Inspection Award Examples

Standardization, Evaluation, and Assistance Team (SEAT) Inspection

SGT Maxwell served as a maintenance manager for the 8th WMD-Civil Support Team's maintenance program and dedicated countless hours preparing for the team's bi-annual Standardization, Evaluation, and Assistance Team (SEAT) inspection. SGT Maxwell's efforts focused on organizing and ensuring the accuracy of the team's equipment, calibration, and driver's programs. His work directly contributed to the maintenance section receiving a 98% score on the SEAT evaluation, an increase from an estimated 89% just four months prior to the inspection. SEAT evaluators conducted a thorough inspection of 49 checklist items that included an accurate and current maintenance SOP, GSA vehicle service program, and PMCS program for the unit's entire equipment inventory valued at more than nine million dollars. SGT Maxwell's contributions to the maintenance program resulted in a combined overall score of 97% allowing the team to maintain the highest levels of readiness and to focus on its primary mission of providing weapons of mass destruction response services to the State of Colorado and the Nation.

Department of Emergency Services Inspection

Specialist Jiminez was instrumental in preparing the Bravo Company Arms Room for its 18-month Department of Emergency Services inspection. Due to his hard work and preparation for the Arms Room inspection, no deficiencies at fault of the Armorers were found. His outstanding attention to detail led to three of the four arms rooms in the Battalion passing inspection.

Organizational Inspection Program (OIP) Inspection

For superior service as unit CBRNE NCO from July 2014 to June 2016. SPC Bhong's commitment to mision accomplishment and selfless service in support of Foxtrot company during critical times have been paramount to the growth and success of the unit. His outstanding performance and dedication to duty was a major factor to the success of Foxtrot Company passing the Division's Organizational Inspection Program (OIP) inspection. He received 100% on the M45 pro mask portion of that inspection, earning a commendable rating. SPC Bhong's performance during this period brings great credit upon himself, the 2nd Battalion, 227th Aviation Regiment and the United States Army.

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