Combat Medic
- While attached as a medic at Lightning Academy, Specialist Berns' medical expertise resulted in the treatment of 50 real world casualties from July 2024 to March 2025. Specialist Berns' knowledge made it possible for these patients to receive proper treatment and reach a higher level of care in an expedient manner.
- While assigned as the 2/27 INF Mortars medic, Specialist Berns taught Combat Life Saver (CLS) and Tactical Casualty Combat Care (TC3) to the HHC Mortar Platoon. Specialist Berns' medical knowledge allowed for more medically postured platoon, prepared to treat casualties in any operational environment.
- As a medic assigned to the 2/27 INF Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) section, Specialist Berns demonstrated outstanding planning and execution by creating an effective battalion wide MEDEVAC plan. These efforts streamlined patient handoffs, allowing companies within the unit to continue missions with minimal time and resource expenditure.
Combat Medic
Provided Role II medical coverage on Camp Paradise and for the entire Exercise Keris Strike 2024. Her actions directly and positively impacted the mission to provide real world medical treatment, evacuation, and oversight of forces from three nations executing multiple live fire ranges, airborne and air assault operations, high altitude low opening drops, and a five-day field training exercise (FTX).
SPC Brady provided medical coverage for 40 Malaysian soldiers and 44 US Soldiers during an airborne operation that transitioned into an 11-kilometer foot march. She provided priority care to 4 confirmed heat casualties with over 20 Soldiers in need of preventative care. With minimal supplies and working in an austere environment, SPC Brady performed exceptionally well to ensure all four soldiers made it back to the Role 2 clinic with every patient fully recovering.
SPC Brady displayed remarkable critical thinking, leadership skills, and rapid response time when an unexpected patient arrived in the middle of the night with critical symptoms. She expeditiously started taking vital signs, completed elaborate documentation, administered albuterol using a nebulizer, and continuously monitored the patient until he was returned to duty. With many obstacles, SPC Brady ensured the safety and full recovery of the patient demonstrating her commitment to selfless service.
SPC Brady drove a field litter ambulance (FLA) over 200 miles during three separate missions to support 13 individual units to include Malaysian and Australian armed forces. She made decisions in the absence of orders to care and transport two Malaysian heat casualties to a higher echelon of care. She played a pivotal role in establishing and locating the necessary medical equipment to perform essential medical care from the back of an FLA.
SPC Brady displayed her true selfless service by volunteering to spend 3 extra days in Malaysia performing port operations to oversee the loading and shipping of medical supplies worth more than $1 million
68W Platoon Medic
PFC Diles, Clayton is being recommended for the United States Army Achievement Medal for his actions as the 1-508th PIR, Able Company, 2nd PLT Medic during the BDE CTE training that took place from 23JUL24 until 02AUG24.
His actions during the first phase of Engagement Area Development working with co-located engineer dozers led to his PLT having a dug in Casualty collection point location for casualties to be brought into and treated whilst maintaining maximum cover and concealment during a gun fight with enemy opposition.
His actions rendering appropriate medical treatment to five real world heat casualties under unfavorable conditions on the final day of training allowed his company to continue the mission and ensure the medical safety of Able Company paratroopers until evacuation to higher echelons of care.
Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS) Medical Technician
Since arriving, SPC Naraval has impacted the section greater than any other junior enlisted I have seen. This is due to both his prior service experience and his personal commitment to excellence. For example, he took charge in establishing the 3-6 BN TOMS Clinic. Although this endeavor is a monumental task that is generally managed by an individual with much greater experience, he executed this task to near perfection. In just a few months, he found a site for the clinic, resourced all equipment required and got the clinic to operational standard. The clinic reaching this standard is in no small part due to the dedication of SPC Naraval.
In December of 2023, a tasking came down to support Recruiting Command. This tasking had the SM heading to Milwaukee, Wisconsin on 8 January 2024. SPC Naraval was the only individual we felt complete confidence in sending. He was always prepared to execute any mission at any time.
Over the next six months, SPC Naraval assisted with the entry processing of over 6,000 new recruits across all branchs of the Armed Forces, including screening over 2,000 patients and completing nearly 2,500 physicals. His efforts and dedication to duty had a critical impact on the FY24 DoD accession mission by both optimizing the timeliness of the entry process while also ensuring qualified applicants achieved their goal of military service.
