General Engineering Supervisor

Construction Inspector

During this period, Master Sergeant Keurig oversaw the 1 million dollar utility meter installation project. He coordinated 35 power outages with minimum impact to customers and reduced the Battalion's energy consumption by 25 percent. As the quality inspector for the new 13 million dollar Professional Military Education facility, he identified 40 discrepancies and over 150 linear feet of structural cracking during construction. His attention to detail ensured compliance with construction standards while enabling the on-time completion of the project. As the NonCommissioned Officer In Charge of the 9-member construction management shop, he oversaw 36 construction projects costing over 500 million dollars and was the driving force behind the successful stand up of the Engineering Group which consolidated the two construction management offices. Sergeant Keurig's extraordinary efforts during this period reflect credit upon himself, the Engineering Group and the United States Army.

Project Engineer

SFC Mixon prioritized, planned, and completed nine projects valued at over 1.9 million dollars. His efforts significantly improved the quality of life on the FOB and facilitated mission effectiveness. His foresight, experience, and attention to detail ensured that all designs were reliable and maintainable. He also served as the Contracting Officer's Representative and ensured contractors complied with all aspects of the contracts, projects were completed on schedule, and there were no unforseen cost increases.

Project Engineer

MSG Reyes deployed to Israel and over 4 months, supervised the development of a modification discipline tracker used to analyze the applicability and quality of designs of ongoing projects throughout Israel. He also served as project engineer, negotiated change orders, and assisted in the close-out of five high visibility projects valued at over $5,000,000. The accomplishments of MSG Reyes bring great credit upon himself, the United States Corps of Engineers and the United States Army.

JTF Engineer

meritorious achievement while serving as the Engineer for the Joint Task Force, Guantanamo Bay. MSG Reyes established and maintained the high standards of the JTF Engineering shop while performing the duties of the Engineering Director. During the 90 day deployment, MSG Reyes assumed responsibility for all facility construction oversight and repair management. While shouldering these additional responsibilities, he maintained his supervision of facility operations and services for the 700,000 square foot JTF property and compound. MSG Reyes' extraordinary efforts and accomplishments during this period reflect credit upon himself, the U.S. Southern Command and the United States Army.

Program Manager

MSG Reyes is recognized for outstanding support to the 579th Engineer Battalion. On multiple occasions and involving several different civil engineering scenarios, he provided well placed physical security advice gained from his international port facility security audit experience. He recommended realistic and effective countermeasures to reduce risks using a proven, performance based approach rather than using traditional but ineffective methods. This knowledge transfer improved infrastructure security and resulted in long-term cost savings and reduced physical security threats. The accomplishments of MSG Reyes bring great credit upon himself, the United States Corps of Engineers and the United States Army.

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