Sentry & Guard Post NCOER Bullets

See also: Border Security NCOER Bullets and Force Protection NCOER Bullets

See also: Navy Sentry Evaluations

o volunteered as a sentry; ensured 63d Readiness Division assets were safeguarded during a period of crucial vulnerability

o augmented the undermanned Auxiliary Security Force for several major events; ensured increased force protection readiness posture

o completed 88 Random Anti-terrorism Measures (RAM) which ensured the safety of the Sigonella community

o conducted hourly checks throughout multiple twelve hour shifts over the span of two weeks on six Entry Control Points; ensured vigilance and security

o demonstrated unwavering vigilance and dedication; improved the security posture and ensured continuous readiness

o filled in as gate guard; ensured good order and discipline was maintained and enhanced camp Force Protection Posture

o fulfilled a critical role at the Vanessa Guillen Gate; bolstered the safety and assurance of installation personnel

o maintained vigilance; protected a population of over 5,300 military and civilian personnel across two installations

o played a pivotal part in upholding the comprehensive security of the base; ensured the safety of a population of over 5,000 military, NATO, and civilian personnel

o provided policy guidance to ensure consistency within the Entry Control Point detail; ensured ECPs adhered to proper security measures

o regulated devices and individuals entering and leaving buildings; prevented the compromise of signals and other intelligence

o relieved and provided support for fellow soldiers; was an alert and dependable leader throughout the duration of his shifts

o reviewed over fifty badges while on ECP post; limited access to and secured buildings containing classified information

o showcased his reliability in a position crucial to maintaining the integrity and protection of the installation

o stood 140 hours of watch in support of AT/FP measures; provided a secure environment in support of two POTUS visits

o stood 250 hours of Gate Sentry, conducted 150 vehicle inspections, and implemented base-wide anti-terrorism measures

o stood as a steadfast guardian; sustained the integrity and readiness of the command's mission

o supervised 7 Air Force Security Forces personnel in the daily force protection of six aircraft; supported the increased operations tempo

o validated the access authority of all personnel; prevented access by anyone unauthorized or read in to the project

o volunteered as an armed sentry; ensured all security measures were implemented while securing assigned weapons at the George Patton Reserve Center

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