Access Control Point (ACP) Awards

See also: Navy Visitor Control Center Awards

See also: Air Force Visitor Control Center Awards

During this period, the outstanding professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Officer (First Last) resulted in major contributions to the effectiveness and success of the installation visitor control center during initial implementation of new Rock Island Arsenal security standards. Officer (First Last) was extremely engaged and receptive in all training that was conducted and clearly made an extra effort to be fully prepared for the implementation of the new security standards. With the new security standards came many new challenges which Officer (First Last) handled with the highest level of professionalism. Officer (First Last) remained calm and collected in high stress situations and successfully deescalated all situations to a more manageable level. Because of the efforts of Officer (First Last), he/she is often called upon to address questions on uncommon circumstances or to clarify procedures that arise at the visitor control center.

During this period, Sergeant Butterworth was selected to deploy as Force Protection Escort to Ali Al Salem AB, Kuwait in support of OPERATIONS IRAQI FREEDOM and NEW DAWN. In this important assignment, Sergeant Butterworth verified 100 percent of entry authorizations for third country nationals, manned armed entry control points, and provided security for 3.2 billion dollars in military assets. Additionally, while assigned to the Entry Control Point, his meticulous attention to detail was a key factor in the flawless management of over 32,000 visitors a month and the highest security in over five years. His unparalleled dedication provided the foundation for a unit readiness rate of 96 percent and contributed to his unit garnering the 2016 Major General Eugene L. Eubanks award for best small unit category.

During this period, Sergeant White's superior performance and outstanding professionalism aided immeasurably in the protection of lives and equipment while performing entry control operations at Kirkuk Regional Air Base. His vigilance and attention to detail resulted in the identification and confiscation of 11 unauthorized firearms and over 50 pounds of smuggled contraband. In addition, Sergeant White devoted his days off to secure convoys for EOD teams responding to improvised explosive devices in the city of Kirkuk, and to personal security details of visiting dignitaries. Finally, Sergeant White's astute leadership and attention to detail were of paramount importance to the accurate record keeping and daily operation of the Security Forces Armory.

SPC Moppet's dedication to duty and professionalism were demonstrated while executing duties during the 300th MP Company's Access Control Point (ACP) mission. Her law enforcement training greatly aided in the detection and apprehension of one individual attempting to access the installation in possession of a controlled substance. In addition, she aided in the detection of three DUI incidents. While performing ACP operations, her situational awareness and professionalism ensured the safety and security of over 57,000 Soldiers, family members, and DA civilians stationed at Fort Riley.

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