Medical Support for Marksmanship Competition
Service member displayed exceptional performance while providing medical support for the I Corps Marksmanship Competition from 26FEB-29FEB.
Service member aided and supported 175 soldiers, both competitors and cadre, during the competition and provided medical and evacuation support.
Service member not only provided outstanding medical coverage, but also participated in training and furthered his knowledge beyond the standard.
His competence and medical knowledge played a vital role in providing care during live fire events.
Eagle First Responder (EFR) Trainer
SPC XXX's skill, competence, and leadership played a vital role in the success of training 138 Soldiers in Eagle First Responder (EFR) across the Battalion during the Division Field Exercise from 01 NOV 2021 to 30 NOV 2021 with a 100% pass rate. SPC XXX's exemplary teaching and mentoring attests to his professional knowledge, willingness to accept responsibility, attention to detail, and the ability to adapt himself to any assignment or situation.
Liaison Officer (LNO)
While serving as Region Liaison Officer (LNO) NCOIC for Landstuhl Regional Medical Center (LRMC), SFC Quickel demonstrated outstanding professionalism and dedication to duty in support of 4th Infantry Division (4ID). SFC Quickel's leadership abilities developed a sense of teamwork and genuine willingness to help and assist Patients, hospital staff, and Medical Transient Detachment personnel with problems in a courteous manner; one of the best LNOs in LRMC.
Healthcare Technician
PFC St Germain personally vaccinated over 700 service members and civilians in support of the COVID 19 vaccination mission and helped the vaccine team reach its goal of completing over 3500 vaccinations in less than 30 days. She demonstrated dedication to her profession as a health care professional with patience and compassion which reduced vaccine fear and hesitation in her patients. Her support of the mission was a vital factor in the CTARNG achieving its goal of vaccinating everyone who requested to be vaccinated.
Health Care Sergeant
As a Health Care Sergeant, SGT XXX assisted in dramatically improving the overall medical readiness of the Battalion. During her assignment, she facilitated over 850 Periodic Health Assessments (PHA), ensuring over 90% of the Battalion remained medically deployable. Throughout her tenure, she was a pivotal resource in assisting and coordinating three annual influenza drives, safeguarding the health of over 1,600 Soldiers assigned to the Panther Battalion.
SGT XXX's dedication and professionalism as a medic built an unwavering level of trust among the Soldiers and leaders of each battery she cared for. While attached to XXXX during XXX, she cared for over 60 Soldiers, maintaining zero injuries throughout the duration of training. Her skill, competence and medical knowledge also played a vital role in providing care during 15 live fire events and multiple field exercises.
Meritorious service while serving as Instructor and Course Developer, HHC, 232d Medical Battalion, 32d Medical Brigade, Joint Base San Antonio from XXXXXXXX to XXXXXXXX. Staff Sergeant Coranado was instrumental in developing and implementing the use of online learning platforms in the 68W Combat Medic specialist course in response to changing conditions during the COVID-19 pandemic. These platforms include the use of Blackboard, multiple practice tests and study guides, and approximately 400 hours of didactic and psychomotor skills videos. As a result, the Army was able to continue training and graduated more than 3,000 new Combat Medic Specialists to add to the operational force. The sterling accomplishments of Sergeant Coranado reflect great credit upon himself, the 32d Medical Brigade and the United States Army.
Treatment NCO
SGT XXXX displayed exceptional leadership skills and medical proficiency as a senior treatment NCO for the Role I from 20170628 to 20180501. His attention to detail and willingness to succeed contributed to the successful reception, treatment, and evacuation of 30 real-world and over 500 notional casualties. SGT xxxx assisted his team in executing updated FAS/MAS operations to achieve mission objectives. SGT Larue's commitment as a healthcare sergeant resulted in zero critical injuries or deaths of Soldiers in his care.
