Electromagnetic Spectrum Manager

See also: Navy Spectrum Manager Awards

See also: Air Force Spectrum Management Awards

Meritorious service while serving as Electromagnetic Spectrum Manager, Camp Guernsey Joint Training Center, from XXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXX. Staff Sergeant Andersen's outstanding professional skill, knowledge, and expertise aided immeasurably in the success of Wyoming Defense Support to Civil Authorities (DSCA) missions and the readiness of state, foreign and deploying units. His ability to foresee and identify problem areas, and develop and implement effective processes guaranteed 100% COMSEC and SIPRnet capabilities throughout operations and sustained the highest uptime rate in recorded history. Sergeant Andersen's actions reflect great credit upon himself, Camp Guernsey Joint Training Center, the Wyoming Army National guard and the United States Army.

Meritorious service while serving as NCOIC, Installation Spectrum Management, 78th Communications Directorate, 78th Air Base Wing, Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, from XXXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXXXX. During this period, Sergeant Wayne C. Anviltree managed over 350 Radio Frequency Assignments (RFA) supporting 13 Robins Air Force Base assigned and tenant units, assuring reliable communications for over 20,000 users. His diligent leadership and technical prowess were instrumental in securing vital C-130 aircraft radar frequencies that enabled the support of 78 experimental flight tests critical to the aircraft navigation system upgrade. Additionally, Sergeant Anviltree audited more than 300 radio frequency licenses during the spectrum five-year review and identified 31 idle licenses which were returned, expanding resources for future use by 20 percent, and saving the Air Force $25,000 annually. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Anviltree reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

Master Sergeant Robert B. Thorsheim distinguished himself in the performance of outstanding service to the United States as Frequency Manager while assigned to the United States Special Operations Command European Field Office from 20 September 2009 to 30 November 2012. During this period, the outstanding professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Sergeant Thorsheim resulted in an increase of effective radio communications support for operations across the European Command theater. His talent and dedication to duty and earnest research into all aspects of inter-agency communications support led to the discovery of several unused and very scarce UHF satellite narrow band channels that were subsequently assigned to special operations missions, expanding their resources by 50 percent. His consistent support ensured the success of all US European Command operations and exercises during his tenure as Frequency manager. The singularly distinctive accomplishments of Sergeant Thorsheim reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force.

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