Physical Therapist
OER Examples

o established the first in-theater mobile Physical Therapy team; garnered 400 patient encounters across six Forward Operating Bases; sustained Special Operations Task Force-East Africa's mission

o provided 2,300 patient treatment visits and expanded inpatient services for 260 Afghanis; built trust with local national population

o rehabilitated 657 US/coalition forces to mission ready status; achieved an amazing 99% return to duty rate

o started a spine care clinic and treated 60 Soldiers at FOBs; innovative practice adopted Army-wide

o filled the NCOIC position and oversaw clinical operations for 27,000 patient encounters

o managed a 22-member joint service team; saved over one million dollars in outsourcing costs

o trained 44 joint service physical therapy assistant students; validated 131 tasks and accumulated 1200 training hours

o revised the unit education and training program; corrected 55 discrepancies, which fueled the satisfactory rating for Staff Assist Visit and Bn Inspection

o identified a manning shortage and coordinated with the career field manager to secure two additional manpower slots; sustained services for 30,000 patients

o provided patient centered medical care to 700 of our US and Coalition troops; improved readiness across the installation

o volunteered over 30 hours to lead pre-5k stretches, lifting, and back strengthening classes; ensured physical readiness of our troops, prevented injury

o treated over 2,000 patients; generated more than $200,000 in care for the Medical Group

o directed two senior therapists and three technicians in providing injury prevention education to over 2,000 members; reduced emergency room visits by 10%

o volunteered time for the local High School Football team; completed 260 sports physicals in one day

o served as volunteer for the local High School Football team for 3 seasons; treated over 40 acute injuries

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