Combat Medic
Professional achievement in the superior performance of his duties while assigned as Combat Medic supporting Kuwaiti and Qatari Military medical teams during the first ever tri-lateral tactical MEDEVAC exercise DESERT LEOPARD at Task Force Sebah from 3-6 March 2019. Utilizing U.S. Army combat medicine, Sergeant Johnson integrated tactical combat casualty concepts into medical treatment lanes and patient MEDEVAC scenarios for the refinement of Role 1 medical care from point of injury to definitive advanced care. This training promoted interoperability between U.S. Military Hospital Kuwait, Kuwait North Military Medical Complex teams and Qatari medical assets and honed skills, established clinical practice guidelines and built partner nation relationships between U.S. and tri-lateral armed forces. The accomplishments of Sergeanr Johnson bring great credit upon himself, the 300th Sustainment Brigade and the United States Army.
SPC XXXXX distinguished himself from his peers by exceptional service as an Emergency Room Medic from November 2015 to January 2017. His skill, competence and medical knowledge played a vital role in providing care to a daily patient census of over 170 patients in the Emergency Department. He played an integral part of the Ambulance Team, responding to and transferring over 100 personnel to hospitals providing outstanding en route medical care saving the Army over $150,000.00 in ambulance transport fees.
SPC XXXXXX expanded his knowledge by being competent in assisting our providers in emergency procedures and successfully trained over 100 Air Force and 25th ID Soldiers, allowing them to receive training certifications. He responded to over 300 Rapid Response Team and Code Blue calls during his tenure. SPC XXXX filled a critical position during two RIMPAC's, he was responsible for triaging critical patients ensuring the highest quality of care and was a vital part of the decontamination team treating over 70 simulated patients.
SPC XXXXXX was selected to serve as the enlisted aide to the Command Sergeant Major of Regional Health Command-Pacific. He created and implemented a driver's checklist for driving VIP's which was included in the TAMC Gate Gaurd brief. SPC Henderson tracked required training and was the Combined Federal Campaign manager for RHC-P Headquarters staff. SPC XXXXXX was recognized multiple times for his attention to detail and professionalism when assisting the leadership of the U.S. Army during their visits to RHC-P.
SPC Brooks demonstrated a pattern of outstanding performance during the time frame listed by always volunteering for tasks with the utmost enthusiasm. He was instrumental to the completion of the medical section s missions such as height and weight recording, exemplary medical coverage at APFTs, live fire ranges, and land navigation exercises. His dedication as a team leader was crucial to the medical readiness of his Soldiers.
68W Healthcare Specialist
SGT Smith provided exceptional service as a 68W Healthcare Specialist on a 16 bed inpatient Mother Baby Unit in a 198 bed Army Medical Center from September 2013 until September 2016. She delivered outstanding direct patient care to hundreds of Soldiers and beneficiaries during her time on 5B2. During her tenure she functioned as the unit Equipment Management NCO and the Point of Care Testing Representative, ensuring medical equipment was functional and readily available for patient care.
Combat Medic
SGT XXXX served for over two years in the Emergency Department of a level III Regional Army Medical Center that serves the Pacific Region; treats Soldiers, their families, beneficiaries, and retirees and treats approximately 140 patients per day. His service positively impacted the lives of over 24k individual patients during his tenure. SGT Hairston responded to over 80 RRT calls and was the go to medic for difficult IV access.
Combat Medic
SPC Rodriguez demonstrated a pattern of outstanding performance during the preparation, execution and recovery of 110TH CM BN (TE) National Training Center (NTC) rotation 14-08. She displayed a high level of competence and professionalism while serving as the team leader in the Battalion Aid Station. As team leader, she was responsible for the welfare, accountability, and mission readiness of two Soldiers, their safety and the serviceability of their weapons and all assigned equipment valued over 185,000 thousand dollars.
SPC Rodriguez' tireless work ethic, knowledge and interaction of supplies ensured preparation for real world and simulated casualties. Her guidance and attention to detail contributed greatly to the overall success of each mission that followed and fostered an environment of mission and equipment readiness. SPC Rodriguez' exemplary handling of administrative matters attests to her professional knowledge, willingness to accept responsibility, attention to detail, and the ability to adapt herself to any assignment or situation.
