COMSEC Custodian/CRO Awards

See also: Air Force COMSEC Custodian Awards

See also: Navy EKMS & COMSEC Manager Awards

SGT Wrona's meticulous administrative and clerical skills with Communications Security (COMSEC) helped complete the recent Semiannual Inventory Report with 100% accountability on over 500 COMSEC items while supporting the maintenance and security of highly sensitive cryptographic material. He revised an inventory system that helped physically identify over 275 Field Tamper Recovery (FTR) keys accounted for throughout the battalion. His skills and attention to detail helped streamline daily operations and the success of COMSEC management.

Outstanding achievement while serving as COMSEC Custodian, Defense Intelligence Agency Detachment, US Central Command from September 2014 to September 2015. Sergeant Randall Young successfully oversaw and managed the NSA mandated software upgrade of all model KG-175A network encryption devices. His technical and managerial skills were critical to increasing network capabilities across seven international regional operational areas. Additionally, he served as the USCENTCOM Joint Color Guard NCOIC, flawlessly representing the Defense Intelligence Agency and US Central Command at 21 ceremonies throughout the Tampa Bay area. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Young reflect credit upon himself, Defense Information Systems Agency and the United States Army.

Meritorious service while serving as Assistant COMSEC Account Manager, C Company, 48th Brigade Special Troops Battalion (BSTB). Working outside his MOS, Sergeant Weyland reformatted and revised the COMSEC Hand Receipt Holder's Course for the Brigade, condensing the course in time while increasing simplicity and comprehension. He trained over 200 soldiers in the management and storage of COMSEC material and was instrumental in 75% of the company signing up for ACCP coursework. He completed the Electronic Key Distribution Course, helping to automate the COMSEC Key distribution system throughout the Afghanistan Theater of Operations. In addition, he maintained 27 COMSEC accounts with 100% accountability and zero COMSEC Compromises or reportable COMSEC Incidents. The distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Weyland reflect credit upon himself, 48th Brigade Special Troops Battalion and the United States Army.

For superior service while deployed in support of Operation Inherent Resolve as a Cyber Surety Technician, a COMSEC Responsible Officer (CRO), and an Information Management Officer from 10 September 2015 to 21 March 2016. Sergeant Mellon's diligent efforts directly facilitated the installation of 22 workstations and six VOIP phones allowing for secure and reliable communication with critical assets down range. Sergeant Mellon's COMSEC expertise was vital in establishing a new COMSEC account and instructing personnel in secure communications. His performance reflects great credit upon himself, 1st Infantry Division and the United States Army.

Served as COMSEC Account Manager (CAM) from XXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXX. Staff Sergeant Katherine Simmons managed a COMSEC account with a mission scope that rivaled that of accounts much larger by supporting units which reside within the state as well as visiting units that require COMSEC support, such as training missions for weekend drills, annual training, or preparation for mobilization.

Staff Sergeant Katherine Simmons' efforts in managing this COMSEC account supported the Video Teleconference (VTC) for The Adjutant General (TAG) and the COMSEC key for Homeland Security while also providing secure communications for the SPRINT over the NIPRNET system for the state of Iowa.

The superior and competent support that Sergeant Simmons provided is evidenced by the tools and training they provided to the TAG, TAG's staff and Homeland Security. Her management allowed them to train as they fight while operating their equipment in the secure mode and managing secure networks for domestic or theater communications. This greatly impacted unit readiness.

Sergeant Simmons' dedication and outstanding CAM skills were demonstrated by the receipt of a Satisfactory rating while being commended for no reportable findings during the last three COMSEC audits. She is also the subject matter expert for the state of Iowa and was nominated for COMSEC Account Manager (CAM) of the Year due to her unwavering and continuous dedication to service.

o flawlessly distributed over 500 pieces of physical and electronic key material to HRHs all over SWA on a continuous basis; resulted in zero incidents or deficiencies

o maintained responsibility and accountability of COMSEC automated equipment for 1800 sensitive and classified line items valued at $800,000

o responsible for distribution, reallocation, destruction, and security of all COMSEC related equipment and materials organic to the Kuwaiti and Iraqi Theater

o his determination to adhere to the National Security Agency policies aided in the Division's "Outstanding" rating during the Oct 2009 Semi-Annual COMSEC Inspection

o deployed three times in support of Operations IRAQI and ENDURING FREEDOM providing essential Communication Security for over two thousand AH-64 combat sorties

o loaded/witnessed destruction of critical Communications Security information which enabled critical, secure communications with helicopter crews to receive clearance to land at deployed location

o her efforts were instrumental in the training nine personnel on the new AH-64 fill keying process, performing an annual rekey of 36 AH-64 helicopters

o provided vital expertise as the interim Security Manager, responsible for the timely processing of security clearances and visit requests for over 100 personnel; vital to operations

o aided immeasurably in several Operational Readiness Inspections, Unit Compliance Inspections, and Communications Security Inspections

o masterminded the control and security of 75 classified equip items garnering a 100% inventory of $2.5 million in assets with zero security violations

o ensured all required information was correctly documented and proccessed for all of the Operations group security clearances

o packed/processed 14 full COMSEC support packages to teams deploying in support of Haiti Relief Operations enabling deployment within 12 hours of alert recall

o developed the 31st Armored Brigade Information Assurance COMSEC account inspection database providing centralized account tracking, increased on-time inspections for all user accounts

o his strict attention to detail and accounting procedures ensured the accountability of over 3,000 COMSEC items and was directly responsible for 434th FA Excellent rating for the 2009 Information Assurance Assessment Program visit

o led the COMSEC ADVON team for the Secretary of Defense's # 1 priority, Task Force ODIN. He carefully controlled 24 hard drives, 9 SKLs, and 8 laptops while maintaining 100% accountability of all classified material

o led the 7th Signal Brigade COMSEC Account through the 2009 5th Signal Command inspection. This account received zero discrepancies achieving the highest rating from HQ USAREUR

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