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See also: Air Force Sponsor Program EPR Bullets
o directed unit sponsor program; oversaw 7 sponsors and facilitated mentorship and transition for 181 members; 100% in-process accountability
o revised unit's sponsorship program; built briefs and developed training requirements; 41 soldiers mission ready in less than 2 weeks, cut on-boarding time by 50%
o reorganized the unit sponsorship program; developed welcome letter and assigned sponsors; facilitated communication and ensured continuity of care
o improved the INTRO program; established management site, raised sponsor/in-bound synergy; eased PCS transitions for 78 members
o sponsored new instructor; ensured smooth transition from flight line maintenance to technical training environment
o sponsored new soldier; helped secure housing and training requirements in record time; mitigated and minimized PCS irritants
o refined post sponsorship program; tracked over 200 allocation orders and reduced redundancy; 100% of soldiers adequately sponsored
o developed new soldier sponsorship program; garnered 100% member contact; enabled seamless support for in-bound members and their families
o revitalized base sponsorship program; lowered risk factors that could lead to negative experiences for new Soldiers
o managed the sponsor program; monitored, distributed, and updated sponsor allocation notices; managed base in-processing briefings
o revised the new arrival Post INTRO program; identified mismanagement, centralized information for 13 section chiefs; sponsors appointed within 72 hours vs weekly
o managed 437 personal sponsor appointments and duty info updates; ensured program and data integrity
o organized and led the first base tour in 5 years; dedicated 40+ hours planning, improved new arrival morale, outlook and expectations
o directed company sponsor program; revised 4 sources, trained 12 sponsors and tracked contact status; kept leaders abreast of arrival of new personnel
o sponsored all inbound soldiers for three months; advised Senior NCOs on contact status; served as focal point of support for 200 students