MQ-1 Unmanned Aircraft Operator

Sergeant Gray deployed 123 days to Kandahar Air Field Afghanastan for OEF. There he aided in 890 MQ-1 combat sorties which lead to an outstanding 92% MC rate. In addition, he helped design an MQ-1 bulkhead oil fitting repair. He restored the structural integrity of the aircraft to 100% halting an 11 day schedule deviation and saving 5 million dollars in combat funds. Sergeant Gray also completed an upper cowl accuator hinge exchange for the entire deployed MQ-1 fleet. All worn hinges were swapped preventing a class A mishap and a loss of one million dollars per aircraft.

First Lieutenant Larkson distinguished himself by outstanding achievement while assigned as the recorder for the Class B MQ-1 mishap that occurred on 4 July, 2016. Lieutenant Larkson's keen judgment, job knowledge, personal expertise, and exhaustive efforts were invaluable to the Board's analysis, deliberation, and final results. His total dedication and high degree of professionalism contributed immensely to the overall Board findings and recommendation. Lieutenant Larkson's hard work will help prevent a similar mishap in the future, thereby preserving our nation's combat capability.

During this period, Sergeant Palmer conducted 999 hours of full-motion video, providing near-real time Intelligence, Surviellance, and Reconnaisance capability for special operations forces, which led to the capture or elimination of 999 enemy combatants and 99 high value individuals. Sergeant Palmer facilitated the safe recovery of 11 MQ-1 in-flight emergencies, saving over $2 million in assets. In addition, as an Instructor Sensor Operator, he also trained seven new Sensor Operators, bolstering manning by 25 percent. His actions significantly contributed to the squadron garnering the Special Operations Squadron of the Year Award.

Meritorious service while serving as Aircraft Commander, B Company, 15th Military Intelligence Battalion (AE), Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah Georgia. During this period, Corporal Michael Burns' outstanding professional skill, knowledge, and leadership aided immeasurably in assisting ground troops in identifying the location and daily routines of the target that ITC tasked the unit for overwatch. During the deployment, Corporal Burns supported over 300 flight hours while assisting in over 100 flight missions. Additionally, he assisted the Gray Eagle aviation mechanics with any tasks required to get the aircraft ready for the next launch or to recover the aircraft back into the hanger when the daily mission was completed.

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