SPC Rodriguez' dedication and professionalism as a medic built an unwavering level of trust among the Soldiers of each unit that fell under 110TH CM BN (TE) for patient care. Her knowledge of tactics, techniques, and procedures contributed to the success of the battalion's mission as she was able to keep an Aid Station running 12 hours per day while in RUBA, maintain constant cognizance of her surroundings and act accordingly while urging her Soldiers to succeed in continuing mission with minimal manpower loss.
Upon return from NTC, SPC Rodriguez was chosen over three other medics to take control of recovery as the Non Commissioned Officer In Charge. She simultaneously led the team through NTC recovery and Change of Command Inspections while integrating her new medic. SPC Rodriguez' leadership and "Take Charge" attitude inspired her team to rise above themselves and accomplish all missions though they had limited staff.

Medical Technician
As a vital member of the Forward Surgical Team, he amplified local medical assets by assisting with the care of 100 trauma and 200 outpatient local nationals and coalition forces.
SSG Tyson provided top care during 12 mass casualities, 100 hours of medical-surgical care, and intensive care unit recovery of critical trauma patients.
His attention to detail provided continuity of care as she assisted with the medevac of over 200 patients to role III care.
Facilitated the prescreening of 325 military members during several successful blood drives, two of which occured during indirect fire. His dedication to duty increased the emergency supply of blood and optimized patient care readiness.
Combat Medic
SSG Foley repeatedly volunteered for and served as range cadre, assisting 399th A Co. Soldiers in zeroing and qualifying with the M16A2 weapons system. His tight integration with the team streamlined training and reduced range time by 50%.
SSG Foley assisted with unit inventory before turning equipment over to Ft. Dix. His accurate and minute accounting coupled with realistic assessment of equipment condition resulted in a positive balance in the company budget.
As ADVON personnel, he prepared the site and set up required equipment for training. His participation has made him an indispensable member of the team and faciliated mission readiness.
Trained over 100 inexperienced Navy personnel on the setting up and taking down of the TEMPER tent system and hospital operations and EMT section procedures. Increased joint ops readiness.
o selected over 20 Sergeant First Classes to fill the position of a Master Sergeant for the Department of Health and Educational Training
o exhibited exceptional technical and tactical proficiency; trained, developed and validated over 5,000 Soldiers in TC3 while completing six college courses
o exceptional NCO; voted the Instructor of the Cycle over 60 NCOs for class 5-10
o selected to fill the role of SMTS NCOIC on multiple occasions without compromising the mission, the caliber of training and the safety for students and cadre
o selflessly volunteered to participate in multiple outreach functions for the SAMC that helped over 2,000 Soldiers and civilians in the local community
o developed and implemented training aids for the BAS lane and the convoy lane that led to a better prepared Soldiers for combat and Garrison operations
o superbly trained over 5,000 Soldiers on BAS, MOUT, patrol, convoy, and FOB operations that will increase their expertise and survivability during combat operations
o dedicated hours of off-duty time to monitor mandatory training statuses and inputted data via DTMS for over 60 NCOs which kept everyone's training status current
o his strong emphasis on professional growth encouraged 100% of his NCOs to enroll in college courses; over 30 college credits were completed
o effectively maintained 100% accountability of over $10,000 supplies and assisted with $1,000,000 in supplies and equipment without damage or lost
o employed the composite risk management during elevated risk training events to include invasive procedures and handling pyro which resulted in zero serious incidents
Combat Medic
o instructed numerous formal Combat LifeSaver Courses with better than 90% pass rate
o while in the WTU, seved as a first responder, helped insure that the best medical treatment possible was being receved including IV's proper o2 levels and medical transfer was properly recorded for transfering to further care.
Health Care NCOIC
o developed an expert working knowledge of Relative Value Units(RVUs); directed 75k patient encounters resulting in 66k RVUs netting $4.7M in revenue
Health Care Specialist
Sergeant M served and completed two tours of duty in Iraq, as a Health Care Specialist
Segeant M deployed to Iraq for a second time in 2011 and served as a team leader and emergency care NCO for a medical company providing comprehensive level II medical care in support of worldwide contingency opeations.
Sergeant M was responsible for the management, health, welfare, morale, and accountability of seven Soldiers in all aspects of medical proficiency and training.
