MOS 56X Chaplain Candidate NCOER Bullets

o coordinated and facilitated religious Services for a population of 3,000 people, to include services for 4 distinct Faith Groups and 3 faith-specific group studies

o accepted additional duties consistently, mentored junior Soldiers and provided career guidance toward becoming an effective NCO

o provided instruction for marksmanship, hand to hand combat, and perimeter security; a force multiplier

o provided spiritual support to military and civilian personnel at the MIRC through both daily written materials and personal times of encouragement

o shared his wisdom and experience as an NCO with junior NCOs and was a constant source of wise counsel to Chaplains in the Command

o developed and implemented a revised and updated Command Religious Support Program for the Commanding General

o improved the vacancy rate of Chaplains in the MIRC from below 50% upon his arrival to over 95% when he left

o supported COVID-19 response and acted as a forward sensor for the command to identify Soldier needs; recognized for her tireless efforts

o single-handedly selected and directed five choruses sang for the Christmas Eve Candle Lighting Service

o taught 21 classes for 5 members of her Singles Ministry Class; expanded outreach by 75%

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