Readiness NCO Duty Descriptions

See also: Readiness NCO Initial Counseling

AGR Readiness NCO of a Military Police Company
Serves as the full-time AGR Readiness NCO of a Military Police Company, responsible for unit administration, readiness, reports, and training; prepares correspondence, handles suspense times, and resources training; advises the Company Commander and First Sergeant on Soldier issues; acts as the Company Commander's day-to-day spokesperson; supervises 3 AGR Soldiers and 20 traditional M-Day Soldiers; serves as M-Day Operations NCO; daily duties include handling pay issues, coordinating with higher and sister units for upcoming training, creating training schedules, preparing Soldiers and equipment for drill weekend.

Readiness NCO
Manages daily operations and administration of the Poplarville Readiness Center. Advises the Commander on Training, Logistics, Personnel, and Unit Mobilization Readiness Requirements. Ensures the Unit develops, updates, and maintains comprehensive Mobilization Plans including Annual Post Mobilization Training Support Report, the Unit Alert Roster, and the Unit Home Station Activity List. Obtains all required data for the Unit Status Report and assists the Commander in preparing readiness reports. Monitors equipment on hand and the equipment readiness status of the Unit.

Readiness NCO
Responsible for supervising the successful accomplishment of the Commander's mobilization readiness objectives; anticipates and recommends solutions to needs of the unit in all aspects of unit readiness; keeps involved in the day to day supervision of training management, mobilization planning, supply, maintenance, pay and personnel functions relating to the welfare of the Soldiers and mission capability; acts as the commander's day to day representative and spokesman in the daily operations of the unit and ensures the highest readiness status of the unit; supervises 6 FTUS and 35 traditional Soldiers.

Readiness NCO
Reviews and meets or exceeds the unit's mobilization readiness objectives; acts as the Commander's representative when voicing concerns related to readiness; prepares for and recommends solutions to unit deployment requirements; coordinates daily with all other unit support functions to ensure readiness evolves with the mission, policy and directives; monitors medical readiness of all personnel and oversees the unit Family Care Plan program; ensures the unit is always in the highest state of readiness

Readiness NCO
Advises the commander on training, logistics, personnel and unit mobilization readiness requirements and ensures that the unit maintains comprehensive mobilization plans including vehicle load plans, unit movement plans, convoy clearance requests, and training and personnel requirements; reviews and implements mobilization directives and regulations; obtains all required data and prepares unit readiness reports; monitors the Equipment on Hand (EOH) and the Equipment Readiness (ER) status and keeps the commander informed on these and other issues.

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