50% increase in adherence to contract compliance requirements

o established key performance indicators for all contracts, allowing for data-driven decision making and improving overall contract performance

o conducted regular contract audits, identifying and addressing areas of improvement to ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements

o coordinated with cross-functional teams to ensure all contract-related documents were accurately prepared and submitted on time, resulting in a 100% compliance rate

o assisted in the development of the organization's contract management policies and procedures, ensuring alignment with industry best practices and regulatory requirements

o served as Contracting Officer's Representative and ensured the LOGCAP IV Task Order 002 was executed in accordance with contract requirements

o ensured contract execution in compliance with contract requirements through his attention to detail

o transferred over 60 Contracting Officer Representative (COR) records into the new Contracting Officer Representative Tracking (CORT) tool; ensured all training and documentation complied with U.S. Army policy

o saved the U.S. Army over $80,000 between requiring activity funding estimates and actual contract award amount through her diligent price negotiation efforts

o expertly managed, supervised, and executed over 80 award in excess of $4 million without protest; directly supported Soldiers and the mission at three installations

o identified deficiencies and maintained 100% readiness rate for contingency equipment; ensured contract team had tools necessary to execute its global mission

o prepared DCMA Boston for the Management Readiness Team (MRT); arranged the collection and submission of more than 700 contract files

o consistently displayed great pride in his work; spent countless personal hours during end of year contracting to ensure suspenses were met for customer requirements

o developed and implemented several contract management tools that reduced contract closeout delinquencies by 50%

o maintained 100% accountability and security of Government and Contractor Acquired equipment valued over $5,500,000.00

o administered $13.7 Million worth of contracts to include closeouts saving the government an excess of $10,000.00 in costs and interest payments

o trained joint personnel on financial reporting systems to include EDA, EFR, Myinvoice; resulted in 100% self-sufficiency in figuring funding commitments

o volunteered for the first contracting team to deploy to Africa in support of Operation United Assistance (OUA) with four days of preparation

o executed and administered 22 contracts valued at $923,842.00 providing mission critical support to over 3,000 soldiers during the Ebola response in West Africa

o enforced SHARP/EO programs; resulted in a command climate that exceeded Army demographics as reported by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute

o leveraged articulate communication abilities by training five Contracting Officer Representatives (COR); allowed the 101st BSB to accomplish its humanitarian mission in Senegal

o negotiated changes in local African contracts improving operational effectiveness and reducing the costs of the OUA mission allowing the command to reallocate funds as needed

o recognized as subject matter expert for GFEBS; compiled over 70 reports valued at $84 million dollars, assisting joint personnel in Command's top priority closeouts

o trained joint personnel on financial reporting systems to include EDA, EFR, Myinvoice; resulted in 100% self-sufficiency in figuring funding commitments

o successfully executed 21 critical contract actions valued in excess of $850K for various installation activities during Fiscal Year closeout operations

o successfully completed the Contracting Officer's Respresentative course; submitted monthly audits on time and improved the professional relationship with DCMA


o facilitated the purchase and installation of over $150,000 in targets supporting the ground liaison officer overseeing the operational readiness of the A10C deployed in support of OPERATION ATLANTIC RESOLVE

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