Sergeant M supervised field and clinical medical facilities under the supervision of a Physician.
Sergeant M was responsible for the accountability and management of more then $200,000.00 of equipment sets and vehicles.
Performed admirably while attached to HHC 2/505 PIR Med Platoon During JRTC
As an Ambulance Driver/Aid Man, demonstrated proficiency and knowledge of his job well above his peers
Despite fatigue and lack of assets, remained highly motivated thoughout the entire operation
Earned the coveted Expert Field Medical Badge
Progressed from duties as squad leader, to Senior NCO over numerous projects, to responsibilities as aide/advisor to the Commander and CSM
Conducted multiple aerial gunnery and small arms range medical coverage; not a single injury
Aided in the creation of the Warrior Return Unit which maximized the quality of life for Soldiers while they convalesce from injuries
Conducted impromptu medical trauma training during ranges; enchanced soldiers' range experience and improved readiness
While deployed ISO Task Force Anvil, assumed security duties; processed over 500 security clearances and access badges during rotation
Supported urgent medical care for approximately 2,500 service members and their families in the Fort Stewart community
Ward Master
o appointed NCOIC of part three of the mass schools physicals resulting in over 1700 school age children being fully immunized
Emergency Treatment NCOIC
MSG Auble's performance as the Medical Plans OIC, in the absence of the assigned officer, exceeded expectaions. By accepting this position, he was able to continue supporting the medical deployment needs of two subordinate Engineer Battalions without interuption. He also provided leadership and mentorship for two battalions' 68Ws to improve their skills, readiness and ability to effectively care for their fighting forces in preparation for deployment to OIF and OEF.
MSG Auble demonstrated initiative and integrity by launching a brigade Motorcycle Mentorship program and coached its growth until all members were involved. Since the implementation of this program, there have been no motorcycle fatalities or significant injuries in the Engineer Brigade.
As one of the first members of the new 130th Eng Bde, he demonstrated initiative in creating all medical policies and procedures for the newly activated Engineer Brigade, ensuring he was prepared for any eventuality. He also created a brigade Standard Operating Procedure for the new Consolidated Brigade Aid Station, which enhanced the care of more than 2,000 Soldiers.
MSG Auble dramatically improved the overall medical readiness of the Brigade during his assignment to include improving medical readiness from 60% to 92%, improving the deployment readiness from less than 60% to almost 95%, and improved the 68W sustainment and certification program from 75% to 99%. His leadership was instrumental in 140 Soldiers completing CLS course with a 100% first time pass rate.
o provided medical training for both 68W and ancillary mos's from treatment platoon
o tracked MEDPROS status for over 140 unit members and more than 100 temporary PROFIS personnel
o helped set up 5K run in support of Rabies awareness month, increased awareness, lessened threat of rabies in Camp Taji
o volunteers for tasks on a daily basis
o established company and battalion level battle drills while adapting to evolving enemy TTPs
o instructs medical classes for the 144th EN BN in a professional manner
o adjusted customer service hours to better meet needs; eliminated most common customer complaint, increased access
o conducted numerous medical/first-aid classes to the HHC/FSC of the 144th EN BN
o conducted over 70 aeromedical evacuation missions achieving maximum results while flying over 250 combat hours
o took charge of scenario-based situations and expertly treated casualties while attending CMAST training
o assisted with treatments of 12 pediatric, 60 adult patients at adopted Egyptian Hospital
o assisted in medical evacuation of over 2,000 U.S. and Multi-National Coalition soldiers from MNC-I Forward Operating Bases
o worked as Range Safety for more than 50 small arms ranges, supervising more than 700 firers with no safety incidents
CBWTU Platoon Sergeant
SFC Rivers demonstrated excellence in a critical leadership role as Platoon Sergeant and Triad Team Member by promoting team momentum, enthusiasm, pride and successful outcomes for our WTs. SFC Rivers is highly focused and adept at multi-tasking as he successfully prioritizes when confronted with with multiple deadlines, conflicts, demands and an increased caseload. SFC Rivers displays a level of involvement as Community Based Warrior Transition Unit Triad Member that reflects high professional standards and a strong commitment to our nation's heroes.